Trading Technologies

Introduction Copied

The Trading Technologies Plug-in monitors the Trading Technologies system, displays Gateway information, and exchanges log-ins and services information.

Views Copied

Exchange-Logins View Copied

This view shows exchange logins for Fill Server and Order Server (configurable).

Exchange-Logins Headline Legend

Name Description
numberOfGuardServerLogins Number of logins to the guard server
numberOfPriceServerLogins Number of logins to the price server
logFileDate Date of log file

Exchange-Logins Table Legend

Name Description
ID User plus login IP (Used to ensure unique primary row)
Type Type of login
Login Time Time of login
User ID of logged in user
Login IP IP address of logged in user

Exchange-Services View Copied

This view shows exchange statuses for the Price Server, Order Server, Fill Server and Guard Server (configurable).


Exchange-Services Headline Legend

Name Description
serviceName Name of service
numberOfServicesUp Number of running services
numberOfServicesDown Number of services not running
logFileDate Date of log file

Exchange-Services Table Legend

Name Description
exchange Exchange name
ipAddress IP address
status Whether the service is up or down
upTime How long the server has been up
downTime How long the server has been down
PID Process ID
restartCount Number of restarts

Gateway-Dataloss View Copied

This view shows Gateway dataloss messages.


Gateway-Dataloss Headline Legend

Name Description
dataLossMessages Number of data loss messages
logFileDate Date of log file

Gateway-Dataloss Table Legend

Name Description
TSI True Strength Index value
Message Data loss message
Message Time Time of message
Sender IP address of sender

Gateway-Summary View Copied

This view shows summary information about the Gateway and service areas.


Gateway-Summary Headline Legend

Name Description
multicastGroup Gateway multicast group.
router Gateway router.
routerVersion Version of the router.
apiConnectionsPort Connection port for API.
logFileDate Date of log file.

Gateway-Summary Table Legend

Name Description
Service Area Identifies the service area.
Status Current status.
IPAddress IP address of service area.


In GNU C Library (glibc), each thread is given their memory pool that enhances the dynamic memory allocation behaviour. As a result, the Netprobe’s virtual size is bigger (> 2GB) for system that uses disk plug-in with Linux 64-bit having glibc >= 2.10(RHEL 6).

The significant Netprobe virtual memory increase can be controlled if you set the MALLOC_AREA_MAX in the environment variable.

This limits the maximum number of memory pools used that leads to limiting the virtual memory size of the affected process.


Plug-in Configuration Copied

gatewayLogsLocation: /bin/tt/gateway_logs
exchangeLogsLocation: /bin/tt/exchange_logs
gatewayLogFilePrefix: ttmd
gatewayLogFileExtension: log
exchangeLogFileExtension: TTlog
                searchText: FILLSERV/PROD
                description: Fill Server
                searchText: ORDERSERV/PROD
                description: Order Server
                searchText: MISCSERV/PROD
                description: Miscellaneous Server
                searchText: FILL SERVER
                viewId: FILL
                description: Fill Server
                searchText: GUARDSERVER
                viewed: GUARD
                description: Guard Server
        debug: true

gatewayLogsLocation Copied

Location of the Gateway log files (usually named ttmd*.log).

Mandatory: Yes

exchangeLogsLocation Copied

Location of the exchange log files (usually named *.TTlog).

Mandatory: Yes

gatewayLogFilePrefix Copied

Prefix of the Gateway log files.

Mandatory: No

Default: ttmd

gatewayLogFileExtension Copied

Extension of the Gateway log files.

Mandatory: No

Default: log

exchangeLogFilePrefix Copied

Prefix of the exchange log files.

Mandatory: No

Default: blank

exchangeLogFileExtension Copied

Extension of the exchange log files.

Mandatory: No

Default: TTlog

exchangeLoginTypes Copied

Describes exchange login types.

Mandatory: No

exchangeLoginTypes > exchangeLoginType Copied

Describes a single login type.

Mandatory: No

exchangeLoginTypes > exchangeLoginType > searchText Copied

Text used to identify references to this login type in the exchange log files (*.TTlog), e.g. FILLSRV/PROD.

Mandatory: No

exchangeLoginTypes > exchangeLoginType > description Copied

Description of the login type to be used in the view, e.g. Fill Server.

Mandatory: No

exchangeServices Copied

Describes exchange services.

Mandatory: No

exchangeServices > exchangeLoginType Copied

Describes a single exchange service.

Mandatory: No

exchangeServices > exchangeService > searchText Copied

Text used to identify references to this service in the exchange log files (*.TTlog), e.g. PRICE SERVER.

Mandatory: No

exchangeServices > exchangeService > viewId Copied

Text included in the name of the view to identify the service, e.g. PRICE.

Mandatory: No

exchangeServices > exchangeService > description Copied

Description of the service to be used in the view, e.g. Price Server.

Mandatory: No

oldExchangeLogsToRead Copied

The number of previous exchange log files to read, e.g. setting this to 10 would make the plugin read the last 10 log files as well as the current log file. To disable this feature, change the setting to 0.

Mandatory: No

Default: 4

multipleServers Copied

In the context of services running across multiple servers, setting this to true causes the plug-in to display all the IP addresses of each service. Status of the non-current servers will be shown as ‘STANDBY’ instead of ‘UP’, e.g.:


Mandatory: No

Default: false

showExchanges Copied

Use this to limit the exchanges that will be shown in the exchange-services views.

The names used here are the ones which appear on the first column of the exchange-services views. However if multipleServers is enabled, do not include the IP address shown as part of the name in the first column.

Mandatory: No

Default: show all

private > debug Copied

If this option is turned on, the plug-in will print out each line it reads from log files to the standard output.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["User Guide"]

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