Gateway Hub

Kafka publishing message formats


This topic outlines the formats of the messages sent from Gateway Hub to the downstream Kafka instance.

Messages are sent in a JSON format and contain normalised metric and event data.

Message payloads - metrics




Headline schema

This is a combined schema. Both raw and enriched headlines (if present) are included.

Normalisation: In this example, execDuration is declared as float32 by the Gateway, and its type remains float32. numZones is declared as int32 by the Gateway and its type remains int32 because it does not have a unit of measure.

Table schema


This is a combined schema. Both raw and enriched columns (if present) are included.

Normalisation: In this example, epoch is declared as int32 by the Gateway, but its type becomes float64 because it has a unit of measure. Gateway Hub stores time values to microsecond precision.

Table metric


This is a raw data message, only raw columns appear.

Normalisation: timestamps include fractions of a second.

Table metric


This is an enriched data message, only enriched columns appear.

Normalisation: timestamps include fractions of a second.

Headline metric


Normalisation: timestamps include fractions of a second.

Message payloads - events


Example Payload



Snooze (simple example)


Snooze (complex example)

         "comment":"Using every bell and whistle available",
            "when":"not equals"
            "when":"not equals"



User assignment (simple)


User assignment (complex)

         "comment":"More options",

User assignment (unassign)
