Cloud - AWS - Overall Status Opspack (Deprecated)

Deprecation Notice

This Opspack is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It may not be present in your installation of Opsview.

This Opspack supports Amazon Cloudwatch for EC2, ELB, and RDS instances. It monitors and returns performance metrics for:

Service Checks Copied

Service Check Description
AWS Service Status Use this multi-attribute friendly check to monitor AWS services and their statuses

Prerequisites Copied

Opsview Cloud

For Opsview Cloud customers, please contact ITRS Support for assistance with these steps, as they require Orchestrator access.

Ruby Copied

The ruby Cloudscripts gem is used with this Opspack and should be installed as the opsview user. Ruby and rubygems should be available on your system and already use the command:

gem install CloudyScripts

On Ubuntu 10 Lucid, you should also install SSL support for Ruby:

apt-get install libopenssl-ruby

Security Copied

An RSA key must be generated and saved to enable encryption of your AWS details. Use the command: mkdir /etc/cloutomate/ ssh-keygen -f /etc/cloutomate/cloutomate.pem and enter a blank passphrase, to create this file.

Note: sudo may be required in order to execute these commands, although the files cloutomate.pem and aws_credentials.cfg must be owned by opsview user; otherwise the values cannot be read by the plugin.

Amazon Copied

You will need access to the Amazon Web Services account you wish to monitor, along with a valid Access Key and its Secret Key. See Amazon’s Documentation for information about using keys for security.

Configuration Copied

Creating a credentials file Copied

First, use the encrypt_aws_credentials.rb script to generate your credentials file:

ruby /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/etc/plugins/cloud-aws/encrypt_aws_credentials.rb -A (your Amazon access key ID) -S (your Amazon secret key) -f /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/etc/plugins/cloud-aws/aws_credentials.cfg

You can find your Access Key(s) by logging into the AWS site and accessing “Security Credentials” from your account’s drop-down. If you don’t know the Secret Key, you may need to create a new key.The created file must not be distributed down to slaves.

Your Amazon host Copied

You will need to know the Amazon server to enter as the Primary Hostname. This will be shown under “Public DNS” in the instance information on Amazon’s Management Console.

Variables Copied

AWS_CLOUDWATCH_CREDENTIALS must have arg2 set to the Amazon Instance ID - also available from the AWS Management Console.

Example Installation Copied



sudo mkdir /etc/cloutomate
sudo ssh-keygen -f /etc/cloutomate/cloutomate.pem
sudo gem install CloudyScripts
sudo ruby /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/etc/plugins/cloud-aws/encrypt_aws_credentials.rb -A (Amazon Access ID) -S (Amazon Secret Key) -f /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/etc/plugins/cloud-aws/aws_credentials.cfg
sudo chown -R opsview:opsview /etc/cloutomate
sudo chown opsview:opsview /opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/etc/plugins/cloud-aws/aws_credentials.cfg

Setup and Configuration Copied

To configure and utilise this Opspack, you simply need to add the Cloud - AWS - Overall Status to the host running the Overall Status software, and specify the Overall Status port via the variable AWS-SERVICE which needs to be added to the host.

Add the host template Copied

Add host template

Add and configure variables required for this host Copied

Add variable

Apply Changes Copied

Apply Changes and the system will then be monitored:

View output

["Opsview Cloud"] ["Opsview > Opspacks"] ["User Guide", "Technical Reference"]

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