OP5 Monitor 9.x Compatibility Matrix

Supported versions Copied

ITRS currently supports the latest versions of OP5 Monitor, specifically those in the 9.x versions.

Only the latest major version, OP5 Monitor 9.x receives regular enhancements and fixes. To view the upgrade notes for OP5 Monitor 9.x, see Upgrade to OP5 Monitor 9.x.

For more information on versioning, including standard and rolling release, see release tracks in Compatibility and lifecycle.


OP5 Monitor 8.x.x is no longer supported as of April 2024.

We recommend that you access the latest OP5 Monitor 9.x Compatibility Matrix to get more information on the supported platforms and changes.

Operating system support Copied

OP5 Monitor version RHEL 8 Rocky Linux 8 CentOS Stream 8


The offline installation process is supported for all released versions of OP5 Monitor 9.x. It requires Red Hat Linux 8.6 or Rocky Linux 8.9, both updated with the latest patches. For more information, see Offline installation.

OP5 Monitor collects data by running plugins. Checks can be agentless or through agents and APIs.

NRPE is an agent distributed with Linux operating systems, while NSClient++ is an agent that is installed on Windows servers.

Agent/Agentless Windows Linux: RHEL 7 Linux: SUSE Linux: Ubuntu IBM AIX
NRPE v. 2, 3, and 4
NSClient++ v0.5.1 and above Windows Server 2008 and 2012
WMI Windows Server 2008 and 2012


ITRS does not provide support on agents installed on different Linux distributions. Verify with the package manager in your Linux distribution and the support of the agent on the specific OS.

The table above is the verification of our plugin working with the specific agent in the base OS.

SNMP is limited to the configuration on the remote server for the specific check to be performed on that system.

Containerised environment support Copied

ITRS supports running OP5 Monitor Slim Poller in the following containerised environments.

Each component should meet the documented minimum operating system requirements.

Container environment Slim Poller
Docker Enterprise or Community Edition beginning version 18.03

Cloud environment support Copied

ITRS supports running OP5 Monitor in cloud environments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

Each component should meet the documented minimum operating system requirements.

Deploying OP5 Monitor into any cloud environment needs to take into consideration connectivity, performance, network traffic, and cost implications.

Plugin support Copied

For the full list of supported plugins, see Plugin reference.

Browser support Copied

Browser Supported version
Chrome Latest stable version
Firefox 60 +
Edge 44.x +

Compatibility and lifecycle Copied

This section outlines all the changes to OP5 Monitor compatibility and lifecycle.

With OP5 Monitor, there are two supported release tracks: Standard and Rolling.

Standard (Default) Copied

By default, new installations of OP5 Monitor come with the standard release track enabled.

With the standard release track, a new release is done at a regular interval. This release consists of new features and larger collection of issues fixed or improvements. The standard product release version follows this format 9.x.

For more information, see OP5 Monitor 9.x Release Notes.

Rolling (Opt-in) Copied

The rolling release is continuously updating with new fixes and improvements being released as soon as they are ready and have gone through the internal quality assurance process. As a result, if one enables the rolling release track, one can expect more frequent, smaller updates, with fixes and improvements available as soon as possible.

The rolling release track is suitable for deployments where updates to the system are done on a very regular basis, and when it is prioritised to get the latest fixes and improvements as quickly as possible. It is also possible to temporarily enable the rolling release track, if there is interest in getting a specific change as soon as possible, get the latest changes, and then move back to the standard release track for future releases.

Rolling release notes

On the rolling release, the release version follows this date format 9rolling-2022.03.22. Please see the rolling release notes for OP5 Monitor 9.x for more information.

Enable rolling release Copied

To enable the rolling release, execute dnf install op5-release-rolling in the command line of your server or virtual machine. Following enablement of the rolling release track, an update to the system can be done by executing dnf clean all && dnf update.

Disable rolling release Copied

To disable the rolling release track, execute dnf remove op5-release-rolling.

This removes the dnf repository definitions for the rolling release track, leaving only the definition for the standard release track. Upon the next standard release, any packages will be updated as appropriate when performing a dnf update on the system.

End of availability Copied

The end of availability means that the affected components will no longer be available for download. This ends the releasing of binaries, but the support continues:

Notice of change Effective date
End of availability for OP5 Monitor 8.x.x 29 September 2023
End of availability of Logger component beginning OP5 Monitor 9.0. 5 April 2022
End of availability for OP5 Monitor delivered with OS, namely the ISO and OVA packages. OP5 Monitor appliance packages are no longer available. 28 April 2021
End of availability for OP5 Monitor 7.5.x. 13 April 2021
End of availability of DokuWiki module in OP5 Monitor. 8 December 2020

End of support notices Copied

End of support means that the affected components are no longer supported:

Notice of change Effective date
End of support for OP5 Monitor 8.x.x April 2024
End of support for OP5 Monitor 7.5.x. 13 October 2021
End of support for all versions of OP5 Monitor running on RHEL 6 or CentOS 6 30 November 2020
End of support for the DokuWiki module for all versions of OP5 Monitor. If you want to set up DokuWiki separately, see How to install DokuWiki stand-alone on CentOS 8. 10 November 2020
End of support for OP5 Monitor version 8.0.x. 23 June 2020
End of support for OP5 Monitor 8.x.x running on Internet Explorer. 1 May 2020
End of support for mobile applications of the OP5 Monitor. These applications are no longer available for download. 28 April 2020
End of support for OP5 Monitor 8.x.x running on RHEL 6 or CentOS 6. 12 February 2020
["OP5 Monitor"] ["Compatibility Matrix", "Release Notes"]

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