ITRS Opsview On-premises Documentation

Remote Collector Management

Overview Copied

Remote Collector Management enables clusters of monitoring collectors in a multi-site deployment to be managed remotely and independent of the Master Monitoring Server. You can also delegate the responsibility of managing the cluster to an administrator local to the cluster.

Supported operating systems Copied

Please refer to the list of supported operating systems.

Required ports Copied

Please refer to the information in Using Remote Collectors.

Remote Collector installation and registration Copied

Permissions Copied

Two Roles are involved in the setup of Remotely Managed Collectors.


The second Role does not include the CONFIGUREREMOTECLUSTER permission intentionally.

Create the cluster Copied

This requires the CONFIGUREREMOTECLUSTER permission.


You can skip this step if the remote administrator has the CONFIGUREREMOTECLUSTER permission.
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Collector Management.

  2. Click the + button to add a new Remotely Managed Cluster.

    New remotely managed cluster

Enable access to the new cluster Copied

The remote administrator Role can be given permission to access the new cluster.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Users and Roles > Roles.

  2. Clone the existing Remote Collector Manager role and edit the new role.

    Clone existing role

  3. On the Configuration tab, ensure the new cluster is selected under Monitoring Clusters.

    New role cloned Monitoring Clusters

  4. On the Administration tab, ensure the new cluster is selected under Remotely Managed Clusters.

    New role cloned Remotely Managed Clusters

  5. Submit changes and apply your changes by clicking Configuration > Apply Changes.

Install and register the first collector Copied

Collector prerequisites Copied

Before a collector can be registered, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the collector must be the first name that appears in the /etc/hosts file on the collector.

For example: collector123 localhost
::1 localhost

Registration Copied

Installation and registration of the new collector are performed on the command line of the collector itself.

  1. To commence the installation, run:

    curl -sSLo - https://ORCHESTRATOR/downloads/deploy-collector | sudo bash -s -- --username USERNAME --orchestrator ORCHESTRATOR --cluster "CLUSTER"
    • ORCHESTRATOR — replace this with the address of the Master Monitoring Server.
    • --username — name of the remote administrator.
    • --orchestrator — address of the Master Monitoring Server.
    • --cluster — the cluster name. It should match the name of the cluster added in the previous section. This must be enclosed in quotes. If the cluster does not already exist and the remote administrator has the CONFIGUREREMOTECLUSTER permission, then the cluster will be created as part of the installation and registration process.
    • --insecure — do not perform server certificate checks when connecting to the ORCHESTRATOR, see below for reference.
    • --ssh-tunnel — configure an SSH tunnel from the collector to the Master Monitoring Server, see below for reference.


      If you have rehomed your application, update the URL appropriately.

    To learn about all the options available, you can use the help option:

    curl -sSLo - https://ORCHESTRATOR/downloads/deploy-collector | sudo bash -s -- --help
  2. Enter the password for the remote administrator when prompted.

  3. If certificate checking is to be disabled, add -k and --insecure to the command line:

    curl -k -sSLo - https://ORCHESTRATOR/downloads/deploy-collector | sudo bash -s -- --username USERNAME --orchestrator ORCHESTRATOR --cluster "CLUSTER" --insecure

    The installation and registration should take a few minutes.

    If succesful the following message will be displayed on the collector:

    Installation complete. Contact your administrator on ORCHESTRATOR and ask them to Apply Changes.
  4. After the installation has run successfully, the registration can be completed by applying the changes in Configuration > Apply Changes.

Add more collectors to the remotely managed cluster Copied

To add additional collectors to the cluster, wait until the first collector has fully registered. Then, log on to the collector to be added and enter the same command that was used to register the first collector. Do not register any further collectors in the same cluster until the first new collector has fully registered.

If you register additional Collectors without running Apply Changes, some checks may fail with a CRITICAL "no such file or directory" error.

Problems with installation Copied

If you encounter any problems during the installation, you can safely run the command again.

Known issue

Adding more remotely managed collectors to your existing clusters might fail during the Add opsview-datastore node to cluster step. If this occurs, running the registration command again on the new collector should fix the issue and complete the clustering process.

SSH Tunnels Copied

Known issue

An SSH Tunnels error currently prevents the registration of remotely managed collector clusters running OL 8 when the orchestrator system is running Debian 10. This issue affects the installation of the messagequeue and datastore during registration.

Remotely managed collectors can be configured to route all connections to the Master Monitoring Server via SSH tunnels. This is especially useful when the Master or Collectors are behind restrictive firewalls.

If an SSH tunnel is required from the collector to the orchestrator, then the --ssh-tunnel option should be used when running the registration command:

curl -sSLo - https://ORCHESTRATOR/downloads/deploy-collector | sudo bash -s -- --username USERNAME --orchestrator ORCHESTRATOR --cluster "CLUSTER" --ssh-tunnel


All collectors in the same cluster must be configured with the same option (either all use SSH tunnels or none of them).

Upgrading Remotely Managed Collectors Copied

The user performing the upgrade must have the REMOTELYMANAGEDCLUSTERS permission for the cluster.

Upgrading from 6.9.0 or older to 6.9.1 or newer Copied

Due to a repository key change, this upgrade must be triggered after adding the new repository key. Run the following command as root on one collector per cluster to add the key:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/rc.ansible ansible 'opsview_collector:!opsview_orchestrator' -m shell -a 'printf "opsview_repository_key: | \n$(curl\n" | sed "1 ! s/^/  /" | sudo tee -a /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml'

If you do not have access to the internet, the actual key string can be added instead with:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/rc.ansible ansible 'opsview_collector:!opsview_orchestrator' -m shell -a 'printf "opsview_repository_key: | \n-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n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\nl+F2x62WJX7sDGE=\n=Yi2S\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n" | sed "1 ! s/^/  /" | sudo tee -a /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml'

Then perform the standard upgrade process. Any further upgrades will not require this step. If this is not carried out, you may encounter the errors: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available or The GPG keys listed for the "Opsview" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.

Upgrading via the collector command line Copied

  1. Run the command line below. This can be performed on any of the collectors in the remotely managed cluster.

    sudo /opt/opsview/scheduler/bin/collectorupgrader --username USERNAME
  2. Enter the password when prompted.

  3. If server certificate checking is to be disabled, add --insecure flag to the command line:

    sudo /opt/opsview/scheduler/bin/collectorupgrader --username USERNAME --insecure

Upgrading via web Copied

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Collector Management.

  2. Select the clusters to upgrade and then click Upgrade clusters.

    Upgrade clusters

Deleting Remotely Managed Clusters Copied

To delete a cluster, you must have the REMOTELYMANAGEDCLUSTERS permission.

Deleting the entire cluster using the collector command line Copied

Ensure that there are no Hosts currently being monitored by the Cluster.

This command can be performed on any of the collectors in the remotely managed cluster:

sudo /opt/opsview/scheduler/bin/collectordeleter --username USERNAME

When prompted, enter your password to proceed.

If server certificate checking is to be disabled, add the --insecure option on the command line:

sudo /opt/opsview/scheduler/bin/collectordeleter --username USERNAME --insecure

Managing monitoring scripts Copied

Monitoring scripts (plugins, notification scripts, and event handlers) are distributed to all Remotely Managed Clusters as part of the Apply Changes process.

Troubleshooting Copied

When running commands on the collector command line, a basic error report should be displayed on the screen. For security reasons, only minimal information should be shown to the remote user.

The Configuration > Collector Management web page will also show the status of registrations and upgrades.

Click the status pill in the Last Upgrade column to view additional registration or upgrade information.

Upgrade status

Audit Log Copied

The Configuration > Audit Log web page also records remote collector management configuration activities.

["Opsview Cloud"] ["User Guide"]

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