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Publisher Plug-in User Guide


The Publisher plug-in enables you to publish data from an FKM outbound stream to an index on the Elasticsearch host.

The Publisher plug-in supports Elasticsearch versions 6.2.4 to 7.4.1.

Intended audience

This guide is directed towards Geneos users who want to publish data from a configured FKM outbound stream to an Elasticsearch server.

As a user, you should be familiar with the use and capability of the FKM plug-in, as well as the Elasticsearch API.


Java requirements

Caution: The Java installation and environment configuration is a common source of errors for users setting up Java-based components and plug-ins. It is recommended to read Configure the Java environment to help you understand your Java installation.

Elasticsearch credentials

You need the following to set up the Publisher plug-in:

  • Elasticsearch server host name or IP address.
  • Elasticsearch server port.
  • Elasticsearch server credentials, if applicable.

You must also be familiar with Elasticsearch API, as well as how it is implemented in your organisation.

FKM outbound stream

A Publisher sampler receives messages from the FKM outbound stream. You must have a configured FKM sampler ready to use for the Publisher sampler.

Setup and configuration

Setup involves two main tasks:

  1. Create the Publisher sampler.
  2. Associate the Publisher sampler with a managed entity.
  3. Publish an outbound stream from the FKM sampler.

Create the Publisher sampler

  1. In the Gateway Setup Editor, create a new sampler by right-clicking the Samplers folder and selecting New Sampler.
  2. Enter a name for this sampler. For example, enter "publisher" in the Name field.
  3. Under the Plugin field, click the drop-down list and select publisher.
  4. Under Elasticsearch, enter the information in the fields that appear:
    • In the Host field, enter the Elasticsearch server host name or IP address.
    • In the Port field, enter the port number.
    • In the Index field, enter the Elasticsearch index where you want to add the JSON document.

    Note: You can toggle between data and var for the Host and Port fields. This toggle option allows you to define either a text or numerical value (data) or variable (var) for these fields.

  5. Click Save current document to apply your changes.
  6. Success: The sampler can now be associated with a managed entity.

Advanced tab

The following do not need to be configured in order to get the Publisher sampler running.

  1. If you want to change the _type endpoint, specify the endpoint in the Endpoint field.
  2. If you want to use an HTTPS connection between the Publisher sampler and the Elasticsearch host, select Https under Protocols.
  3. If authentication is needed to access the Elasticsearch host, click Authentication > Type and select Basic.
    • In the Username field, enter the Elasticsearch host username.
    • In the Password field, enter the Elasticsearch host password. You can toggle between setting and encrypting a password (stdAES) or defining a variable (var).
  4. Click Save current document to apply your changes.
  5. Success: The sampler can now be associated with a managed entity.

Associate the sampler with a managed entity

  1. In the Gateway Setup Editor, create a new managed entity by right-clicking the Managed entities folder and selecting New Managed entity.
  2. Enter a name for this managed entity. For example, enter "publisher-me" in the Name field.
  3. In the Options field, select the probe on which you want the sampler to run.
  4. Under the Sampler field, click Add new.
  5. In the text field under Ref, select the sampler you just created from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Save current document to apply your changes.
  7. Success: The Publisher Admin dataview now appears under the managed entity in the Active Console state tree.

Publish an outbound stream from the FKM sampler

  1. In the Gateway Setup Editor, locate and select the FKM sampler you wish to publish an outbound stream from.
  2. In Files, click inside the Outbound stream name field for the source you want to publish from.
  3. In the Outbound stream name field, specify the Publisher sampler you have just created. The format must follow a fully qualified stream name:
  4. managedEntity-name.publisher-sampler(type)

    For example:


    The managed entity part of the format can be omitted if the sampler falls under the same managed entity as the FKM sampler.

  5. Click Save current document to apply your changes.
  6. Success: The Publisher sampler now receives outbound stream messages coming from the configured FKM sampler.

Further reading

For guidance on the Publisher plug-in dataview and Elasticsearch configuration options, see the Publisher Plug-in Technical Reference.