Supported databases

Overview Copied

Opsview Monitor is compatible with MySQL and MariaDB, as listed in its Supported databases.

Supported databases Copied

Opsview Monitor installs the following database versions by default.

Operating system Database version
Ubuntu 18 MySQL 5.7
Ubuntu 20 MySQL 8.0
Debian 10 MariaDB 10.3
RHEL 7 MariaDB 5.5
RHEL 8 MariaDB 10.3
OL 7 MariaDB 5.5
CentOS 7 MariaDB 5.5

The following non-default database overrides are also supported for deployment.

Operating system Database version
Ubuntu 18 MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.5
Ubuntu 20 MariaDB 10.5
Debian 10 MySQL 5.7
RHEL 7 MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.5
RHEL 8 MySQL 8.0
OL 7 MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.5
CentOS 7 MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.5


Alternative database versions might work, but they have not been tested by Opsview.

Amazon RDS is also supported when using a MySQL-compatible version based on this list.

Future database support

As this version of Opsview no longer receives updates except for significant security issues, additional databases will not be added, and fixes will not be released for databases in the above list that encounter issues going forward.

Opsview Monitor 6.10.0 and above has a new Supported Database Policy that should be adhered to. To avoid additional effort during upgrades, users are recommended to align with a database version that will continue to be supported in Opsview 6.10.0 and above.

End-of-Life databases

Some database versions listed above are End-of-Life (EOL) and will not receive further updates from the vendor. While deployment may be possible, it is recommended to choose a non-EOL database version whenever possible.

Running the check-deploy.yml playbook may identify EOL issues if these databases are used.

Current EOL databases:

  • MySQL 5.7
  • MariaDB 5.5
  • MariaDB 10.3

Local database server Copied

Default database Copied

To use the default database, no additional configuration is required. The default database is installed and configured automatically. Using user_vars.yml to configure database settings is not supported for the default database option.

Non-default database Copied

To use a non-default database option for a particular OS, add the following configuration to the user_vars.yml file before installing via the Advanced Automated Installation page.

opsview_database_package_vendor: <mariadb|mysql>
opsview_database_package_version: <version>

For example, to use a non-default database option of MariaDB 10.5 on Ubuntu 20:

opsview_database_package_vendor: 'mariadb'
opsview_database_package_version: '10.5'

Remote database servers Copied

If you use a remote database server, Opsview Monitor will only support the database server if it is based on one of our supported platforms and running a supported database version. Additionally, both the database client and server must be on the same database vendor and version.

For deploy-managed remote database servers, follow the local database server guidance on default database and non-default database options during installation.

MySQL strict mode Copied

Opsview does not support MySQL’s strict mode. Ensure that the following is not set in MySQL’s my.cnf file:

["Opsview On-Premises"] ["User Guide", "Technical Reference", "Compatibility Matrix"]

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