Gateway Hub ["Geneos"]
["Geneos > Gateway Hub"]["User Guide"]

Validate environment


You can validate your environment before installing Gateway Hub using the hubcheck script.

The hubcheck script can be downloaded separately from the ITRS group website. This tool is updated regularly, so using the latest available version is recommended.


The hubcheck tool requires the following dependencies are installed:

Requirement Versions Supported
Python 3.6 or newer.
PyYAML 5.3.1 or newer.
Ansible 2.5.0 or newer.

A full list of requirements for performing installation can be found in hubcheck/requirements.txt and installed by running pip3 install --user --requirement requirements.txt.

Gateway Hub Installation checker

The hubcheck tool will read your installation configuration file and use Ansible to verify that your environment fulfils the prerequisites necessary to perform the installation using the configuration you have specified.

The hubcheck tool must be run from the installation machine, although this may also be a node. For more information about using nodes as installation machines, see Install.

The script has the following command-line options:

Option Description
--local Perform the checks on only the local environment.
--only <check> Perform a specific check only.
--verbose Provide verbose output.
--help Prints a help message to standard out.
--version Prints the version to standard out.

Perform an installation check

To validate your installation environment:

  1. Download the hubcheck script from ITRS Downloads .
  2. Run the following:
    ./hubcheck <config_file>.yaml

    The hubcheck tool will record the results to a new file named <root dir>/output/hubcheck-<version>-<YYYY-MM-DD>/results/<hostname>.json and to standard out.

Caution: You must resolve any failed checks with HIGH severity. Otherwise the installation will fail.

Perform individual checks

You can perform a specific check by running the hubcheck tool with the --only command-line option:

./hubcheck --only <check> installation.yaml

Running in local mode

If you are performing a local installation of Gateway Hub, run the hubcheck tool using the --local command-line option. If this option is enabled, the hubcheck script will not attempt to connect to other nodes using SSH and will check only the local machine's environment. For more information about performing local installations, see Install.

Connectivity checks

The hubcheck tool validates the connections used by the following Gateway Hub components.

Note: The hubcheck tool validates TCP connections. To also validate UDP connections, you must install net-tools and use an Ansible version 2.9.0 or newer.

Service Port Type Default value
orchestrationd jmx_port TCP 10974
orchestrationd jmx_rmi_port TCP 10975
etcd_member client_port TCP 2379
etcd_member peer_port TCP 2380
etcd_gateway port TCP 2378
postgres_timescale port TCP 5432
zookeeper client_port TCP 5181
zookeeper leader_port TCP 5188
zookeeper leader_election_port TCP 5189
zookeeper jmx_port TCP 10978
zookeeper jmx_rmi_port TCP 10979
kafka port TCP 9092
kafka jmx_port TCP 10976
kafka jmx_rmi_port TCP 10977
collection_agent health_check_port TCP 9097
collection_agent statsd_port UDP 8125
collection_agent reporting_port TCP 9137
geneos_netprobe port TCP 7036
apid port TCP 8081
webconsole port TCP 8443
capacity_planner port TCP 9090
monitoring_coverage health_probe_port TCP 7300
monitoring_coverage service_port TCP 7310
platformd health_probe_port TCP 7100
platformd service_port TCP 7110