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The Uptrends plugin for Geneos integrates the Synthetic Monitoring metrics from Uptrends. This plugin provides dataviews in Geneos showing details for the Monitors or Monitor groups configured in your Uptrends application. You can click from these dataviews to open the Uptrends dashboard in a browser.

The plugin uses the Uptrends v4 APIs to get the data from the Uptrends application.


Java requirements

Caution: The Java installation and environment configuration is a common source of errors for users setting up Java-based components and plug-ins. It is recommended to read Configure the Java environment to help you understand your Java installation.

Uptrends API credentials

If you wish to use the Uptrends plugin, then you need the followng: 

  • Uptrends API username
  • Uptrends API password

Note: This is different from the username for the main Uptrends account. For more information, see Uptrends API Account Authentication.

You must also be familiar with Uptrends, as well as how it is implemented in your organisation.


Shows the status of all the monitors associated with the given account.

Below is an example of the default dataview generated by the Uptrends plugin:

Below is a sample dataview if the Monitor groups setting is configured:

Table legend

Name Description
Monitor Name of the monitor.
Last Check

Date and time at which the monitor check was completed based on the signed-in operator's local time.

Error Code Numeric Uptrends error code in case of an error. Otherwise, the column value is 0.
Error Level

Describes the status of the monitor check. The following are the possible values: 

  • No Error — no error found.

  • Unconfirmed — an error was found.

  • Confirmed — an error was found and double-checked right after an Unconfirmed level.

  • Inactive — the monitor is set to not active.

Error Description

Describes the error found.

Uptime Percentage Percent of time the monitor was up.
Last Monitor Check Id ID of the last monitor check.

Monitor Guid

GUID of the monitor.

Run a command

View Dashboard in Uptrends

The View Dashboard in Uptrends command can be accessed when you right-click a cell in the dataview. This command opens the corresponding Monitor Dashboard in the Uptrends dashboard using your default browser.

Active Console dataview:

Uptrends dashboard:

View Last Monitor Check Details

The View Last Monitor Check Details command can be accessed when you right-click a cell in the dataview. This command opens the corresponding Last Monitor Check Details in the Uptrends UI using your default browser.

Active Console dataview:

Uptrends Check details window:

Plugin configuration

Note: The Uptrends application performs caching. When creating a sampler for the Uptrends plugin, it is recommended to set the Sample interval to 40.

Basic configuration

Field Description
API Username

Username of your Uptrends API account.

This is different from the username for the main Uptrends account. For more information, see Uptrends API Account Authentication.

Mandatory: Yes


Password of your Uptrends API account.

Choose the appropriate field when specifying the password:

  • stdAES — use this to input your plaintext password. If you select stdAES, you can define your password directly in the sampler and store it in standard AES encryption hash in the Gateway.
  • var — use this to pass the password as a variable. The variable is defined in Managed entity > Advanced > Var. This is useful for situations where you have multiple samplers that use the same credentials.
  • extPwd — use this for passwords provided by an external provider. For more information, see Securing your Gateway with an external password provider in Secure Passwords.

Note: This is different from the password for the main Uptrends account. For more information, see Uptrends API Account Authentication.

Mandatory: Yes

Monitor groups

Specifies the monitor groups configured in the Uptrends application to be displayed in the dataview. One monitor group generates one dataview displaying all the monitors from that group.

If no monitor group is set, then all the monitors will be displayed in one dataview.

If there is a duplicate monitor group in Uptrends application, then only the first captured group generates a dataview.

Mandatory: No


Advanced configuration

Field Description

Number of seconds the Uptrends plugin waits for a response from the server URL.

If the server URL takes longer than the timeout value, then the Uptrends plugin reports a timeout and displays no data in the affected dataview.

You can toggle between entering a numerical value (data) or a variable (var).

Mandatory: No

Default value: 10