Offline installation

This guide is for users of Supported Operating Systems without direct access to the Internet and is geared towards a base install.

Planning Copied

Take a copy of our public Opsview Monitor repository and transfer it to a server on your target network, to create a repository mirror.


The repository is not browsable; a mirroring process is the best way to download all of the packages.

Setting up the mirror is outside the scope of this documentation, but we suggest using a tool to achieve this such as reposync for CentOS, RHEL, and OL, or apt-mirror for Debian and Ubuntu.

The base URLs for mirroring our repositories are:

# CentOS/RHEL/OL<OS>/<VERSION>/x86_64
# e.g.

# Ubuntu/Debian

Additional OS packages may be installed during this process, so you may also need to provide access to mirrored or local OS repositories.

For RHEL 7/8/9 systems, ensure the subscription manager is configured to allow system repositories. Verify that the disable_system_repos option is set to 0 in the /etc/dnf/plugins/subscription-manager.conf file on each system.

Make sure you check the software requirements, particularly the hostname requirements.

Set up offline repository Copied

This is a simple example of setting up a local repository.


The setup of the repo assumes that the server pulling the repository files is on the same OS or Arch as the Opsview install target server.
  1. Ensure you have the package to createrepo installed:

    yum install yum-utils createrepo
  2. Setup Repo (same OS/Arch as the Opsview target server):

    curl -sLo- | sudo bash -s -- -O repo
  3. Obtain the repoid (first line in the file), you will only need the information inside the square brackets:

    head -n1 /etc/yum.repos.d/opsview.repo
  4. Create local area to store Opsview packages.

    reposync  -l  --repoid=<repoid-from-head> --download_path=/var/tmp/local_opsview_repo
    RHEL 8 and RHEL 9 you will need to run:
    reposync -p /var/tmp/local_opsview_repo --download-metadata --repo=<repoid-from-head>
  5. Inform the Package manager of the Opsview files.

    createrepo -v /var/tmp/local_opsview_repo
  6. Add a repo source file.

    vim /etc/yum.repos.d/localrepo.repo
    name=Opsview Local Repository
  7. Refresh the package manager cache.

    yum clean all
    yum makecache
  8. You will also need to take a copy of the installation script (and verify its checksum) before transferring this to the target server:

    curl -sLo- > install_opsview
    sha256sum install_opsview
  9. Ensure the returned string matches the following:


Installation Copied


All of these steps should be run as the root user.
  1. Using the Opsview Monitor deploy script downloaded earlier, install the initial package set. Specify a suitable <password> to use with the Opsview Monitor admin account here.

    bash ./install_opsview -p <password> -O fire,boot

    This will make use of both the mirrored OS repository and the mirrored Opsview repository you have previously set up and configured.

  2. Amend the file /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/opsview_deploy.yml and ensure all hostnames detected have the domain specified on them, for example, assuming the hostname is opsmonitor:



Change to match your own domain.
  1. Amend the file /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml and add in the following appropriate line for your OS to specify the URL to your local Opsview Monitor package repository mirror:

    # CentOS/RHEL/OL
    opsview_repository_str_yum: 'http://my.repo/$basearch/'
    # Debian/Ubuntu
    opsview_repository_str_apt: 'deb http://my.repo/ trusty main'
    # Pre-flight check for the repository
    check_uri_opsview_repository: 'http://my.repo/'

    If you intend to use optional modules, you can enable them by adding lines as follows (note: these will still need an appropriate license to enable them) in the same file:

    opsview_module_netaudit: True
    opsview_module_netflow: True
    opsview_module_servicedesk_connector: True
    opsview_module_reporting: True
    opsview_module_snmp_traps: True
  2. Continue the installation using the following command:

    bash ./install_opsview -p <password> -O inst


If a more advanced setup is required then take a look the Advanced Automated Installation documentation first.
  1. Run the post-install configuration step:

    /opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy lib/playbooks/setup-monitoring.yml

Activation Copied

Once successfully installed, perform a manual activation by following the steps on Managing your Subscription.

After activation is successful, run:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy lib/playbooks/setup-opsview.yml

This will check your newly activated license and ensure all appropriate modules are installed and configured for your use.

Logging in Copied

During the installation, a single administrative user will have been created. The credentials for this user are:

username: admin
password: <password supplied during installation>

After the system is activated, carry out a reload by navigating to Configuration > Apply Changes and pressing the Apply Changes button.

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide", "Technical Reference", "Installation"]

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