
Introduction Copied

The Network plug-in monitors the main performance statistics of the network interfaces on a host running Netprobe.

These statistics can be used to gain an indication of the network traffic the host is generating or receiving, as well as other problems, such as a high number of collisions.

Views Copied

The network plug-in produces a single view, the contents of which will vary depending upon the operating system. An example of the output for each system is shown below.

Linux view Copied

This screenshot shows an example dataview produced on a Linux host. Each network interface is displayed as a separate row.

Linux view

NETWORK Table Legend

Name Description
interfaceName Name given to the interface by the host operating system.
ipAddress IP address configured for this interface.
ipv6Address IPv6 address configured for this interface.
status Status of this network interface, and additionally whether this is a virtual interface or not.
percentCollisions Number of collisions detected on the interface, as a percentage of the total number of packets.
percentSendErrors Number of send errors detected by the interface device driver, as a percentage of the total number of packets.
percentRecvErrors Number of receive errors detected by the interface device driver, as a percentage of the total number of packets.
packetSendRate Number of packets sent per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetRecvRate Number of packets received per second, averaged over the sample interval.

Current operating speed of the network interface card (NIC) in Mbits/sec.

If the Network sampler is configured not to use the NIC tool, then the Netprobe gets the data from /sys/class/net/<interface>/[speed/duplex/carrier].

If these files are not accessible, the Netprobe gets the additional data from the system commands ethtool or mii-tool which requires root access.

duplex Current duplex mode of the network interface card (NIC).
kbyteSendRate Amount of data sent in Kb/s, averaged over the sample interval. The rate can be shown in Mb/s alternatively, using the showMBits setting.
kbyteReceiveRate Amount of data received in Kb/s, averaged over the sample interval. The rate can be shown in Mb/s alternatively, using the showMBits setting.
packetSendDrop Shows a count of the number of sent packets which have been dropped.
packetReceiveDrop Shows a count of the number of received packets which have been dropped.
link Link level status of a network card.

Windows view Copied

This screenshot shows an example dataview produced on a Windows host. Each network interface is displayed as a separate row.

Windows view

NT-NETWORK Headline Legend

Name Description
tcpRetransmissionRate The number of TCP segments retransmitted per second, averaged over the sample interval.
tcpConnectionCount The number of TCP connections, in either the ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT state.

NT-NETWORK Table Legend

Name Description
interfaceName Name given to the interface by the host operating system.
ipAddress IP address configured for this interface.
addressType How the IP address has been configured - either "static" or "dhcp".
byteSendRate Number of bytes sent by the interface per second, averaged over the sample interval.
byteReceiveRate Number of bytes received by the interface per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetSendRate Number of packets sent per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetReceiveRate Number of packets received per second, averaged over the sample interval.
utilisationPercentage Percentage of the network card maximum bandwidth currently being used.
packetReceiveDiscardedRate Number of discarded packets received per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetSentDiscardedRate Number of discarded packets sent per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetReceiveErrorRate Number of receive errors per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetSentErrorRate Number of send errors per second, averaged over the sample interval.
speed Current operating speed of the network interface card (NIC) in Mbits/sec.
packetSendDiscarded Shows a count of the number of sent packets which have been discarded.
packetReceiveDiscarded Shows a count of the number of received packets which have been discarded.

AIX view Copied

This screenshot shows an example dataview produced on an AIX host. Each network interface is displayed as a separate row.

AIX view

NETWORK Table Legend

Name Description
interfaceName Name given to the interface by the host operating system.
ipAddress IP address configured for this interface.
status Status of this network interface, and additionally whether this is a virtual interface or not.
percentCollisions Number of collisions detected on the interface, as a percentage of the total number of packets.
percentSendErrors Number of send errors detected by the interface device driver, as a percentage of the total number of packets.
percentRecvErrors Number of receive errors detected by the interface device driver, as a percentage of the total number of packets.
packetSendRate Number of packets sent per second, averaged over the sample interval.
packetRecvRate Number of packets received per second, averaged over the sample interval.
cardSpeed Current operating speed of the network interface card (NIC) in Mbits/sec. This is unknown for virtual adapters.
duplex Current duplex mode of the network interface card (NIC). This is unknown for virtual adapters.
kbyteSendRate Amount of data sent in Kb/s, averaged over the sample interval. The rate can be shown in Mb/s alternatively, using the showMBits setting.
kbyteReceiveRate Amount of data received in Kb/s, averaged over the sample interval. The rate can be shown in Mb/s alternatively, using the showMBits setting.
packetSendDrop Shows a count of the number of sent packets which have been dropped.
packetReceiveDrop Shows a count of the number of received packets which have been dropped
link The link state at the local end of the connection. This can take the value "Up", "Down" or "Unknown".

Plug-in Configuration Copied

The network plug-in can be configured to run on any Netprobe host. Configuration is placed in the “network” XML setting, and by default no other settings should be required.

showVirtualInterface Copied

The showVirtualInterface setting can be used to show or omit virtual (or bonded) interfaces from the data view. Omitted rows and their contents will not be published, and thus cannot be used in rules or actions on Gateway. This is a Boolean setting, and so valid values are “true” or “false”.

Mandatory: No

Default: true

showLoopback Copied

The showLoopback setting can be used to show or omit the loopback interface from the dataview. If omitted, the loopback interface will not be available in Gateway for rules or actions. This is a Boolean setting, with valid values of “true” or “false”.


This setting will only take effect when showVirtualInterface option is set.

Mandatory: No

Default: False

showMBits Copied

This setting controls whether the send rate and receive rate should be shown in mbits (true) or kbytes (false).

Mandatory: No

Default: false

showAbsolute Copied

Whether values which are shown as rates (such as byteSendRate, byteReceiveRate, packetSendRate, packetReceiveRate), and instead show them as how many (bytes/packets) are sent/received between consecutive samplings.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

private Copied

The private configuration section holds settings used for debugging the network plug-in.

Please contact ITRS support if you require assistance with this plug-in.

nicTool Copied

On Linux, network interface information is obtained by using a system utility to query the network settings. This section allows you to specify the command used to obtain this information. This is typically used when system utilities are restricted by access control programs (e.g. sudo or powerbroker).


This section will be ignored for network plug-ins not running on Linux. Thus you can configure a single sampler descriptor for UNIX network plug-ins.

nicTool > type Copied

This setting specifies the type of tool being run to collect additional network interface information.

Possible values:

Setting Description
ethtool Tool output is from (or has the same format as) that from ethtool. Supports all hardware.
miitool Tool output is from (or has the same format as) that from miitool. Supports only 10/100M NICs but can handle some older NICs that ethtool can't.

Mandatory: No

Default: For kernel version 2.6.33 and above, the additional information will be obtained from system files. This will not require root access. However, for lower versions, the plug-in will use a mechanism similar to the one used in miitool. This will require root access.


miitool and ethtool are required on Linux servers only and need to be run with root privilege to return network card speed and duplex state. If the Netprobe is running as a non-root account and ‘pbrun’ or ‘sudo’ are not being used as described above, then it will be necessary to modify the miitool or ethtool binary to be owned by root and have the setuid bit set, as in:
chown root ethtool
chmod u+xs ethtool
chmod o+x ethtool

nicTool > command Copied

The setting specifies the actual command to run when querying additional network interface. The custom command should precede the ethtool or mii-tool command and contain no additional parameters. Netprobe will add the interface names to query after this command.

For example, the command could be configured as “pbrun mii-tool” or “sudo ethtool”.

Mandatory: No

Default: The plug-in will use a mechanism similar to the one used in “mii-tool” or “ethtool”, depending upon the command type. This will require root access.

showUnconfiguredNics Copied

This setting controls whether unconfigured NICs (i.e. ones that show in ‘ifconfig -a’ but not in ‘ifconfig’) are shown in the view. This applies to Linux only.

Mandatory: No

Default: true

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