Hashtag Views

To view the health status of the objects you have tagged, and start analyzing the data, go to Monitoring > Hashtags.

List view Copied

When the page is displayed, you’ll be on the List View for all of your Hashtags. This displays the Hashtag (prepended with the # symbol, for display purposes), the description, and the status of the Hashtag.

List view

In the state column, the pill provides with the:

For example, the following Hashtag shows an Orange Warning color with two objects having issues:

Hashtag warning status

When you click on the contextual menu to Investigate, the details view shows that 1 of the objects is in ‘Unknown’ status while the other one is in a higher severity level: Warning.

List view column

Grid view Copied

The Grid View will display each hashtag in a grid layout with status information.

Grid view

The size of the grid cells can be changed via the dropdown box within the ‘Grid View’ option, as shown below:

Grid view option

The default setting is the Large View, which is three cells in a row. Medium View is four cells in a row, and Small View is five cells in a row

Filtering Copied

Clicking the Filter button in the top right will open a modal allowing you to filter by individual hashtags, or using a search box (using string filtering). Click the Clear Filter button to remove any filtering applied to the list.

Actions Copied

Aside from filtering and sorting, you can choose to undertake actions on all objects within the Hashtag. These actions can be viewed and invoked using the contextual menu, found to the right of the Hashtags column as shown below:

As with List View items, you can undertake actions and investigate the Hashtags using a contextual menu. In the Grid View, the contextual menu is loaded by clicking on the cells as shown below:


Once an option is clicked, such as ‘Rechecks’, a modal window will load with the relevant Service Checks that has the relevant data loaded for the given Hashtag.

Rechecks windows

Investigate view Copied

You can see more details about a given Hashtag by clicking on a Hashtag > Investigate (or Investigate from a contextual menu). This view displays all Service Checks that are a part of the Hashtag, and by default is set to Group by Status:

Investigate view

You can choose to group or sort your view differently:

Sort your view

Every grid has columns that may be hidden, resized, and reordered. The majority of columns can be sorted.

The data for a particular Service Check or Metric will be displayed when you hover over a grid row.

Public Hashtags view Copied

Sharing a Hashtag with the public Copied

You can choose to share the health of certain Hashtags with, essentially, unauthenticated users (public).

To share a Hashtag with the public, simply edit the Hashtag within Configuration > Hashtags, and click on Edit window, the Hashtags contextual menu, as below:

Once loaded, check the Public checkbox, as shown below:

Sharing a hashtag


You should ensure the Hashtag View radio button is set to Enable. If the Hashtag View is disabled, then the Public option will be disabled.

You will now need to go to Configuration > Apply Changes in order for the changes to take effect. Once done, any users that navigate to http://your-opsview-monitor-server-name.com/autologin will be shown all of the currently available Public Hashtags.

Removing public Hashtags access Copied

To remove the Public Hashtags access from Opsview Cloud, go to Configuration > Users and Roles. Then should select the ‘Anonymous guest’ User, click on the contextual menu, and click Delete.

Once you have deleted the ‘Anonymous Guest’ User, you will need to go to Configuration > Apply Changes for the changes to take effect.

Once completed, any Users trying to navigate to http://your-opsview-monitor-server-name.com/autologin will be redirected to the Opsview Cloud Error Page. In order to re-enable Public Hashtags:

Re-enabling public Hashtags access Copied

To re-add Public Hashtags access from Opsview Cloud, go to Configuration > Users and Roles and then Add New

The following details within the New Users modal and click Submit Changes.

Submit changes

Creating the anonymous-guest user Copied

Once completed any Users that navigate to http://your-opsview-monitor-server-name.com/autologin will be shown all of the currently available Public Hashtags.

["Opsview Cloud"] ["User Guide"]

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