OP5 Monitor ["OP5 Monitor"]
["Technical Reference"]

List view filter column reference


The tables below contain a list of all the columns you can use to sort and filter list views in OP5 Monitor. They can also be used for the following:

  • Constructing the filter API.
  • Creating custom list view columns.
  • Queries against the filter API.

Each of the tables below corresponds to an OP5 Monitor table.


Name Type Comment
id int Command ID
line string Command line
name string Command name
author string Contact who entered the comment
comment string Comment text
entry_time time Time the entry was created, as a Unix timestamp
entry_type int Type of comment — 1 is user, 2 is downtime, 3 is flap, and 4 is acknowledgement
expire_time time

Time of expiry of this comment, as a Unix timestamp

expires int Whether this comment expires
host.accept_passive_checks int Whether the host accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
host.acknowledged int Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
host.acknowledgement_type int Type of host acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
host.action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this host
host.action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
host.active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.address string Host IP address
host.alias string Alias name for the host
host.check_command string Command for active host checks
host.check_flapping_recovery_notification int Whether to send a recovery notification when flapping stops on the host — 0 or 1
host.check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the host — 0 or 1
host.check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled host checks
host.check_options int Current host check option — 0 is forced, 1 is normal, 2 is freshness
host.check_period string Time period during which this host will be checked; if empty the host is always checked
host.check_type int Last host check type — 0 is active, 1 is passive
host.checks_enabled int Whether host checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
host.childs list List of all direct children of the host
host.comments list List of IDs of all comments for the host
host.comments_with_info list List of all comments for the host with ID, author, and comment
host.contact_groups list List of all the contact groups this host is in
host.contacts list List of contacts of this host, both direct and as part of a contact group
host.current_attempt int Current host check attempt number
host.current_notification_number int Current host notification number
host.custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable names for the host
host.custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the host
host.custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables for the host
host.display_name string Optional display name of the host — not used
host.downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes on the host
host.downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes on the host with ID, author, and comment
host.event_handler string

Command used as event handler on the host

host.event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.execution_time float Time the host check took to execute
host.filename string Value of the custom variable FILENAME on the host
host.first_notification_delay float Delay before the first host notification
host.flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled on the host — 0 or 1
host.groups list List of all host groups the host is in
host.hard_state int Effective hard state of the host, eliminates a problem in hard_state
host.has_been_checked int Whether the host has already been checked — 0 or 1
host.high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection on the host
host.hourly_value int Host hourly value
host.icon_image string The name of the image file to be used for host icons in the user interface
host.icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
host.icon_image_expanded string The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
host.id int Host ID
host.in_check_period int Whether this host is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
host.in_notification_period int Whether this host is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
host.initial_state int Initial host state
host.is_executing int Whether there is a host check currently running — 0 or 1
host.is_flapping int Whether the host state is flapping — 0 or 1
host.last_check time Time of the last host check, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_hard_state int Last hard state on the host
host.last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_notification time Time of the last notification on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_state int State before last host state change
host.last_state_change time Time of the last soft or hard state change on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_down time The last time the host was down, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_unreachable time The last time the host was unreachable, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_up time The last time the host was up, as a Unix timestamp
host.latency float Time difference between the scheduled host check time and actual check time
host.long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last host check
host.low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection on the host
host.max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active host checks
host.modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which host attributes have been modified
host.modified_attributes_list list List of all modified host attributes
host.name string Host name
host.next_check time Scheduled time for the next host check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
host.next_notification time Time of the next host notification, as a Unix timestamp
host.no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending notifications for the host— 0 or 1
host.notes string Optional notes for the host
host.notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
host.notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the host
host.notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
host.notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the host, or 0 if it is disabled
host.notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for this host; if empty then notifications are always sent
host.notifications_enabled int Whether host notifications are enabled — 0 or 1
host.num_services int Total number of services associated with the host
host.num_services_crit int Number of host services in soft state CRIT
host.num_services_hard_crit int Number of host services in hard state CRIT
host.num_services_hard_ok int Number of host services in hard state OK
host.num_services_hard_unknown int Number of host services in hard state UNKNOWN
host.num_services_hard_warn int Number of host services in hard state WARN
host.num_services_ok int Number of host services in soft state OK
host.num_services_pending int Number of host services not yet checked
host.num_services_unknown int Number of host services in soft state UNKNOWN
host.num_services_warn int Number of host services in soft state WARN
host.obsess int Host obsess setting — 0 or 1
host.parents list List of all direct parents of the host
host.pending_flex_downtime int Whether a flex downtime is pending on the host — 0 or 1
host.percent_state_change float Host percent state change
host.perf_data string Performance data of the last host check
host.plugin_output string Output of the last host check
host.pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for the host — 0 or 1
host.process_performance_data int Whether host performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1
host.retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between host checks when retrying after a soft error
host.scheduled_downtime_depth int Number of downtimes this host is currently in
host.services list List of all host services
host.services_with_info list List of all host services, including detailed information about each service
host.services_with_state list List of all host services with state and has_been_checked
host.should_be_scheduled int Whether this host still needs checks — 0 or 1
host.state int Current host state — 0 is up, 1 is down, 2 is unreachable
host.state_type int Current host state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard
host.statusmap_image string Name of the image file for the host status map
host.total_services int Total number of services associated with the host
host.worst_service_hard_state int Worst hard state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
host.worst_service_state int Worst soft state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
host.x_3d float 3D coordinates of X on the host
host.y_3d float 3D coordinates of Y on the host
host.z_3d float 3D coordinates of Z on the host
id int Comment ID
is_service int Whether this entry is for a host or service — 0 is host, 1 is service
persistent int Whether this comment is persistent — 0 or 1
service.accept_passive_checks int Whether the service accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
service.acknowledged int Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
service.acknowledgement_type int Type of service acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
service.action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this service
service.action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
service.active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.check_command string Command for active service checks
service.check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the service — 0 or 1
service.check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled service checks
service.check_options int Current service check option — 0 is forced, 1 is normal, 2 is freshness
service.check_period string Time period during which this service will be checked; if empty, the service is always checked
service.check_type int Last service check type — 0 is active, 1 is passive
service.checks_enabled int Whether service checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
service.comments list List of IDs of all service comments
service.comments_with_info list List of all service comments with ID, author, and comment
service.contact_groups list List of all the contact groups this service is in
service.contacts list List of contacts of this service, both direct and as part of a contact group
service.current_attempt int Current service check attempt number
service.current_notification_number int Current service notification number
service.custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable names for the service
service.custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the service
service.custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables for the service
service.description string Description of the service, also used as key
service.display_name string Optional display name of the service — not used
service.downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes for the service
service.downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes for the service with ID, author, and comment
service.event_handler string Command used as event handler for the service
service.event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.execution_time float Time the service check took to execute
service.first_notification_delay float Delay before the first service notification
service.flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.groups list A list of all service groups the service is in
service.has_been_checked int Whether the service has already been checked — 0 or 1
service.high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection for the service
service.hourly_value int Service hourly value
service.icon_image string The name of the image file to be used for service icons in the user interface
service.icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
service.icon_image_expanded string The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
service.id int Service ID
service.in_check_period int Whether this service is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
service.in_notification_period int Whether this service is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
service.initial_state int Initial service state
service.is_executing int Whether there is a service check currently running — 0 or 1
service.is_flapping int Whether the service state is flapping — 0 or 1
service.last_check time Time of the last service check, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_hard_state int Last hard state of the service
service.last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change of the service, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_notification time Time of the last notification of the service, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_state int State before last service state change
service.last_state_change time Time of the last soft or hard state change of the service, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_critical time The last time the service was CRITICAL, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_ok time The last time the service was OK, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_unknown time The last time the service was UNKNOWN, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_warning time The last time the service was in WARNING state, as a Unix timestamp
service.latency float Time difference between the scheduled service check time and actual check time
service.long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last service check
service.low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection for the service
service.max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active service checks
service.modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which service attributes have been modified
service.modified_attributes_list list List of all modified service attributes
service.next_check time Scheduled time for the next service check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
service.next_notification time Time of the next service notification, as a Unix timestamp
service.no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending notifications for the service — 0 or 1
service.notes string Optional notes for the service
service.notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
service.notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the service
service.notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
service.notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the service, or 0 if it is disabled
service.notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for the service; if empty then notifications are always sent
service.notifications_enabled int Whether service notifications are enabled — 0 or 1
service.obsess int Service obsess setting — 0 or 1
service.percent_state_change float Service percent state change
service.perf_data string Performance data of the last service check
service.plugin_output string Output of the last service check
service.pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for the service — 0 or 1
service.process_performance_data int Whether service performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1
service.retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between service checks when retrying after a soft error
service.scheduled_downtime_depth int

Number of downtimes this service is currently in

service.should_be_scheduled int Whether this service still needs checks — 0 or 1
service.state int Current service state — 0 is OK, 1 is WARN, 2 is CRITICAL, 3 is UNKNOWN
service.state_type int Current service state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard
source int Comment source — 0 is internal and 1 is external
type int Type of comment — 1 is host, 2 is service


Name Type Comment
address1 string Additional address field
address2 string Additional address field
address3 string Additional address field
address4 string Additional address field
address5 string Additional address field
address6 string Additional address field
alias string Full name of the contact
can_submit_commands int Whether the contact is allowed to submit commands — 0 or 1
custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable values for the contact
custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the contact
custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables
email string Email address of the contact
host.notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for this host; if empty then notifications are always sent
host.notifications_enabled int Whether host notifications are enabled — 0 or 1
id int Contact ID
in_host_notification_period int Whether the contact is currently in the host notification period — 0 or 1
in_service_notification_period int Whether the contact is currently in the service notification period — 0 or 1
modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which contact attributes have been modified
modified_attributes_list list List of all modified contact attributes
name string Contact login name
pager string Contact pager or mobile number
service.notification_period string Time period during which service notifications will be sent
service.notifications_enabled int Whether notifications are enabled for the service — 0 or 1


Name Type Comment
author string Contact who scheduled the downtime
comment string Comment text
duration int Duration of the downtime in seconds
end_time time End time of the downtime, as a Unix timestamp
entry_time time Time the entry was made, as a Unix timestamp
fixed int Fixed or flexible downtime — 1 is fixed, 0 is flexible
host.accept_passive_checks int Whether the host accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
host.acknowledged int Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
host.acknowledgement_type int Type of host acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
host.action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this host
host.action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
host.active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.address string Host IP address
host.alias string Alias name for the host
host.check_command string Command for active host checks
host.check_flapping_recovery_notification int Whether to send a recovery notification when flapping stops on the host — 0 or 1
host.check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the host — 0 or 1
host.check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled host checks
host.check_options int Current host check option — 0 is forced, 1 is normal, 2 is freshness
host.check_period string

Time period during which this host will be checked; if empty the host is always checked

host.check_type int Last host check type — 0 is active, 1 is passive
host.checks_enabled int Whether host checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
host.childs list List of all direct children of the host
host.comments list List of IDs of all comments for the host
host.comments_with_info list List of all comments for the host comments with ID, author, and comment
host.contact_groups list List of all contact groups this host is in
host.contacts list List of contacts of this host, both direct and as part of a contact group
host.current_attempt int Current host check attempt number
host.current_notification_number int Current host notification number
host.custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable names for the host
host.custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the host
host.custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables for the host
host.display_name string Optional display name of the host — not used
host.downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes on the host
host.downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes on the host with ID, author, and comment
host.event_handler string Command used as event handler on the host
host.event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.execution_time float Time the host check took to execute
host.filename string Value of the custom variable FILENAME on the host
host.first_notification_delay float Delay before the first host notification
host.flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.groups list List of all host groups the host is in
host.hard_state int Effective hard state of the host, eliminates a problem in hard_state
host.has_been_checked int Whether the host has already been checked — 0 or 1
host.high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection on the host
host.hourly_value int Host hourly value
host.icon_image string The name of the image file to be used for host icons in the user interface
host.icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
host.icon_image_expanded string The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
host.id int Host ID
host.in_check_period int Whether this host is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
host.in_notification_period int Whether this host is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
host.initial_state int Initial host state
host.is_executing int Whether there is a host check currently running — 0 or 1
host.is_flapping int Whether the host state is flapping — 0 or 1
host.last_check time Time of the last host check, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_hard_state int Last hard state on the host
host.last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_notification time Time of the last host notification, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_state int State before last host state change
host.last_state_change time Time of the last soft or hard state change, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_down time The last time the host was down, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_unreachable time The last time the host was unreachable, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_up time The last time the host was up, as a Unix timestamp
host.latency float Time difference between the scheduled host check time and actual check time
host.long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last host check
host.low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection on the host
host.max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active host checks
host.modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which host attributes have been modified
host.modified_attributes_list list List of all modified host attributes
host.name string Host name
host.next_check time Scheduled time for the next host check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
host.next_notification time Time of the next host notification as a Unix timestamp
host.no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending host notifications — 0 or 1
host.notes string Optional notes for this host
host.notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
host.notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the host
host.notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
host.notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the host, or 0 if it is disabled
host.notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for this host; if empty then notifications are always sent
host.notifications_enabled int Whether host notifications are enabled — 0 or 1
host.num_services int Total number of services associated with the host
host.num_services_crit int Number of host services in soft state CRIT
host.num_services_hard_crit int Number of host services in hard state CRIT
host.num_services_hard_ok int Number of host services in hard state OK
host.num_services_hard_unknown int Number of host services in hard state UNKNOWN
host.num_services_hard_warn int Number of host services in hard state WARN
host.num_services_ok int Number of host services in soft state OK
host.num_services_pending int Number of host services not yet checked
host.num_services_unknown int Number of host services in soft state UNKNOWN
host.num_services_warn int Number of host services in soft state WARN
host.obsess int Host obsess setting — 0 or 1
host.parents list List of all direct parents of the host
host.pending_flex_downtime int Whether a flex downtime is pending on the host — 0 or 1
host.percent_state_change float Host percent state change
host.perf_data string Performance data of the last host check
host.plugin_output string Output of the last host check
host.pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for the host — 0 or 1
host.process_performance_data int Whether host performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1
host.retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between host checks when retrying after a soft error
host.scheduled_downtime_depth int Number of downtimes this host is currently in
host.services list List of all host services
host.services_with_info list List of all host services, including detailed information about each service
host.services_with_state list List of all host services with state and has_been_checked
host.should_be_scheduled int Whether this host still needs checks — 0 or 1
host.state int Current host state — 0 is up, 1 is down, 2 is unreachable
host.state_type int Current host state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard
host.statusmap_image string Name of the image file for the host status map
host.total_services int Total number of services associated with the host
host.worst_service_hard_state int Worst hard state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
host.worst_service_state int Worst soft state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
host.x_3d float 3D coordinates of X on the host
host.y_3d float 3D coordinates of Y on the host
host.z_3d float 3D coordinates of Z on the host
id int Downtime ID
is_service int Whether this entry is for a host or service — 0 is host, 1 is service
service.accept_passive_checks int Whether the service accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
service.acknowledged int Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
service.acknowledgement_type int Type of service acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
service.action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this service
service.action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
service.active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.check_command string Command for active service checks
service.check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the service — 0 or 1
service.check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled service checks
service.check_options int Current service check option — 0 is forced, 1 is normal, 2 is freshness
service.check_period string Time period during which this service will be checked; if empty the service is always checked
service.check_type int Last service type check — 0 is active, 1 is passive
service.checks_enabled int Whether service checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
service.comments list

List of IDs of all service comments

service.comments_with_info list List of all service comments with ID, author, and comment
service.contact_groups list List of all the contact groups this service is in
service.contacts list List of contacts of this service, both direct and as part of a contact group
service.current_attempt int Current service check attempt number
service.current_notification_number int Current service notification number
service.custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable names for the service
service.custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the service
service.custom_variables dict Dictionary of the custom variables
service.description string Description of the service, also used as key
service.display_name string Optional display name of the service — not used
service.downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes for the service
service.downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes for the service with ID, author, and comment
service.event_handler string Command used as event handler for the service
service.event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.execution_time float Time the service check took to execute
service.first_notification_delay float Delay before the first service notification
service.flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.groups list A list of all service groups the service is in
service.has_been_checked int Whether the service has already been checked — 0 or 1
service.high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection for the service
service.hourly_value int Service hourly value
service.icon_image string The name of the image file to be used for service icons in the user interface
service.icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
service.icon_image_expanded string The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
service.id int Service ID
service.in_check_period int Whether this service is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
service.in_notification_period int Whether this service is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
service.initial_state int Initial service state
service.is_executing int Whether there is a service check currently running — 0 or 1
service.is_flapping int Whether the service state is flapping — 0 or 1
service.last_check time Time of the last service check, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_hard_state int Last hard state of the service
service.last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change of the service, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_notification time Time of the last service notification, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_state int State before last service state change
service.last_state_change time Time of the last service state change, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_critical time The last time the service was CRITICAL, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_ok time The last time the service was OK, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_unknown time The last time the service was UNKNOWN, as a Unix timestamp
service.last_time_warning time The last time the service was in WARNING state, as a Unix timestamp
service.latency float Time difference between the scheduled service check time and actual check time
service.long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last service check
service.low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection for the service
service.max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active service checks
service.modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which service attributes have been modified
service.modified_attributes_list list List of all modified service attributes
service.next_check time Scheduled time for the next service check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
service.next_notification time Time of the next service notification, as a Unix timestamp
service.no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending notifications for the service — 0 or 1
service.notes string Optional notes for this service
service.notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
service.notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the service
service.notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
service.notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the service, or 0 if it is disabled
service.notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for the service; if empty then notifications are always sent
service.notifications_enabled int Whether notifications are enabled for the service — 0 or 1
service.obsess int Service obsess setting — 0 or 1
service.percent_state_change float Service percent state change
service.perf_data string Performance data for the last service check
service.plugin_output string Output of the last service check
service.pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for this service — 0 or 1
service.process_performance_data int Whether service performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1
service.retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between service checks when retrying after a soft error
service.scheduled_downtime_depth int Number of downtimes this service is currently in
service.should_be_scheduled int Whether this service still needs checks — 0 or 1
service.state int Current service state — 0 is OK, 1 is WARN, 2 is CRITICAL, 3 is UNKNOWN
service.state_type int Current service state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard
start_time time Start time of the downtime, as a Unix timestamp
triggered_by int ID of the downtime which triggered this downtime, or 0 if it was not triggered by another downtime
type int Type of downtime —0 is active, 1 is pending

Host groups

Name Type Comment
action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this host group
alias string Alias name for the host group
id int Host group ID
members list List of all hosts that are members of the host group
members_with_state list List of all hosts that are members of the host group, together with state and has_been_checked
name string Host group name
notes string Optional notes for the host group
notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the host group
num_hosts int Total number of hosts in the group
num_hosts_down int Number of hosts in the group that are down
num_hosts_pending int Number of hosts in the group that are not yet checked
num_hosts_unreach int Number of hosts in the group that are unreachable
num_hosts_up int Number of hosts in the group that are up
num_services int Number of services associated with hosts in the group
num_services_crit int

Number of services associated with hosts in the group in soft state CRIT

num_services_hard_crit int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in hard state CRIT
num_services_hard_ok int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in hard state OK
num_services_hard_unknown int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in hard state UNKNOWN
num_services_hard_warn int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in hard state WARN
num_services_ok int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in soft state OK
num_services_pending int Number of services associated with hosts in the group that are not yet checked
num_services_unknown int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in soft state UNKNOWN
num_services_warn int Number of services associated with hosts in the group in soft state WARN
worst_host_state int Worst soft state of all hosts in the group UP <= UNREACHABLE <= DOWN
worst_service_hard_state int Worst hard state of all the services associated with hosts in the group — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
worst_service_state int Worst soft state of all the services associated with hosts in the group — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT


Name Type Comment
accept_passive_checks int Whether the host accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
acknowledged int Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
acknowledgement_type int Type of acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this host
action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the host — 0 or 1
address string Host IP address
alias string Alias name for the host
check_command string Command for active host checks
check_flapping_recovery_notification int Whether to send a recovery notification when flapping stops on the host — 0 or 1
check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the host — 0 or 1
check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled host checks
check_options int Current host check option — 0 is forced, 1 is normal, 2 is freshness
check_period string Time period during which this host will be checked; if empty the host is always checked
check_type int Last host check type — 0 is active, 1 is passive
checks_enabled int Whether host checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
childs list List of all direct children of the host
comments list List of IDs of all comments for the host
comments_with_info list List of all comments for the host with ID, author, and comment
contact_groups list List of all the contact groups this host is in
contacts list List of contacts of this host, both direct and as part of a contact group
current_attempt int Current host check attempt number
current_notification_number int Current host notification number
custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable names for the host
custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the host
custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables for the host
display_name string Optional display name of the host — not used
downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes on the host
downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes on the host with ID, author, and comment
event_handler string Command used as event handler on the host
event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the host — 0 or 1
execution_time float Time the host check took to execute
filename string Value of the custom variable FILENAME on the host
first_notification_delay float Delay before the first host notification
flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled on the host — 0 or 1
groups list A list of all host groups the host is in
hard_state int Effective hard state of the host, eliminates a problem in hard_state
has_been_checked int Whether the host has already been checked — 0 or 1
high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection on the host
hourly_value int Host hourly value
icon_image string The name of the image file to be used for icons in the user interface
icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
icon_image_expanded string The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
id int Host ID
in_check_period int Whether this host is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
in_notification_period int Whether this host is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
initial_state int Initial host state
is_executing int Whether there is a host check currently running — 0 or 1
is_flapping int Whether the host state is flapping — 0 or 1
last_check time Time of the last host check, as a Unix timestamp
last_hard_state int Last hard state on the host
last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change, as a Unix timestamp
last_notification time Time of the last notification, as a Unix timestamp
last_state int State before last host state change
last_state_change time Time of the last soft or hard state change on the host, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_down time The last time the host was down, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_unreachable time The last time the host was unreachable, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_up time The last time the host was up, as a Unix timestamp
latency float Time difference between the scheduled host check time and actual check time
long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last host check
low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection on the host
max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active host checks
modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which host attributes have been modified
modified_attributes_list list List of all modified host attributes
name string Host name
next_check time Scheduled time for the next host check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
next_notification time Time of the next host notification as a Unix timestamp
no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending notifications for the host — 0 or 1
notes string Optional notes for this host
notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the host
notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the host, or 0 if it is disabled
notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for the host; if empty then notifications are always sent
notifications_enabled int Whether host notifications are enabled — 0 or 1
num_services int Total number of services associated with the host
num_services_crit int Number of host services in soft state CRIT
num_services_hard_crit int Number of host services in hard state CRIT
num_services_hard_ok int Number of host services in hard state OK
num_services_hard_unknown int Number of host services in hard state UNKNOWN
num_services_hard_warn int Number of host services in hard state WARN
num_services_ok int Number of host services in soft state OK
num_services_pending int Number of host services that are not yet checked
num_services_unknown int Number of host services in soft state UNKNOWN
num_services_warn int Number of host services in soft state WARN
obsess int Host obsess setting — 0 or 1
parents list List of all direct parents of the host
pending_flex_downtime int Whether a flex downtime is pending on the host — 0 or 1
percent_state_change float Host percent state change
perf_data string Performance data of the last host check
plugin_output string Output of the last host check
pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for this host — 0 or 1
process_performance_data int

Whether host performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1

retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between host checks when retrying after a soft error
scheduled_downtime_depth int Number of downtimes this host is currently in
services list List of all host services
services_with_info list List of all host services, including detailed information about each service
services_with_state list List of all host services with state and has_been_checked
should_be_scheduled int Whether this host still needs checks — 0 or 1
state int The current state of the host — 0 is up, 1 is down, 2 is unreachable
state_type int Current host state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard
statusmap_image string Name of the image file for the host status map
total_services int Total number of services for the host
worst_service_hard_state int Worst hard state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
worst_service_state int Worst soft state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
x_3d float 3D coordinates of X on the host
y_3d float 3D coordinates of Y on the host
z_3d float 3D coordinates of Z on the host

Service groups

Name Type Comment
action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this service group
alias string Alias name for the service group
id int Service group ID
members list A list of all members of the service group as host-service pairs
members_with_state list A list of all members of the service group with state and has_been_checked
name string Service group name
notes string Optional additional notes about the service group
notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the service group
num_services int Total number of services in the group
num_services_crit int Number of services in the group in soft state CRITICAL
num_services_hard_crit int Number of services in the group in hard state CRITICAL
num_services_hard_ok int Number of services in the group in hard state OK
num_services_hard_unknown int Number of services in the group in hard state UNKNOWN
num_services_hard_warn int Number of services in the group in hard state WARN
num_services_ok int Number of services in the group in soft state OK
num_services_pending int Number of services in the group that are not yet checked
num_services_unknown int Number of services in the group in soft state UNKNOWN
num_services_warn int Number of services in the group in soft state WARN
worst_service_state int Worst soft state of all the services in the group — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT


Name Type Comment
accept_passive_checks int Whether the service accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
acknowledged int Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
acknowledgement_type int Type of service acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this service
action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the service — 0 or 1
check_command string Command for active service checks
check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the service — 0 or 1
check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled service checks
check_options int Current service check option, forced, normal, freshness — 0 or 1
check_period string Time period during which this service will be checked; if empty the service is always checked
check_type int Type of the last check — 0 is active, 1 is passive
checks_enabled int Whether service checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
comments list List of all service comment IDs
comments_with_info list List of all service comments with ID, author, and comment
contact_groups list List of all the contact groups this service is in
contacts list List of contacts of this service, both direct and as part of a contact group
current_attempt int Current service check attempt number
current_notification_number int Current service notification number
custom_variable_names list List of all custom variable names for the service
custom_variable_values list List of all custom variable values for the service
custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables for the service
description string Description of the service, also used as key
display_name string Optional display name of the service — not used
downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes for the service
downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes for the service with ID, author, and comment
event_handler string Command used as event handler for the service
event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the service — 0 or 1
execution_time float Time the service check took to execute
first_notification_delay float Delay before the first service notification
flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled for the service — 0 or 1
groups list A list of all service groups the service is in
has_been_checked int Whether the service has already been checked — 0 or 1
high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection for the service
host.accept_passive_checks int Whether the host accepts passive checks — 0 or 1
host.acknowledged int Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged — 0 or 1
host.acknowledgement_type int Type of host acknowledgement — 0 is none, 1 is normal, 2 is sticky
host.action_url string Optional URL to custom actions or information about this host
host.action_url_expanded string The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded
host.active_checks_enabled int Whether active checks are enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.address string Host IP address
host.alias string Alias name for the host
host.check_command string Command for active host checks
host.check_flapping_recovery_notification int Whether to send a recovery notification when flapping stops on the host — 0 or 1
host.check_freshness int Whether freshness checks are activated for the host — 0 or 1
host.check_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled host checks
host.check_options int Current host check option — 0 is forced, 1 is normal, 2 is freshness
host.check_period string Time period during which this host will be checked; if empty the host is always checked.
host.check_type int Last host check type — 0 is active, 1 is passive
host.checks_enabled int Whether host checks are enabled — 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
host.childs list List of all direct children of the host
host.comments list List of IDs of all comments for the host
host.comments_with_info list List of all comments for the host with ID, author, and comment
host.contact_groups list List of all contact groups this host is in
host.contacts list List of contacts of this host, both direct and as part of a contact group
host.current_attempt int Current host check attempt number
host.current_notification_number int Current host notification number
host.custom_variable_names list List of names of all custom variables for the host
host.custom_variable_values list List of values of all custom variables for the host
host.custom_variables dict Dictionary of custom variables for the host
host.display_name string Optional display name of the host — not used
host.downtimes list List of IDs of all scheduled downtimes on the host
host.downtimes_with_info list List of all scheduled downtimes on the host with ID, author, and comment
host.event_handler string Command used as event handler on the host
host.event_handler_enabled int Whether event handling is enabled for the host — 0 or 1
host.execution_time float Time the host check took to execute
host.filename string Value of the custom variable FILENAME on the host
host.first_notification_delay float Delay before the first host notification
host.flap_detection_enabled int Whether flap detection is enabled on the host — 0 or 1
host.groups list List of all host groups the host is in
host.hard_state int Effective hard state of the host, eliminates a problem in hard_state
host.has_been_checked int Whether the host has already been checked — 0 or 1
host.high_flap_threshold float Upper threshold of flap detection on the host
host.hourly_value int Host hourly value
host.icon_image string The name of the image file to be used for host icons in the user interface
host.icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
host.icon_image_expanded string The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
host.id int Host ID
host.in_check_period int Whether this host is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
host.in_notification_period int Whether this host is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
host.initial_state int Initial host state
host.is_executing int Whether there is a host check currently running — 0 or 1
host.is_flapping int Whether the host state is flapping — 0 or 1
host.last_check time Time of the last host check, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_hard_state int Last hard state on the host
host.last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_notification time Time of the last notification on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_state int State before last host state change
host.last_state_change time Time of the last soft or hard state change on the host, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_down time The last time the host was down, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_unreachable time The last time the host was unreachable, as a Unix timestamp
host.last_time_up time The last time the host was up, as a Unix timestamp
host.latency float Time difference between the scheduled host check time and actual check time
host.long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last host check
host.low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection on the host
host.max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active host checks
host.modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which host attributes have been modified
host.modified_attributes_list list List of all modified host attributes
host.name string Host name
host.next_check time Scheduled time for the next host check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
host.next_notification time Time of the next host notification as a Unix timestamp
host.no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending notifications for the host — 0 or 1
host.notes string Optional notes for this host
host.notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
host.notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the host
host.notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
host.notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the host, or 0 if it is disabled
host.notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for this host; if empty then notifications are always sent
host.notifications_enabled int Whether host notifications are enabled — 0 or 1
host.num_services int Total number of services associated with the host
host.num_services_crit int Number of host services in soft state CRIT
host.num_services_hard_crit int Number of host services in hard state CRIT
host.num_services_hard_ok int Number of host services in hard state OK
host.num_services_hard_unknown int Number of host services in hard state UNKNOWN
host.num_services_hard_warn int Number of host services in hard state WARN
host.num_services_ok int Number of host services in soft state OK
host.num_services_pending int Number of host services not yet checked
host.num_services_unknown int Number of host services in soft state UNKNOWN
host.num_services_warn int Number of host services in soft state WARN
host.obsess int Host obsess setting — 0 or 1
host.parents list List of all direct parents of the host
host.pending_flex_downtime int Whether a flex downtime is pending on the host — 0 or 1
host.percent_state_change float Host percent state change
host.perf_data string Performance data of the last host check
host.plugin_output string Output of the last host check
host.pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for this host — 0 or 1
host.process_performance_data int Whether host performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1
host.retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between host checks when retrying after a soft error
host.scheduled_downtime_depth int Number of downtimes this host is currently in
host.services list List of all host services
host.services_with_info list List of all host services, including detailed information about each service
host.services_with_state list List of all host services with state and has_been_checked
host.should_be_scheduled int Whether this host still needs checks — 0 or 1
host.state int Current state of the host — 0 is up, 1 is down, 2 is unreachable
host.state_type int Current host state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard
host.statusmap_image string Name of the image file for the host status map
host.total_services int Total number of services associated with the host
host.worst_service_hard_state int Worst hard state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
host.worst_service_state int Worst soft state of all the host services — OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT
host.x_3d float 3D coordinates of X on the host
host.y_3d float 3D coordinates of Y on the host
host.z_3d float 3D coordinates of Z on the host
hourly_value int Host hourly value
icon_image string Name of the image file to be used for host icons in the user interface
icon_image_alt string Alternative text for icon_image
icon_image_expanded string Same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded
id int Service ID
in_check_period int Whether this service is currently in its check period — 0 or 1
in_notification_period int Whether this service is currently in its notification period — 0 or 1
initial_state int Initial service state
is_executing int Whether there is a service check currently running — 0 or 1
is_flapping int Whether the service state is flapping — 0 or 1
last_check time Time of the last service check, as a Unix timestamp
last_hard_state int Last hard state for the service
last_hard_state_change time Time of the last hard state change for the service, as a Unix timestamp
last_notification time Time of the last service notification, as a Unix timestamp
last_state int State before last service state change
last_state_change time Time of the last state change for the service, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_critical time The last time the service was CRITICAL, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_ok time The last time the service was CRITICAL, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_unknown time The last time the service was UNKNOWN, as a Unix timestamp
last_time_warning time The last time the service was WARNING, as a Unix timestamp
latency float Time difference between the scheduled service check time and actual check time
long_plugin_output string Complete output from the last service check
low_flap_threshold float Lower threshold of flap detection for the service
max_check_attempts int Maximum attempts for active service checks
modified_attributes int Bitmask specifying which service attributes have been modified
modified_attributes_list list List of all modified service attributes
next_check time Scheduled time for the next service check, as a Unix timestamp; note that this value is unreliable when the check is performed by a remote poller or peer
next_notification time Time of the next service notification as a Unix timestamp
no_more_notifications int Whether to stop sending service notifications — 0 or 1
notes string Optional notes about the service
notes_expanded string Same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded
notes_url string Optional URL with further information about the service
notes_url_expanded string Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded
notification_interval float Interval of periodic notification for the service, or 0 if it is disabled
notification_period string Time period during which notifications will be sent for the service; if empty then notifications are always sent
notifications_enabled int Whether notifications are enabled for the service — 0 or 1
obsess int Service group obsess setting — 0 or 1
percent_state_change float Service group percent state change
perf_data string Performance data of the last service check
plugin_output string Output of the last service check
pnpgraph_present int Whether there is a PNP graph present for this service — 0 or 1
process_performance_data int Whether service performance data processing is enabled — 0 or 1
retry_interval float Number of basic interval lengths between service checks when retrying after a soft error
scheduled_downtime_depth int Number of downtimes this service is currently in
should_be_scheduled int Whether this service still needs checks — 0 or 1
state int The current state of the service — 0 is OK, 1 is WARN, 2 is CRITICAL, 3 is UNKNOWN
state_type int Current service state type — 0 is soft, 1 is hard

Log messages

Name Type Comment
ip string IP address of the host that sent the log message
rtime time Time the log message was received, as a Unix timestamp
facility int syslog facility
severity int syslog severity level
mtime time Time when message was sent from host, as a Unix timestamp
host string Name of host sending the log message, set by client
ident string Syslog program identifier
pid string Originator process ID
event int Event identifier
msg string Message content