OP5 Monitor

Log message archive report


Log message archive reports show a filtered list of log messages from your archive. OP5 Monitor generates the report by searching first the archive database, and then the archive text files, if configured. For more information, see Configure Logger in OP5 Monitor in Manage logging.

Note: If your archive includes files compressed as gzip files, the report will fail. You must move any compressed archives to a different location if you want to run this report and you have a file archive configured.

You create log message archive reports using menu entry Report > Log messages archive.

Create a log message archive report

To create a log message archive report:

  1. Specify the details of the list view filter. For guidance, see Manage list view filters.
  2. Specify the report range in Start time and End time. You can enter any expression that you can send to the date() list view function. For guidance, see Date and time in Manage list view filters.
  3. Click Show report.

The log message archive report

You can perform any of the general report functions on the log message archive report, such as save, edit, and export the report. For guidance, see Reports in Introduction to reporting.

Once you have saved the report, you can also schedule the report. For guidance, see Schedule reports in Introduction to reporting.