OS - Unix Agentless Opspack

Unix (trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix.

Service Checks Copied

Service Check Description Default Thresholds (Metric: Warning, Critical)
Load Average Check system load average via SSH

load1: ​3,6

load5: ​2,4

load15: ​2,4

Storage Utilization Check root partition utilization via SSH <partition>: ​2%,5%
System Memory Check system memory utilization via SSH

utilisation: ​$WARNINGDT;90;95$,$CRITICALDT;98;98$

[Supports Dynamic Thresholds]


See details about Monitoring Plugin thresholds here.

Dynamic Thresholds Support Copied

Some Service Checks within this Opspack support Dynamic Thresholds for Opsview Enterprise.

Prerequisities Copied

Opsview Cloud

For Opsview Cloud customers, please contact ITRS Support for assistance with these steps, as they require Orchestrator access.

Setup Opsview Monitor Server for Monitoring Copied

The following setup steps are to be run on your Opsview Monitor server.

Login to your Opsview server as the Opsview user:

sudo -iu opsview

Generate the SSH key:


Note: These install steps assume you are using the default location (/opt/opsview/.ssh/id_dsa). You can enter a passphrase if you want to.

View and copy the contents of this key file:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Setup Unix Server for Monitoring Copied

The following setup steps are to be run on the Unix server you wish to monitor.

Create the Opsview user on your Unix server:

sudo useradd opsview -m -d /opt/opsview

Set the password for the Opsview user:

sudo passwd opsview

Login as the new user:

su - opsview

Navigate to your home directory:

cd ~

Create an SSH directory:

mkdir .ssh

Assign permissions to this directory:

chmod 0700 .ssh

Move to the new directory:

cd .ssh

Create an authorised_keys file:

vi authorized_keys

Paste the contents of the key you generated on your Opsview system into this new file.

Assign permissions to this file:

chmod 0644 authorized_keys

Create the plugins directory:

mkdir -p /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins

Install Perl:

For operating systems that support APT:

apt-get install perl -y

For operating systems that support YUM:

yum install perl -y

Setup and Configuration Copied

Opsview Cloud

For Opsview Cloud customers, please contact ITRS Support for assistance with these steps, as they require Orchestrator access.

Note: The Agentless Opspack works by running the plugins on the target machine over SSH. The plugins must first be stored on the target machine.

On your Opsview Monitor server, copy the plugins to the server you want to monitor Copied

scp /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins/check_disk opsview@IPADDRESS:/opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins
scp /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins/check_load opsview@IPADDRESS:/opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins
scp /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins/check_memory opsview@IPADDRESS:/opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/plugins

Add the Host Template Copied

Add the OS - Unix Agentless Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host.


For more information, refer to the documentation on Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Apply Changes Copied

Apply Changes and the system will then be monitored:

View Unix Agentless Service Checks

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