Migrate to new hardware Virtual Appliance
Overview Copied
This document describes the steps required to migrate an existing Opsview Monitor 5.4.2 Virtual Appliance (VA) system to Opsview Monitor 6.3.x VA. Existing Opsview 5.4 slaves will be re-purposed to be Opsview 6.3 collectors.
We will be using Opsview Deploy to setup and configure the new environment.
New, randomly generated credentials will be used on the new system. However, the security wallet key will be migrated so existing secure data will be used.
Through the process described here, the Opsview 5.4.2 slaves will be upgraded into 6.3 Collectors. The upgraded Collectors will no longer be able to communicate with the old 5.4.2 master. If you would like to have the two systems running in parallel, please provision new servers for the purpose of acting as the new collectors.
Databases must use the default names, ie: opsview, runtime, odw, dashboard.
Summary of process Copied
- Pre-migration validation - to check for known issues that can impact the migration.
- Deploy new 6.3.x VA system.
- Move opsview_core_secure_wallet_key_hash: ‘KEY’ from old server to new server.
- Migrate data from old database to new database server.
- Migrate data from old timeseries server (InfluxDB or RRD) to new timeseries server.
- Convert old slaves to new collectors.
- Apply changes and start monitoring in 6.3.
- Other migration tasks.
In this document, we will use the following hostnames:
Purpose | Old host name | New host name |
Master (5.4) / Orchestrator (6.3) server | oldmasterserver | newmasterserver |
Slave (5.4) / Collector (6.3) server | oldslaveserver | newcollectorserver |
There will be an outage to monitoring while this migration is in progress.
Summary of differences Copied
The main differences are:
- Opsview Deploy will be used to manage the entire, distributed Opsview system.
- The file system location has changed from
respectively. - All files are owned by root, readable by opsview user and run as opsview user.
- Slaves will become Collectors.
- New, randomly generated credentials will be used for database connections.
Prerequisites Copied
Activation key Copied
Ensure you have an activation key for your new system - contact Opsview Support if you have any issues.
Hardware Copied
As existing 5.4 slaves will be converted to be 6.3 collectors, ensure they meet minimum hardware specs for collectors.
Check Hardware Requirements when sizing your new Opsview 6.3 Collectors
Opsview Deploy Copied
Network Connectivity Copied
Due to the new architecture, different network ports will be required from Orchestrator to Collectors. Ensure these are setup before continuing as documented on Managing Collector Servers.
During this process, you will need the following network connectivity:
Please read the List of Ports used by Opsview Monitor.
Source | Destination | Port | Reason |
newmasterserver | oldslaveservers | SSH | For Opsview Deploy to setup collectors |
newmasterserver, newslaveservers | downloads.opsview.com | HTTPS | For installing Opsview and third party packages |
oldmasterserver | newmasterserver | SSH | For migrating data |
oldslaveservers | newslaveservers | SSH | For migrating Flow data |
SNMP configuration Copied
As 5.4 slaves will be converted to 6.3 collectors and SNMP configuration will be managed by Opsview Deploy, backup your existing SNMP configuration so that you can refer back to it. See SNMP Configuration further down this page for the list of files to backup.
Pre-migration validation Copied
Opsview Monitor makes an assumption about which host within the database is the Master server. To confirm all is okay before you begin the migration, run the following command as the nagios
user on oldmasterserver
/usr/local/nagios/utils/cx opsview "select hosts.name,ip,alias,monitoringservers.name as monitoring_server from hosts,monitoringservers where monitoringservers.host=hosts.id and monitoringservers.id=1 and hosts.id=1"
You should get back output similar to the following:
| name | ip | alias | monitoring_server |
| opsview | localhost | Opsview Master Server | Master Monitoring Server |
Disable the 5.x repositories Copied
To prevent a conflict with older versions of packages, please ensure you have disabled or removed all Opsview repository configuration for version 5.x before starting the 6.3 installation.
On Ubuntu and Debian, check for lines containing downloads.opsview.com
in /etc/apt/sources.list
and each file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
, and comment them out or remove the file.
On Centos, RHEL and OL, check for sections containing downloads.opsview.com
in all files in /etc/yum.repos.d
, and set enabled = 0
or remove the file.
Deploy New Opsview 6.3 Copied
On newmasterserver
, follow instructions for configuring a new 6.3 system as per Virtual Appliance.
On the newmasterserver
, to keep your encrypted data from oldmasterserver, edit file /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_secrets.yml
add the following line.
(Replace KEY with the contents of /usr/local/nagios/etc/sw.key
from oldmasterserver
. (The “_hash” is important))
opsview_core_secure_wallet_key_hash: 'KEY'
As root on newmasterserver
, stop all services.
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop all
Remove existing security wallets keys
rm /opt/opsview/coreutils/etc/sw.key
rm /opt/opsview/coreutils/etc/sw/ms1.key
For the following files on oldmasterserver
, copy across any configuration into Opsview Deploy on newmasterserver
so your system can be setup similarly:
scp /usr/local/nagios/etc/opsview.conf USER@newmasterserver:/opt/opsview/coreutils/etc/opsview.conf
Any changes made to /usr/local/opsview-web/opsview_web_local.yml
must be put into the deploy configuration files. For example, to set up LDAP or AD integration, see the LDAP configuration page.
On the newmasterserver
edit file /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars-appliance.yml
Within this file add the following lines. Change the purchased modules you have currently installed on your oldmasterserver from False to True.
opsview_module_servicedesk_connector: False
opsview_module_reporting: False
opsview_module_netaudit: False
opsview_module_netflow: False
Remove any reference to opsview_software_key
(either remove the line or put a #
comment character at the start); an old software key can prevent activation working correctly:
# opsview_software_key:
On the newmasterserver
run the following command to drop the Opsview databases:
echo "drop database opsview; drop database runtime; drop database notifications; drop database odw; drop database jasperserver; drop database dashboard" | mysql -u root -p`cat /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_secrets.yml |grep opsview_database_root_password | awk '{print $2 }'`
The following command should be run on the newmasterserver
, this will remove some of the existing Opsview packages (ignore any warnings).
apt-get remove --purge opsview-core-utils
Now run the following commands (each command should complete successful
before moving onto the next):
cd /opt/opsview/deploy
./bin/opsview-deploy -vvv lib/playbooks/setup-hosts.yml
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop all
./bin/opsview-deploy -vvv lib/playbooks/setup-infrastructure.yml
./bin/opsview-deploy -vvv lib/playbooks/setup-opsview.yml
Start each process and confirm they all start:
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop all
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start all
watch /opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit summary -B
Migrate existing database to new database server Copied
As the root
user on oldmasterserver
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop all
watch /opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit summary -B
Wait till all processes are “Not monitored”.
Then, take a backup of all your databases on oldmasterserver
, make sure to include any extra databases you may have (for example, include jasperserver if it exists). This will create a full database export.(update PASSWORD based on the mysql root user’s password):
mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --add-drop-database --extended-insert --opt --databases opsview runtime odw dashboard notifications jasperserver | sed 's/character_set_client = utf8 /character_set_client = utf8mb4 /' | gzip -c > /tmp/databases.sql.gz
Backing up the system can take some time, depending on the size of your databases.
On oldmasterserver
, copy over the database dump to the newmasterserve using such tools as scp:
scp /tmp/databases.sql.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
Then on newmasterserver
, run as the root user:
echo "drop database opsview; drop database runtime; drop database notifications; drop database odw; drop database jasperserver; drop database dashboard" | mysql -u root -p`cat /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_secrets.yml |grep opsview_database_root_password | awk '{print $2 }'`
# NOTE: this step can take some time to complete, depending on the size of your databases
# NOTE: If you get an error 'MySQL server has gone away' you may need to set 'max_allowed_packet=32M' in MySQL or MariaDB configuration
( echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;"; zcat /tmp/databases.sql.gz ) | mysql -u root -p`cat /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_secrets.yml |grep opsview_database_root_password | awk '{print $2 }'`
On newmasterserver
, run as the root
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop all
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-loadbalancer
On newmasterserver
, run as the opsview
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start all
Within the Opsview UI you should now see all of your hosts from your oldmasterserver.
Migrate Timeseries data to new Timeseries server Copied
The next instructions depend on which technology your current Timeseries Server is based on, either InfluxDB or RRD.
RRD based graphing data Copied
If you use RRD, transfer the /usr/local/nagios/installer/rrd_converter
script to /tmp
on the oldmasterserver
, then as root, run:
cd /tmp
chmod u+x /tmp/rrd_converter
/tmp/rrd_converter -y export
This will produce a rrd_converter.tar.gz file in /tmp.
To transfer this file to the newmasterserver, run the following (after updating USER and newmasterserver
# If using RRD graphing
scp /tmp/rrd_converter.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
Then on newmasterserver
as root, run:
cd /tmp
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-timeseriesrrdupdates
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-timeseriesrrdqueries
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-timeseriesenqueuer
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-timeseries
rm -rf /opt/opsview/timeseriesrrd/var/data/*
/opt/opsview/coreutils/installer/rrd_converter -y import /tmp/rrd_converter.tar.gz
chown -R opsview:opsview /opt/opsview/timeseriesrrd/var/data
sudo -u opsview -i -- bash -c 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/opsview/local/bin ; /opt/opsview/timeseriesrrd/installer/migrate-uoms.pl /opt/opsview/timeseriesrrd/var/data/'
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-timeseriesrrdupdates
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-timeseriesrrdqueries
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-timeseriesenqueuer
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-timeseries
InfluxDB based graphing data Copied
If you use InfluxDB, on oldmasterserver
as root
, run the following commands to backup InfluxDB data:
influxd backup -portable /tmp/influxdb_backup
cp /opt/opsview/timeseriesinfluxdb/var/data/+metadata* /tmp/influxdb_backup/
cd /tmp
tar -zcvf /tmp/influxdb_backup.tar.gz influxdb_backup/
Then run the following (after updating USER and newmasterserver
scp /tmp/influxdb_backup.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as root
, stop all timeseries daemons:
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-timeseriesinfluxdbqueries
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-timeseriesinfluxdbupdates
Then on newmasterserver
, you need to install InfluxDB. Follow instructions at InfluxDB installation. InfluxDB should be running at the end of this.
Import the new data:
curl -i -XPOST --data-urlencode "q=DROP DATABASE opsview"
cd /tmp
tar -zxvf /tmp/influxdb_backup.tar.gz
# You can overwrite the existing +metadata* files
cp /tmp/influxdb_backup/+metadata* /opt/opsview/timeseriesinfluxdb/var/data
chown -R opsview:opsview /opt/opsview/timeseriesinfluxdb/var/data
influxd restore -portable /tmp/influxdb_backup/
If you get a message about skipping the “_internal” database, this is normal and can be ignored. See example below.
[root@newmasterserver tmp]# influxd restore -portable /tmp/influxdb_backup/
2018/11/25 13:40:02 Restoring shard 3 live from backup 20181125T133300Z.s3.tar.gz
2018/11/25 13:40:02 Restoring shard 4 live from backup 20181125T133300Z.s4.tar.gz
2018/11/25 13:40:02 Restoring shard 2 live from backup 20181125T133300Z.s2.tar.gz
2018/11/25 13:40:02 Meta info not found for shard 1 on database _internal. Skipping shard file 20181125T133300Z.s1.tar.gz
Finally, restart timeseries daemons:
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-timeseriesinfluxdbqueries
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-timeseriesinfluxdbupdates
If you do not have any collectors in your system for this migration then after the below Opspack step, you may now start Opsview
sudo su - opsview
opsview_watchdog all start
Install newer Opspacks Copied
New, non-conflicting Opspacks will be installed as part of an Opsview installation. If you want to use the latest 6.3 configuration, the command below will force the Opspacks to be installed.
On newmasterserver
as opsview
user, run:
/opt/opsview/coreutils/bin/install_all_opspacks -f -d /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/opspacks
Convert old slaves to new collectors Copied
On newmasterserver
as root
, update the opsview_deploy.yml file with the new collectors. For example:
user: cloud-user
user: cloud-user
user: cloud-user
Then run opsview-deploy
to set up these collectors:
./bin/opsview-deploy lib/playbooks/setup-everything.yml
# Need to run this to ensure all latest packages
./bin/opsview-deploy -t os-updates lib/playbooks/setup-hosts.yml
After this, your Opsview 5.4 Slaves will be converted to 6.3 Collectors and will be automatically added in the system and listed in the Unregistered Collectors grid.
To assign the collectors to a cluster, in the web user interface, go to Configuration > Collector Management
and switch to view Unregistered Collectors to view the collectors:
You can then register them to the existing clusters:
You may need to remove your previous hosts defined in Opsview that were your old slaves.
Temporarily turn off notifications Copied
There will likely be some configuration changes that need to be made to get all of the migrated service checks working, so notifications should be silenced temporarily to avoid spamming all your users.
In the web user interface, go to Configuration > My System > Options and set Notifications to Disabled.
Apply changes and start monitoring Copied
In the web user interface, go to Configuration > System > Apply Changes.
This will start monitoring with the migrated configuration database.
Other data to copy Copied
Environmental modifications Copied
If your Opsview 5 master server has any special setup for monitoring, these will need to be setup on your new collectors. This could include things like:
- Dependency libraries required for monitoring (eg: Oracle client libraries, VMware SDK)
- SSH keys used by check_by_ssh to remote hosts
- Firewall configurations to allow master or slave to connect to remote hosts
- Locally installed plugins that are not shipped in the product (see below for more details)
Opsview web UI - Dashboard process Maps Copied
If you have any Dashboard Process Maps, these need to be transferred and moved to the new location.
On oldmasterserver
as the nagios user:
cd /usr/local/nagios/var/dashboard/uploads
tar -cvf /tmp/dashboard.tar.gz --gzip *.png
scp /tmp/dashboard.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as the opsview user:
cd /opt/opsview/webapp/docroot/uploads/dashboard
tar -xvf /tmp/dashboard.tar.gz
Test by checking the process maps in dashboard are loaded correctly.
If you have seen a broken image before transferring the files over, it may be cached by the browser. You may need to clear browser cache and reload the page.
Opsview Web UI - Host Template Icons Copied
If you have any Host Template icons, used by BSM components, these need to be transferred and moved to the new location.
On oldmasterserver
as the nagios user:
cd /usr/local/nagios/share/images/hticons/
tar -cvf /tmp/hticons.tar.gz --gzip [1-9]*
scp /tmp/hticons.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as the opsview user:
cd /opt/opsview/webapp/docroot/uploads/hticons
tar -xvf /tmp/hticons.tar.gz
Test by checking the Host Templates list page, BSM View or BSM dashlets
Opsview Autodiscovery log files Copied
If you have historical Autodiscovery log files that you wish to retain, these need to be transferred and moved to the new location.
On oldmasterserver
as the nagios user:
cd /usr/local/nagios/var/discovery/
tar -cvf /tmp/autodiscovery.tar.gz --gzip *
scp /tmp/autodiscovery.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as the opsview user:
cd /opt/opsview/autodiscoverymanager/var/log/
tar -xvf /tmp/autodiscovery.tar.gz
RSS/Atom files Copied
If you use the RSS Notification Method and want to retain the existing notifications, you will need to transfer them and move to the right location.
On oldmasterserver
as the nagios user:
cd /usr/local/nagios/atom
tar -cvf /tmp/atom.tar.gz --gzip *.store
scp /tmp/atom.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newserver
as the opsview user:
cd /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/var/atom
tar -xvf /tmp/atom.tar.gz
Opsview Monitoring plugins Copied
Any custom plugins, event handlers or notification scripts will need to be transferred and moved to the new location:
Type | Old location | New location |
Plugins | /usr/local/nagios/libexec | /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins |
Event Handlers | /usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers | /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/eventhandlers |
Notification Methods | /usr/local/nagios/libexec/notifications | /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/notifications |
You can use this script to check that all plugins, event handlers and notification scripts recorded in the database exist in the right place on the filesystem.
LDAP syncing Copied
If you use opsview_sync_ldap, copy from oldmasterserver
the file /usr/local/nagios/etc/ldap
to newmasterserver
at /opt/opsview/coreutils/etc/ldap
. Ensure files are owned by opsview user.
Opsview configuration database Copied
We do not change your Opsview master configuration because you may have custom configuration changes. However, the old Opsview 5.X Host Templates are no longer relevant for Opsview 6.3, so you will need to manually remove the following Host Templates:
- Application - Opsview BSM
- Application - Opsview Common
- Application - Opsview Master
- Application - Opsview NetFlow Common
- Application - Opsview NetFlow Master
You will need to add the following Host Templates manually to the the hosts where those Opsview Components have been added (usually the Orchestrator server):
- Opsview - Component - Agent
- Opsview - Component - Autodiscovery Manager
- Opsview - Component - BSM
- Opsview - Component - DataStore
- Opsview - Component - Downtime Manager
- Opsview - Component - Executor
- Opsview - Component - Flow Collector
- Opsview - Component - Freshness Checker
- Opsview - Component - License Manager
- Opsview - Component - Load Balancer
- Opsview - Component - Machine Stats
- Opsview - Component - MessageQueue
- Opsview - Component - Notification Center
- Opsview - Component - Orchestrator
- Opsview - Component - Registry
- Opsview - Component - Results Dispatcher
- Opsview - Component - Results Flow
- Opsview - Component - Results Forwarder
- Opsview - Component - Results Live
- Opsview - Component - Results Performance
- Opsview - Component - Results Recent
- Opsview - Component - Results Sender
- Opsview - Component - Results SNMP
- Opsview - Component - Scheduler
- Opsview - Component - SNMP Traps
- Opsview - Component - SNMP Traps Collector
- Opsview - Component - SSH Tunnels
- Opsview - Component - State Changes
- Opsview - Component - TimeSeries
- Opsview - Component - TimeSeries Enqueuer
- Opsview - Component - Timeseries InfluxDB
- Opsview - Component - TimeSeries RRD
- Opsview - Component - Watchdog
- Opsview - Component - Web
NetAudit Copied
On oldmasterserver
as the opsview user:
cd /var/opt/opsview/repository/
tar -cvf /tmp/netaudit.tar.gz --gzip rancid/
scp /tmp/netaudit.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as the opsview user:
cd /opt/opsview/netaudit/var/repository/
rm -fr rancid
tar -xvf /tmp/netaudit.tar.gz
cd /opt/opsview/netaudit/var
rm -fr svn
svn checkout file:///opt/opsview/netaudit/var/repository/rancid svn
Test by looking at the history of the NetAudit hosts.
Test when a change is made on the router.
Reporting Module Copied
On newmasterserver
as root user, stop Reporting Module:
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit stop opsview-reportingmodule
On oldmasterserver
, take a backup of your jasperserver database and transfer to newmasterserver
mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --add-drop-database --extended-insert --opt --databases jasperserver | sed 's/character_set_client = utf8 /character_set_client = utf8mb4 /' | gzip -c > /tmp/reporting.sql.gz
scp /tmp/reporting.sql.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
, restore the database:
echo "drop database jasperserver" | mysql -u root -pPASSWORD
( echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;"; zcat /tmp/reporting.sql.gz ) | mysql -u root -pPASSWORD
On newmasterserver
as root user, run the upgrade and start the Reporting Module:
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit start opsview-reportingmodule
In the Reporting Module UI, you will need to reconfigure the ODW datasource connection, as it should now point to newmasterserver
Test with a few reports.
Network Analyzer Copied
For each Flow Collector in 5.4 (which can be the master or any slave nodes), you will need to copy the historical data. Instructions below for the master, but similar steps will need to be done for each old slave/new collector.
For the master, on oldmasterserver
as root
user, run:
cd /var/opt/opsview/netflow/data
tar -cvf /tmp/netflow.tar.gz --gzip *
scp /tmp/netflow.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as root
user, run:
cd /opt/opsview/flowcollector/var/data/
tar -xvf /tmp/netflow.tar.gz
chown -R opsview.opsview .
Network devices will need to be reconfigured to send their Flow data to the new master and/or collectors.
Service Desk Connector Copied
Due to path and user changes, will need to manually configure service desk configurations. See Service Desk Connector documentation.
SMS Module Copied
This is not supported out of the box in this version of the product. Please contact the Opsview Customer Success Team.
SNMP Trap MIBS Copied
If you have any specific MIBs for translating incoming SNMP Traps, these need to exist in the new location for every snmptrapscollector in each cluster that is monitoring incoming traps. Note that in distributed system this will be on every collector and the new master. For the collectors this will happen automatically as part of the stage “Convert Old Slaves to New Collectors”, however for the master a manual step will be needed if you want to monitor incoming traps from hosts residing in the Master Monitoring cluster.
On oldmasterserver
as the nagios
# copy over any MIBs and subdirectories (excluding symlinks)
cd /usr/local/nagios/snmp/load/
find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -type l -print0 | tar --null --files-from - -cvf /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz --gzip
scp /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as the opsview
# unpack and copy the extra MIBs
cd /opt/opsview/snmptraps/var/load/
tar -xvf /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz
# now become the root user and run the following command
/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit restart opsview-snmptrapscollector
Test by sending a trap to the master from a host that it is in its cluster and check that it arrives as a result for the host in the Navigator screen. You can also add the “SNMP Trap - Alert on any trap” service check to the host if it has not got any trap handlers. With the service check added to the host, you can use SNMP Tracing to capture and read any trap that is getting sent from that host.
SNMP Polling MIBS Copied
If you have any specific MIBs for translating OIDs for check_snmp plugin executions, these need to exist in the /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ or /usr/share/mibs/ location for the orchestrator to use in the newmasterserver. All OIDs specified in opsview of the form of “
On oldmasterserver
as the root
# copy over any /usr/share MIBs and subdirectories (excluding symlinks)
cd /usr/share/snmp/mibs #[DEBIAN,UBUNTU]
find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -type l -print0 | tar --null --files-from - -cvf /tmp/share-snmp-mibs.tar.gz --gzip
scp /tmp/share-snmp-mibs.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
cd /usr/share/mibs #[CENTOS,RHEL,OL]
find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -type l -print0 | tar --null --files-from - -cvf /tmp/share-mibs.tar.gz --gzip
scp /tmp/share-mibs.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
# copy over any custom MIBs and subdirectories (excluding symlinks)
cd /usr/local/nagios/snmp/load/
find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -type l -print0 | tar --null --files-from - -cvf /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz --gzip
scp /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz USER@newmasterserver:/tmp
On newmasterserver
as the root
# install mib package for Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
# Note: At this point you should also install any other proprietary MIB packages necessary for translating MIBs used for SNMP Polling in your system
e.g. apt-get install {{your-MIB-Packages}}
e.g. yum install {{your-MIB-Packages}}
# unpack and copy the extra MIBs
cd /usr/share/snmp/mibs #[DEBIAN,UBUNTU]
tar -xvf /tmp/share-snmp-mibs.tar.gz
mkdir opsview && cd opsview && tar -xvf /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz
cd /usr/share/mibs #[CENTOS,RHEL,OL]
tar -xvf /tmp/share-mibs.tar.gz
mkdir opsview && cd opsview && tar -xvf /tmp/custom-mibs.tar.gz
SNMP configuration Copied
Ansible will setup default configuration for SNMP on the newmasterserver and all collectors. It overwrites the following files:
- /etc/default/snmpd #[Debi,Ubun]
- /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf #[Debi,Ubun]
- /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf #[Debi,Ubun]
- /etc/sysconfig/snmpd #[Cent,RHEL,OL]
- /etc/sysconfig/snmptrapd #[Cent,RHEL,OL]
- /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf #[Cent,RHEL,OL]
Edit these files and merge any custom changes you need for your environment.
As these files are managed by Opsview Deploy, they will be overwritten the next timeopsview-deploy
is run, so you will need to merge any changes back in again.