
Overview Copied

The Azure plugin is a Collection Agent plugin that is used to monitor Azure resources. This plugin collects Azure Monitor metrics using a combination of API calls using the Azure Java SDK and REST API, then it displays data as dataview in Geneos.

In addition, the Azure plugin allows you to:

To view the versions of Geneos components that are included in the Azure virtual machine image, see Packaged binaries.

Monitored services Copied

You can use the Azure plugin to monitor different services by using the following collectors in the Collection Agent YAML file

Deployment recommendations Copied

There are multiple approaches in optimising the Azure plugin to monitor a specific estate. In cases where you are nearing the Azure API limits, which is 12000 per hour, you should apply filtering to only monitor the selected services, or deploy other options to run the Azure plugin.


Since the Azure plugin works by calling into the Azure API, you should be aware of the API usage limits. If the API limits are frequently reached, you may want to limit or monitor the metrics collected, see Azure Monitor API count monitoring. Alternatively, you can also increase the collection interval time. For more information about API limits, see Request limits in Azure.

Deploy Azure through the Azure Marketplace Copied

Use the Deploy Azure Monitor through the Azure Marketplace deployment option for the following reasons:

Configure Geneos to deploy Azure plugin Copied

Use the Configure Geneos to deploy Azure Monitor deployment option in the following cases:

Configure the Azure Event Hub plugin Copied

Azure Event Hub deployment Copied

Azure plugin supports the ability to consume real-time metrics and platform logs from the Azure Event Hub service. This is an alternative to polling Azure Monitor API, enabling Geneos to monitor your Azure cloud environment at scale and in real-time.

Use the Azure Event Hub deployment option in the following cases:

Prerequisites Copied

Geneos environment Copied

The latest version of the Azure Collection Agent plugin requires the following versions of Geneos components:

The Azure binaries are packaged with Netprobe, and are stored in the collection_agent folder. Alternatively, you can download separate binaries for the Azure plugin from ITRS Downloads.

Azure environment Copied

The Azure plugin requires the following parameters in order to connect to Azure Monitor:

The Azure plugin requires an app user to be created which will be used to interface with Azure. In addition, you must configure the appropriate roles to enable access to particular services. Please see the following external documentation:

The Monitoring Reader built-in role has been tested with the plugin and can be used as a base for creating custom roles.

Deploy Azure through the Azure Marketplace Copied

You can deploy the ITRS’s pre-configured virtual machine through the Azure Marketplace that has a running Netprobe with the Azure plugin on port 7036, and optionally, you can run the Gateway on port 7039 that connects to the probe.

The pre-configured virtual machine image created by ITRS contains configuration files and scripts, see Packaged configuration files.


The default behaviour of deploying the virtual machine through the Azure Marketplace does not require any certificates to enable encrypted communication. If you want to switch to secure encrypted communication, see Run Gateway with secure encrypted communication.

Create a virtual machine in Azure Marketplace Copied

Ensure that your Azure account has the necessary credentials in order to access the application. See the requirements for Azure environment.

To create a virtual machine in the Azure Marketplace:

  1. Open Azure Portal
  2. Click Create a resource under Azure services
  3. Search for ITRS Geneos, then click Create. This opens the Create a virtual machine page image
  4. Provide the required information in all tabs under the Create a virtual machine screen. Some fields are mandatory and the value must not be empty


    You can configure the remaining required fields depending on your machine requirements. For example, you can freely adjust the size of your virtual machine accordingly and create your own resource group. We only require you to follow the settings below when configuring your virtual machine.
    • In the Basics tab, ensure that the Image field is set to ITRS Geneos Azure plugin - Gen2.
    • In the Advanced tab, add the script below in the Custom data field. This will run the Gateway in demo mode. For other deployment scenarios, you can refer to the Supported scenarios for deploying your virtual machine.
    - bash /geneos/ --clientID <"client-id"> --clientSecret <"client-secret"> --tenantID <"tenant-id"> --subsID <"subscription-id"> --gatewayArgs "-demo"
    In this example, the virtual machine will run the Collection Agent, Netprobe, and Gateway because the --gatewayArgs "-demo" was used in the parameters script. The Gateway will run in demo mode that does not require licencing and with minimal configuration needed.
  5. Once the configuration for the virtual machine is completed, click Review + create.
    • If you select SSH public key on the Basics tab as the authentication type, Azure will ask you to download private key.
    • Azure will validate all the requirements that you submitted to create a virtual machine.
    • Click Create.
  6. Wait until the deployment status is completed. Then, you can open your resource.


  1. After the virtual machine is created, go to the resource and add the inbound port rules for port 7036.
    • In the NetworkingAdd inbound port rule for 7036, change the Destination port ranges to 7036.
    • In ProtocolTCP, update the name.
    • In the NetworkingAdd inbound port rule for 7039, change the Destination port ranges to 7039.
    • In ProtocolTCP, update the name.
  2. Add the inbound port rules for port 7039.
    • In the NetworkingAdd inbound port rule for 7039, change the Destination port ranges to 7039.
    • In ProtocolTCP, update the name.
  3. Navigate to Overview, copy the public IP address provided to connect via SSH client.
  4. Open Active Console Settings > Connections.


Once you successfully create your virtual machine, and connect Gateway from the Active Console, check if the monitored Azure resources display in the dataview. If not, then you should check the status of the Gateway and Netprobe in the virtual machine, see Check the Gateway and Netprobe status.

Supported scenarios for deploying your virtual machine Copied

This section provides you a list of scenarios to deploy the Azure plugin through the Azure Marketplace. If you want to update your virtual machine, see Update virtual machine using parameters.

Run Gateway with secure encrypted communication Copied

You can run a secured Netprobe in the virtual machine by retrieving these files from a key vault:


You can only run a secured Netprobe or Gateway after creating a virtual machine. Then, you must move the certificate files below to your virtual machine.

You should manually configure the inbound port in the following cases:

To configure the inbound port, navigate to your virtual machine in Azure Portal, then click Settings > Networking.

To view the parameters that you can use in the --netprobeArgs parameter, see –netprobeArgs, and for --gatewayArgs, see –gatewayArgs.

Run this script in your virtual machine:

bash /geneos/ --gatewayArgs "-licd-host <host> -licd-port <port> -ssl-certificate <file> -ssl-certificate-key <file> -ssl-certificate-chain <file>" --netprobeArgs "-secure -ssl-certificate <file> -ssl-certificate-key <file> -ssl-certificate-chain <file>"

Run Gateway connecting to an existing Licence Daemon Copied

In this mode, the virtual machine will run the Collection Agent, Netprobe, and Gateway. The Gateway must be connected to an existing LICD that requires normal licencing. Then, you can connect Active Console to the Gateway using the public IP address of your virtual machine on port 7039.

Run this script in your virtual machine:

bash /geneos/ --clientID <"client-id"> --clientSecret <"client-secret"> --tenantID <"tenant-id"> --subsID <"subscription-id"> --gatewayArgs "-licd-host <hostname> -licd-port <port>"

The Gateway in the virtual machine will use its default values, a port on 7039, and LICD localhost on 7041 if none are provided.


When the default values are not used, for example, if --gatewayArgs "-licd-port 7040" is run, you must create your own Gateway setup and configure the inbound port to allow connection through port 7040 in your Azure virtual machine.

Run Self-announcing Netprobe connecting to an existing Gateway Copied

In this mode, the virtual machine will run the Collection Agent and Netprobe as a Self-announcing Netprobe. The SAN probes need to connect to your own Gateway.

You must add the mapping type named Azure Metrics to your Gateway to see the data in your Active Console. For guidance on how to add the mapping type, refer to the steps in Configure Geneos to deploy Azure Monitor.

Run this script in your virtual machine:

bash /geneos/ --clientID <"client-id"> --clientSecret <"client-secret"> --tenantID <"tenant-id"> --subsID <"subscription-id"> --san "gwHost=<host>;gwPort=<port>;gwSecure=<value>"

When --san is enabled, you should not use the -setup option in the --netprobeArgs parameter. If you use the -setup option, this will be ignored.

Run normal Netprobe connecting to an existing Gateway Copied

In this mode, the virtual machine will run the Collection Agent and Netprobe in normal mode. This requires you to configure the Gateway to connect to the Netprobe on port 7036.

You must add the mapping type named Azure Metrics to your Gateway to see the data in the Active Console. For guidance on how to add the mapping type, refer to the steps in Configure Geneos to deploy Azure Monitor.

Run this script in your virtual machine:

bash /geneos/ --clientID <"client-id"> --clientSecret <"client-secret"> --tenantID <"tenant-id"> --subsID <"subscription-id">

Update virtual machine using parameters Copied

You can update your Azure Monitor plugin parameters in the Dynamic EntitiesCollectors section of your Gateway Setup Editor. For more information, see Collectors in Dynamic Entities.

You can also test or update your newly created virtual machine in the Azure Portal. To do this, you can use the supported arguments to the script.

  1. Open your virtual machine under Recent resources.
  2. Click Run command > RunShellScript. This opens the Run Command Script screen.
  3. Update the script in the Linux Shell Script field. Then, click Run.

Here is the list of parameters that you can use for the configuration:

Option Description

Azure client ID to be used by the Netprobe.

Mandatory: Yes


Azure client secret associated with the client ID.

Mandatory: Yes


Subscription ID associated with an Azure subscription.

Mandatory: Yes


Tenant ID associated with the Azure Active Directory.

Mandatory: Yes

--gatewayArgs Starts the Gateway installed in the virtual machine using the command line options provided. Example:
  • --gatewayArgs "-licd-host localhost -licd-port 7041"
  • --gatewayArgs "-demo" (this runs the Gateway in demo mode)


Demo mode has the following limitations. For more information, see Demo mode in Gateway licensing. Also, when switching between secure and insecure Gateway, you must delete the following files in the Gateway directory in your virtual machine: cache folder and licences.cache.
--netprobeArgs Starts the Netprobe installed in the virtual machine using the command line options provided. Example: --netprobeArgs "-secure -ssl-certificate ./np.pem -ssl-certificate-chain ./rootCA.pem" Options:
  • -ssl-certificate — specifies the file that contains the signed SSL server certificate (in PEM format).
  • -ssl-certificate-key — specifies the file that contains a private SSL server key. If this is unspecified, the probe will look for the key in the SSL server certificate file.
  • -ssl-certificate-chain — specifies the file that contains the trusted Certificate Authority certificate. If this is unspecified, the probe will look for the CA certificate in the SSL server certificate file.
  • -secure — specifies that the probe will only accept secure connections.

Sets the logger level of the plugin.

Possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error

Mandatory: No

Default value: info


Comma-separated list of Azure resource types that will be monitored.

Sample usage: --enabledResources Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts,Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines

Mandatory: No

Default value: All


Interval (in milliseconds) between publications.

Mandatory: No

Default value: 300000


Adds delay (in minutes) before retrieving the Azure metrics. This is useful to allow Azure time to complete generation of metric values before they are collected by the plugin.

Mandatory: No

Default value: 0


Runs the Netprobe as a Self-announcing Netprobe. The options are defined by adding key-value pairs separated semicolon.

Sample usage: --san "gwHost=localhost;gwPort=7039;gwSecure=true"

  • probeName — name of the Self-announcing Netprobes. The default value is <VM-hostname>_azure.
  • healthPort — Collection Agent port that the Netprobe communicates with for health checks. The default value is 9136.
  • reporterPort — the port the Netprobe should listen on to communicate with the Collection Agent using the TcpReporter. The default value is 9137.
  • mappingType — mapping type used to generate Dynamic Entities for this Netprobe. The default value is Azure Metrics.
  • caParams — Collection Agent parameters used to start the Collection Agent of this Netprobe. The default value is azure-collection-agent-params.
  • gwHost — Gateway hostname where this Netprobe will connect to.
  • gwPort — Gateway port where this Netprobe will connect to.
  • gwSecure — whether the Gateway where this Netprobe will connect to is secured. The allowable values are either true or false.
When no option is defined, the probe will run as a Self-announcing Netprobe using the current values defined.
-h \ --help Shows the help text.
bash --enabledResources <resources>
bash --loggerLevel <logger-level>
bash --collectionInterval <interval>
bash --san
bash --san <san-options>
bash --enabledResources <resources> --loggerLevel <logger-level> --collectionInterval <interval> --san <san-options>

Packaged configuration files Copied

The pre-configured virtual machine image created by contains the following:

Packaged binaries Copied

The pre-configured virtual machine image created by ITRS contains the latest versions of the following Geneos components:

Troubleshooting Copied

Check the Gateway and Netprobe status Copied

You can run the following commands to check the state of the Gateway and Netprobe in your virtual machine.


Both the Gateway and Netprobe on the virtual machine are run as a systemd service.
  1. Open a terminal session in your virtual machine and connect to SSH.
  2. Run this command to check if the Gateway and Netprobe are running in the virtual machine:
    # Check the status of Netprobe
    systemctl status netprobe
    # Check the status of Gateway
    systemctl status gateway
  3. Run this command to restart the Gateway and Netprobe if they fail during the initialisation of the virtual machine:
    # Restart the Netprobe
    systemctl restart netprobe
    # Restart the Gateway
    systemctl restart gateway

Get the diagnostic files Copied

For troubleshooting purposes, you can download a diagnostic file from the Azure virtual machine storage account with the following contents:

To set up your Storage account:

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal
  2. Click Storage Accounts under the Azure services.
  3. Search for your storage account. If you have not created a storage account, click Create.
  4. Enter a name for your container, and set the Public access level to Blob. Then, click Create. azure-monitor-storage-account-container
  5. Once the container is created, click Shared access tokens under Settings, and then provide the following information: azure-monitor-storage-account-shared-access
    • Under Signing method, select the Account key button.
    • On the Permissions menu, select Create.
    • Set the Start and Expiry date and time.
    • Set the allowed IP addresses, if necessary.
    • Under Allowed protocols, select the HTTPS only button.
  6. Click Generate SAS token and URL, then copy the Blob SAS token.
  7. In your container, go to Settings > Properties, then copy the URL which is needed for the storage account container URL.
  8. Navigate to the Azure Portal, and open your virtual machine.
    • Go to the Operations > Run command > RunShellScript. This opens the Run Command Script screen.
    • Enter the following in the Linux Shell Script field:
    bash /geneos/ --url "<Azure storage account container URL>" --token "<Blob SAS token>"
  9. Once successful, your diagnostics file will be stored in the Storage container > Storage Explorer with a filename netprobe-logs-<timestamp>.tar.gz.

Configure Geneos to deploy Azure Copied

The Azure Monitor plugin supports Collection Agent publication into Geneos using dynamic managed entities. Setting up this plugin in Geneos involves three primary steps:

  1. Set up your Collection Agent plugin.
  2. Configure your mappings.
  3. Configure your other Dynamic Entities in the Gateway, see Create Dynamic Entities in Collection Agent setup for a more detailed procedure.

Set up your Collection Agent plugin Copied

Use one of the following options listed below to configure the plugin.

  - name: azure
    type: plugin
    class-name: AzureMonitorCollector
    # Interval (in millis) between publications (optional, defaults to five minutes)
    collection-interval: 300000
    # The Azure client id that can be used for this application (required)
    client-id: ${env:CLIENT_ID}
    # The Azure secret associated with the client id (required)
    client-secret: ${env:CLIENT_SECRET}
    # The Azure tenant id to be monitored (required)
    tenant-id: ${env:TENANT_ID}
    # The Azure subscription id to be used for monitoring (required)
    subscription-id: ${env:SUBSCRIPTION_ID}
    # Filter resources by resource group name according to the provided Java regex
    resource-group-filter: (UAT-group)|(PROD-group)

    # Specify a list of key or value pairs which correspond to Azure resource tags and values 
      Dev: (Name 1)|(Name 2)
      Owner: .*

    # Specify a list of tags which will be published as a datapoint property
      - Environment
      - Purpose
    # Lists the resource type(s) that will be monitored (optional, defaults to listing all available resource types)
      - Microsoft.Compute/disks
      - Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls
Setting Description
enabled-resources To add more Azure resources to monitor, you can add them in enabled-resources following this format: <resource.provider>/<resource-type>. This setting allows you to filter based on the resource type. Without this setting, the Azure plugin will pick up metrics for all available Azure services. See Monitored Azure Services
published tags This is useful if you want to use a tag in the dynamic entities mapping configuration. If this is not set, no tags will be included in the metrics published.
resource-group-filter If a resource does not have a tag that is listed in the configuration, then the property will not be included in the metrics published.
tag-filter Allows you to monitor only certain resources with tags that match what is configured. A resource will be monitored only if all tags match the resource, for example, the tag is present and the tag value matches the regex provided.

Configure your mappings Copied

Use one of the following options listed below to configure your dynamic mappings.


To check if there are any errors in the mapping, you can set up the Dynamic Entities Health, check Azure Monitor API count monitoring, or look at the Collection Agent log file.

Custom mappings Copied

Alternatively, the Azure plugin also allows you to create custom mappings so you can modify the display of information in the Geneos dataview.

The mappings can be configured differently by using available dimensions or properties. All metrics published by the Azure plugin have a data_kind of azure_v1.

To create custom mappings:

  1. Navigate to your Azure mapping in Dynamic entities > Mappings.
  2. In Options, selection custom.
  3. In the Geneos items > Label, enter the following:
    • resource_group as an entity
    • resource_provider and resource_type as a sampler image

The following metrics dimension or properties can be used to map or filter resources in a custom mapping.

Metric property Description

Resource provider values for each service that can be found in Monitored Azure Services.

The builtIn mapping uses this to group similar resource types in an entity.


Resource type values for each service that can be found in Monitored Azure Services.

The builtIn mapping uses this to group similar resource types in an entity.


Corresponds to the resource’s resource group.

The builtIn mapping uses this as the dataview name.

region Region where the resource is in.
name Name of the resource.

Further, the Azure tags for resources will be transferred to metrics which is useful if the Azure estate has its own way of organising resources by tags.

You can also use Show Dynamic Mappings on the metrics to see the dimensions or properties that can be used for the mapping.

The Azure tags will become a property that can be seen in Show Dynamic Mappings. Additionally, there are several Azure plugin built-in properties:

Azure built-in property Description
Azure Tag

Key-value pair that will be a label-value pair in the dynamic mapping.

For example, the Azure tag Department=Engineering becomes Label : Department Value: Engineering.

aggregation_type Default aggregation type for a specific metric.
region Location where the resource resides when deployed in Azure.


Given the nature of the Azure tag having different variations of key-value pairs (depending on how you set this up), when a tag’s key clashes with an existing property, the tag will not override the existing property. For example, if you create a tag data_kind=test, this will not override the built-in property data_kind.

Example dataview Copied

Once you set up the plugin and mappings successfully, the monitored Azure services including their metrics will display in a dataview in Geneos. In the example below, the Azure resources are sorted according to resource_provider as an entity, resource_type as a sampler, and resource_group as a dataview.

For detailed information about Azure services, see Services Monitored > Azure Monitor Metrics.


To define how items in the Geneos tree structure are generated from the labels of a datapoint, see Geneos items in Dynamic Entities.

Monitored Azure services Copied

The Azure plugin fetches available metrics for Azure resources. The following limitations apply:

For more information, refer to the individual Azure resource documentation listed under Services Monitored > Azure Monitor Metrics.


Since the Azure plugin works by calling into the Azure API, you should be aware of the API usage limits. If the API limits are frequently reached, you may want to limit or monitor the metrics collected, see Azure Monitor API count monitoring. Alternatively, you can also increase the collection interval time. For more information about API limits, see Request limits in Azure.

The table below lists the Azure Monitor services that this plugin can monitor. Each service has its own set of metrics that can be displayed as data in Geneos dataview.

For detailed information about Azure services, see Services Monitored > Azure Monitor Metrics.

Azure service Resource provider Resource type
API Management Service Microsoft.ApiManagement service
App Service Plans Microsoft.Web servicefarms
App Services Microsoft.Web sites
Application Gateways Microsoft.Network applicationGateways
Application Insights Microsoft.Insights components
Automation Accounts Microsoft.Automation automationAccounts
Batch Accounts Microsoft.Batch batchAccounts
Cognitive Services Microsoft.CognitiveServices accounts
Container Groups Microsoft.ContainerInstance containerGroups
Container Registries Microsoft.ContainerRegistry registries
Cosmos DB accounts Microsoft.DocumentDB databaseAccounts
Disks Microsoft.Compute disks
DNS Zones Microsoft.Network dnszones
Event Hub Namespace Microsoft.EventHub namespaces
Express Route Circuits Microsoft.Network expressRouteCircuits
Firewalls Microsoft.Network azureFirewalls
Front Doors Microsoft.Network frontdoors
Function Apps Microsoft.Web sites
Key Vaults Microsoft.KeyVault vaults
Load Balancers Microsoft.Network loadBalancers
Local/Virtual Network Gateway Connections Microsoft.Network connections
MariaDB Servers Microsoft.DBforMariaDB servers
MySQL Servers Microsoft.DBforMySQL servers
Network Interfaces Microsoft.Network networkInterfaces
Network Watchers/Connection Monitors Microsoft.Network networkWatchers
Azure Servers Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL servers
Search Services Microsoft.Search searchServices
Service Bus Namespace Microsoft.ServiceBus namespaces
SQL Server/Databases Microsoft.Sql servers
SQL Server/Elastic Pools Microsoft.Sql servers
Storage Accounts Microsoft.Storage storageAccounts
Traffic Manager Profiles Microsoft.Network trafficmanagerprofiles
Virtual Machine Scale Sets Microsoft.Compute virtualMachineScaleSets
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/Virtual Machines Microsoft.Compute virtualMachineScaleSets
Virtual Machines Microsoft.Compute virtualMachines
Virtual Network Gateways Microsoft.Network virtualNetworkGateways
Virtual Networks Microsoft.Network virtualNetworks

Dimensions Copied

In addition to the attributes of metrics that Azure Monitor provides, this plugin also collects the following information for each resource.

Dimension name Azure services Dimension description
resource_group all Group where the resource belongs.
resource_type all Type of the resource.
resource_provider all Provider of the resource.
name all except child resources Name of the resource.
connection_type Local Network Gateway/Connections Type of the connection.
connection_monitor Network watchers/Connection monitors Name of the connection monitor.
network_watcher Network watchers/Connection monitors Name of the connection watcher.
name Service Bus Namespace Name of the Service Bus namespace.
namespace Service Bus Queue Name of the Service Bus namespace.
queue Service Bus Queue Name of the Service Bus queue.
namespace Service Bus Topic Name of the Service Bus namespace.
topic Service Bus Topic Name of the Service Bus Topic.
database Sql servers/Databases Name of the database.
sql_server Sql servers/Databases Name of the parent SQL server.
elastic_pool Sql servers/Elastic pools Name of the elastic pool.
sql_server Sql servers/Elastic pools Name of the parent SQL server.
vm Virtual machine scale sets/Virtual machines Name of the Virtual Machine.
vmss Virtual machine scale sets/Virtual machines Name of the parent Virtual Machine Scale Set.
connection_type Virtual Network Gateway/Connections Type of the connection.
account Storage Account/account Name of the storage account resource.
blob Storage Account/blob Name of the blob service parent storage account resource.
file Storage Account/file Name of the file service parent storage account resource.
queue Storage Account/queue Name of the queue service parent storage account resource.
table Storage Account/table Name of the table service parent storage account resource.
app Web/sites Name of the app service.
functionapp Web/sites Name of the function app.

Additional attributes Copied

In addition to the attributes of metrics that Azure Monitor provides, this plugin also collects the following information for each resource.

Azure service Attribute Attribute description
API Management Services sku_capacity Capacity of the SKU or the number of deployed units of the SKU.
API Management Services sku_name Name of the API Management Service SKU.
App Service Plans capacity Capacity of the App Service Plan.
App Service Plans max_instances Maximum number of instances that can be assigned to the App Service Plan.
App Service Plans number_of_web_apps Number of web apps assigned to the App Service Plan.
App Service Plans operating_system Operating system where the app is running on.
App Services default_hostname Default hostname of the app.
App Services state State of the app.
App Services app_service_plan Name of the app’s App Service Plan.
Application Gateway operational_state Operational state of the application gateway.
Application Insights app_id Application Insights Unique ID of the application.
Application Insights app_type Type of application being monitored.
Application Insights provisioning_state State of the app whether it has been provisioned within its defined resource group.
Application Insights sampling_percentage Percentage of the data produced by the application being monitored that is being sampled for Application Insights telemetry.
Automation Account creation_time Account creation date.
Automation Account last_modified_time Account last modified date.
Batch Accounts account_endpoint Batch account endpoint.
Cognitive Services endpoint Endpoint of the created Azure Cognitive Services account.
Cognitive Services kind Resource kind.
Cognitive Services public_network_access States if public endpoint access is allowed.
Cognitive Services sku_name SKU Name of an Azure Cognitive Services account.
Cognitive Services sku_tier SKU Tier of an Azure Cognitive Services account.
Container Groups state State of the container group.
Container Groups os_type Base level OS type required by the containers in the group.
Container Groups ip_address IP address.
Container Registries login_server_url URL that can be used to log into the container registry.
Cosmos DB accounts document_endpoint Connection endpoint for the Cosmos DB database account.
DB For MariaDB fqdn Fully Qualified Domain Name.
DB For MariaDB version MariaDB version.
DB For MySQL fqdn Fully Qualified Domain Name.
DB For MySQL version MySQL version.
DB For Postgresql fqdn Fully Qualified Domain Name.
DB For Postgresql version Postgresql version.
Disks size_in_gb Size of the disk in GB.
DNS Zones zone_type DNS Zone type.
DNS Zones record_sets_count Current number of record sets in the DNS zone.
DNS Zones record_sets_max_count Maximum number of record sets that can be created in the DNS.
Event Hub Namespaces service_bus_endpoint Service bus endpoint associated with the namespace.
Express Route Circuits circuit_provisioning_state CircuitProvisioningState state of the resource.
Firewalls provisioning_state Provisioning state of the Azure firewall resource.
Firewalls sku_name Name of the Azure Firewall SKU.
Firewalls sku_tier Tier of the Azure Firewall SKU.
Firewalls threat_intel_mode Operation mode for Threat Intelligence.
Frontdoors cName The host that each frontendEndpoint must CNAME to.
Function Apps default_hostname Default hostname of the app.
Function Apps state State of the function app.
Function Apps app_service_plan Name of the app’s App Service.
Key Vaults N/A
Load balancers N/A
Local network Gateways/Connections network_gateway1 Name of the virtual network gateway.
Local network Gateways/Connections network_gateway2 Name of the local network gateway.
Network interfaces vm_id Resource ID of the virtual machine the network interface is associated with.
Network interfaces public_ip_* Public IP address the network interface is associated with.
Network Watchers connection_monitor_count Current number of connection monitors in the network watcher.
Network Watchers/Connection Monitors interval_in_secs Monitoring interval in seconds.
Network Watchers/Connection Monitors status Monitoring status of the connection monitor.
Search Services status Status of the search service.
Service Bus Namespace price_tier Price tier of the service bus.
Service Bus Queue status Status of the Queue under a given service.
Service Bus Topic status Status of the Topic under a given service bus.
SQL Server state State of the SQL Server.
SQL Server/Database elastic_pool Name of elastic pool associated with the SQL database.
SQL Server/Elastic Pools state State of the elastic pool.
Storage accounts primary_endpoint_blob Primary blob endpoint of the storage account.
Storage accounts primary_endpoint_file Primary file endpoint of the storage account.
Storage accounts primary_endpoint_queue Primary queue endpoint of the storage account.
Storage accounts primary_endpoint_table Primary table endpoint of the storage account.
Storage accounts primary_endpoint_dfs Primary dfs endpoint of the storage account.
Storage accounts primary_endpoint_web Primary web endpoint of the storage account.
Traffic Manager Profiles N/A
Virtual Machine Scale Sets instances Number of virtual machine instances in the scale set.
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/Virtual Machines power_state Power state of the virtual machine instance.
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/Virtual Machines computer_name Computer name of the virtual machine instance.
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/Virtual Machines os_type Operating system of this virtual machine.
Virtual Machines os_type Operating system of this virtual machine.
Virtual Network Gateways gateway_type Virtual Network Gateway type.
Virtual Network Gateways sku_name SKU name of the Virtual network gateway.
Virtual Network Gateways sku_tier SKU tier of the Virtual network gateway.
Virtual Network Gateways/Connections network_gateway1 Name of the first virtual network gateway.
Virtual Network Gateways/Connections network_gateway2 Name of the second virtual network gateway.
Virtual Networks total_address_spaces Total number of address spaces of the virtual network.
Virtual Networks total_peerings Total number of peering of the virtual network.
Virtual Networks total_subnets Total number of subnets of the virtual network.
Virtual Networks ddos_protection_enabled True if DDoS protection is enabled for all protected resources in the virtual network.
Virtual Networks vm_protection_enabled True if VM protection is enabled for all the subnets in the virtual network.

Azure API count monitoring Copied

You can also monitor the self monitoring API stats and other metrics of the Azure plugin. This is useful to keep a count of the number of API requests and current monitored resources.

A selfMonitoring managed entity will be available in the Active Console under the ITRS managed entity when you configure correctly the Azure plugin. The selfMonitoring managed entity does not require any further configuration, or parameter to be set in the YAML file.


This dataview is created based on these dimensions and their mappings:

The selfMonitoring managed entity displays a dataview that has the following metrics:

Field Description
rowname Plugin name indicated in the collection-agent.yml. This follows the format <plugin name - ITRS>.
subscription_id Subscription ID indicated in the collection-agent.yml.

Total number of resource groups available on your Azure estate.

This resets every collection interval.


Total number of resource groups that match the resource-group-filter parameter in the collection-agent.yml. If resource-group-filter is not set, then the value should be equal to total_resource_groups.

This resets every collection interval.

total_monitored_resource_types Total number of resource types that the plugin is currently monitoring.
total_enabled_resource_types Total number of resource types listed on enabled-resources parameter in the collection-agent.yml.

Total number of resources Monitored Azure services that have metrics and are displayed on dataviews.

This resets every collection interval.

collection_interval Collection interval indicated in the collection-agent.yml.
total_api_count_per_collection_interval Total number of Azure API calls made by Azure Monitor per collection interval.
total_api_count_rate_per_hour Total number of Azure API calls made by Azure Monitor per hour.
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