Default Reports
These are all the default reports that are shipped with Opsview Reporting Module. We describe their usage, the parameters available and show an example report run from our internal systems.
Business Service SLA Copied
Business Service SLA Report Copied
Shows Service Level Agreement (SLA) availability statistics for a specified Business Service.
- Business Service.
- Target SLA %.
- Historical range - date range over which to run the report.
- Report End Date - the date at which the report will end, midnight. Eg. 2014-01-15 will include statistics up to but not including the 15th.
- Time period - report results for only these preset hours in each day.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use system’s default timezone, “SYSTEM”. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: business-service-sla-report.pdf
BSM List SLA Summary Detail Copied
Shows service level agreements availability statistics for a specified list of Business Services. Each business service with less than 100% availability will have all its event data listed - the events can be filtered to show only hard state types. Each business service will also list all components with all associated service checks.
- Business Service - this is a list of all business services to report on. Can choose multiple business services. Note, this is based on the name of the business service, which could be duplicated. The statistics will not be accurate if the business service is renamed. NOTE: This will be an empty list if there are no BSMs configured on your system - you will need to configure some BSMs and then wait for the ODW import to pull these in.
- Target SLA % - the required SLA for availability of this business service.
- Historical Range - date range over which to run the report.
- Report End Date - the date at which the report will end, midnight. Eg. 2014-01-15 will include statistics up to but not including the 15th. Defaults to “yesterday”.
- Time Period - report results for only these preset hours in each day. This only works for 30 minute segments in the day. NOTE: This is only populated in ODW if BSMs are configured.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use system’s default timezone, “SYSTEM”. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
- Only Hard States - Will filter the list of events with only hard state types.
- States - A list of which states to filter out from the events. If nothing chosen, is the same as all states.
Example report: BSM-List-SLA-Summary-Detail.pdf
Availability Report by Hashtag Copied
Daily Availability Report Copied
This report shows the availability statistics for all services that belong to a hashtag.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. It will be displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use a default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: daily-availability-report-by-hashtag.pdf
Weekly Availability Report Copied
As the Daily Availability Report, but over a 7 day period.
There is also a daily breakdown of each service, with a list of events that occurred for that service.
Example report: weekly-availability-report-by-hashtag.pdf
Monthly Availability Report Copied
As the Daily Availability Report, but over a 30 day period.
There is also a daily breakdown of each service, with a list of events that occurred for that service.
Example report: monthly-availability-report-by-hashtag.pdf
Service Level Report by Hashtag Copied
Daily Service Level Report Copied
This report shows the Service Level Agreement availability statistics for all services that belong to a hashtag. Provides ability to specify target service levels as a percentage. Provides color highlighting in red if actual availability falls below SLA target.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. Will be displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Service Level Target (percentage) - a double parameter (N.NN) to accept Service Level Agreement target and compare it against total_availability of host.
- Include Scheduled Outages - a boolean parameter to include or exclude the scheduled outage in total_availability of host.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use System’s default timezone. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: daily-service-level-report-by-hashtag.pdf
Weekly Service Level Report Copied
As the Daily Availability Report, but over a 7 day period.
Example report: weekly-service-level-report-by-hashtag.pdf
Monthly Service Level Report Copied
As the Daily Availability Report, but over a 30 day period.
Example report: monthly-service-level-report-by-hashtag.pdf
Specific Hours And Weekdays Availability By Hashtag Copied
Daily Specific Hours Availability By Hashtag Copied
This report shows the availability statistics of all services that belong to a hashtag for specific hours period.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. It will be displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Timezone - time-zone for which you want to run availability report e.g. Europe/London, Europe/Oslo, America/Chicago or Israel.
- Start Hour - start hour of the time period, for example 2 for 02:00. Min value is 0.
- End Hour - end hour of the time period, for example 18 for 18:00. Max value is 23.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected, including the Start Hour and End Hour.
If MySQL is not configured correctly, then UTC hours value will be null and report will be blank with error message “No services found for keyword: XXXX”. See the Reporting module installation document.
It is not currently possible to report up to midnight due to a bug in the report.
Example report: daily-specific-hours-availability-by-hashtag.pdf
Weekly Specific Hours and Weekdays Availability By Hashtag Copied
This report is similar to Daily Specific Hours Availability By Hashtag, but over a 7 day period. There is a daily breakdown of each service, with a list of events that occurred for that service. You can also filter by particular weekdays.
Additional parameters:
- Select Days to Report - select the one or more days (Monday to Sunday) from the tick box list to include in the report. If no days selected then default reporting days are Monday to Friday.
Example report: weekly-specific-hours-and-weekdays-availability-by-hashtag.pdf
Monthly Specific Hours and Weekdays Availability By Hashtag Copied
As the Weekly Specific Hours And Weekdays Availability By Hashtag, but over a month period.
Example report: monthly-specific-hours-and-weekdays-availability-by-hashtag.pdf
Performance Report by Hashtag Copied
Daily Performance Report Copied
This reports gives a graph of the performance of all metrics on all services that use a particular hashtag.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. It will be displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use System’s default timezone. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
This uses the ODW extended data. If this is not enabled, no data will be visible in the report.
Example report: daily-performance-report.pdf
Weekly Performance Report Copied
As the Daily Performance Report, but over a 7 day period.
Example report: weekly-performance-report.pdf
Monthly Performance Report Copied
As the Daily Performance Report, but over a 30 day period.
Example report: monthly-performance-report.pdf
Events Report by Hashtag Copied
Daily Events Report Copied
This reports gives the events hourly breakdown graph of the events that occurred over the day for all services that use a particular hashtag.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. It will be displayed in the report as “keyword”.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: daily-events-report.pdf
Weekly Events Report Copied
As Daily Events Report but over a week and daily breakdown of events instead of hourly.
Example report: weekly-events-report.pdf
Monthly Events Report Copied
As Weekly Events Report but over 30 days.
Example report: monthly-events-report.pdf
Cost Of Downtime Report Copied
Weekly Cost of Downtime Report Copied
This report is to give an indication of how much outages to your system costs. The report is like the Daily Service Level Report, but instead of percentages, we calculate the amount of seconds outage there has been and then create a table with the cost associated.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. This will be displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End Date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Currency - accepted as text, for example GBP, USD, etc. Will be used to suffix at the end of cost values.
- Cost per Minute for Critical - a double value of Cost per minute for critical failure.
- Cost Per Minute for Warning - a double value of Cost per minute for warning failure.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: weekly-cost-of-downtime-report.pdf
Monthly Cost of Downtime Report Copied
As the Weekly Cost Of Downtime, but over a 30 day period.
Example report: monthly-cost-of-downtime-report.pdf
Yearly Cost of Downtime Report Copied
As the Weekly Cost Of Downtime, but over a 1 year period.
Example report: yearly-cost-of-downtime-report.pdf
Trend Report By Service Copied
Weekly Trend By Service Copied
Graphs minimum, maximum and average performance values for the specified service in order to expose underlying trends.
- Service Name - is the name of service of which performance data will be shown on report (i.e. servicename “HTTP” will show all hosts with an HTTP service and their performance data).
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: weekly-trend-by-service.pdf
Monthly Trend By Service Copied
As the Weekly Trend By Service, but over a 30 day period.
Example report: monthly-trend-by-service.pdf
Yearly Trend By Service Copied
As the Weekly Trend By Service, but over a 1 year period.
Example report: yearly-trend-by-service.pdf
Combined Report By Hashtag Copied
Weekly Combined Report Copied
This report shows the availability statistics for all services that are associated with a hashtag.
There is also a daily breakdown of each service, with a list of events that occurred for that service, and a performance graph for each metric for each service.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. This will be displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: weekly-combined-report.pdf
Monthly Combined Report Copied
As the Weekly Combined Report, but over a 30 day period.
Example report: monthly-combined-report.pdf
Combined Service Level and Performance Report by Hashtag Copied
Weekly Combined Service Level and Performance Copied
This report shows the availability statistics for all services that are associated with a hashtag.
There is also a daily breakdown of each service, with a list of events that occurred for that service, and a performance graph for each metric for each service.
- Hashtag - this should match with a hashtag defined in Opsview. Note that changes over time are respected, so if a service moves into a hashtag, statistics are only true for the period that that service was defined with the hashtag. This is displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Service Level Target (percentage) - a double parameter to accept Service Level Agreement target and compare it against total_availability of host.
- Include Scheduled Outages - a boolean parameter to include or exclude the scheduled outage in total_availability of host.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: weekly-combined-service-level-and-performance.pdf
Monthly Combined Service Level and Performance Copied
As the Weekly Combined Service Level And Performance, but over a 30 day period.
Example report: monthly-combined-service-level-and-performance.pdf
Top Downtime Services by Hashtag Copied
Weekly Top Downtime Services Copied
This report shows the top 25 services ordered by the percentage of time in a failure state.
This includes soft and hard failure states, thus highlighting services that should be investigated for issues.
- Hashtag - you must enter a hashtag to run the report against. Only services marked with this hashtag will be included in the report. This is displayed as “keyword” in the report.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
- End date - if not chosen, will use Yesterday. Otherwise you can run a report for an older date.
- Logo.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use default timezone of SYSTEM. The report start and end time will be based on the timezone selected.
Example report: weekly-top-downtime-services.pdf
Monthly Top Downtime Services Copied
As Weekly Top Downtime Services, but over a month period.
Example report: monthly-top-downtime-services.pdf
Yearly Top Downtime Services Copied
As Weekly Top Downtime Services, but over a year period.
Example report: yearly-top-downtime-services.pdf
Hashtag SLA Copied
Hashtag SLA Report Copied
Availability report against a target SLA based on a specific Hashtag.
Shows service level agreement (SLA) availability statistics for a specified Hashtag. Includes a chart of all the services in the hashtag with the amount of OK, Scheduled outage and Unscheduled outage. Includes a table with the same data. Each service with less than 100% availability will have a summary of the amount of time in an outage state. These services will have their events listed (but there will be no filtering by week day nor start / end hours as events outside of the filters could be important to determine the state). Each service that breaches the SLA will be highlighted in the table and in the events. A service is considered breached if the OK % plus the Scheduled outage % is less than the SLA percent.
- Hashtag - this is the hashtag you want to report against.
- Service Level Target % - the required SLA for availability of each service in this hashtag.
- Report End Date - the date at which the report will end, at midnight. Eg. 2014-01-15 will include statistics up to but not including the 15th. Defaults to “yesterday”.
- Historical Range - date range over which to run the report.
- Select Days to Report - report results on these specific days only.
- Start Hour - report results only from this hour onwards. For example, if set to “9”, then availability statistics for 09:00 onwards is used.
- End Hour - report results before this hour. For example, if set to “18”, then availability statistics up to 18:00 (but not including) is used.
- Timezone - if not chosen, will use system’s default timezone, “SYSTEM”. The report start and end date, and the start and end hours, will be based on the timezone selected.
- Only Hard States - Will filter the list of events with only hard state types.
- Logo.
- Description - free text to be displayed on the front page.
Example Report: Hashtag_SLA_Report