Customizing a Report

Some of the above standard reports can be modified to suit individual needs, such as excluding all SOFT errors from the Weekly Availability report. The following steps can be used to modify an existing report.

Note that if a report or sub-report is customized it should be saved under a new name - all standard reports are reset to default on an upgrade and many sub-reports are used in a number of other reports. To customize a report, first find the report ‘jrxml’ under /opt/opsview/jasper/reports on the server. Also, look for 'subreportExpression' within the file to identify what sub reports (other jrxml files) are called. This will identify all the reports that need to be amended.

When all the required reports and subreports have been identified, copy them to your local machine for amending (the files are later uploaded back into Jasper via a web browser session). Rename each of the files as appropriate (e.g. by using the name suffix ‘Hard’):

cp -p WeeklyAvailability.jrxml WeeklyAvailabilityHard.jrxml

Edit each of the jrxml files and look for all the sub-report references (‘subreportExpression’) to rename each of those to use the same suffix.

Then, edit each of the jrxml files to amend the SQL queries as necessary. To have the report ignore soft errors, look for each of the following database table columns and amend as follows:

Soft error column names Hard error only column names
seconds_not_ok seconds_not_ok_hard
seconds_warning seconds_warning_hard
seconds_critical seconds_critical_hard
seconds_unknown seconds_unknown_hard

This can be achieved by using the following Perl code:

perl -p -i -e 's/(seconds_not_ok|seconds_warning|seconds_critical|seconds_unknown (\W)/${1}_hard${2}/g' *.jrxml

When all the changes have been made, the modified report can be uploaded back into the Reports module (as an admin) by navigating to Reports then selecting Repository from the VIEW menu. Right click on Reports > Add Resource, and select JasperServer Report.

The name should be the main report filename without the jrxml, and the label should be the same but with spaces between words.

Field Value
Name WeeklyPerformanceByServiceHard
Resource ID WeeklyPerformanceByServiceHard

Set up the Report

Locate the jrxml file from your local filesystem and upload.

Now click on Controls & Resources on the left hand side. Here you first need to specify the sub-reports and then the input controls for the main report.

Add each sub-report like the example here

Add a Report Resource

It should end up looking like this.

Controls and Resources

Now for the Input Controls. These are the fields required to run the report, he is a reminder of what this report requires to run.

Input Controls

Add each control, example seen here.

Add each control

With all the sub-reports and control inputs.

Sub-reports and control inputs

Now click the Data Source on the left hand side. Here we would select the location of the data, normally ODW.

Link a Data Source to the Report

The Query and Customization are not changed in this example.

Click the Submit button and the report will be saved and you should now be able to run your report.

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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