SSH Tunnels

Opsview Monitor can be configured have the Orchestrator route all connections to or from Opsview Collector Clusters via SSH tunnels. This is especially useful when a Collector Cluster is behind restrictive firewalls.

It is possible to use forward and reverse tunnels on your system. A forward tunnel is made from the Orchestrator to a Collector, whereas a reverse tunnel is made from the Collector to the Orchestrator.

Reverse tunnels Copied

Reverse tunnels are made from the Orchestrator to a Collector.

How to set up a Collector with a reverse tunnel Copied


These instructions explain how to set up SSH Tunnels for standard Collectors. For details on SSH Tunnels for Remotely Managed Collectors, instead refer to Remote Collector Management.

These instructions describe the process for setting up a new Collector, de_collector_01 which communicates with an existing Orchestrator, orchestrator through an SSH tunnel originating from orchestrator.

When using the example commands, you should replace the variables to suit your environment. Below are two tables showing the details of our example hosts (de_collector_01 and orchestrator) that you need to substitute.


Variable Value
Hostname orchestrator
Local IP
Public IP
Local user orchestrator_user


Variable Value
Hostname de_collector_01
Local IP
Public IP
Local user collector_user


The local users for your Orchestrator and Collector must have full root access. You may use the default root user as this local user.

Making an SSH connection Copied

  1. Generate an SSH key on the Orchestrator as orchestrator_user (do not set a password). Check in the ~/.ssh/ directory of the user you are wishing to use and if a SSH key pair already exists, you may use this and skip to the next step.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  1. Copy the public key you just generated to collector_user on the Collector:
  1. Test the connection of your Orchestrator to your Collector:

You should be able to log in without any password prompts or errors.

Deploy the Collector Copied

  1. Edit /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/opsview_deploy.yml to include a new section within collector_clusters like the below example:
  my-local-cluster:                    # Cluster name as it will appear in the UI
         ip:               # IP of the collector (known to orchestrator)
         ssh_user: collector_user      # User making SSH connection
          ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /home/orchestator_user/.ssh/id_rsa # Path to identityfile used for making the SSH connection
  1. Edit /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml and add the below:
# For SSH tunnels initiated from the Opsview Orchestrator.
  - de_collector_01 # Replace with hostname (not FQDN) of your collector


If you are using NATed IP addresses, follow the additional steps about using NATed IP addresses.
  1. Run the setup-everything and setup-monitoring playbooks on your Orchestrator:

If you are deploying one new collector use the -l (l for lima) against the individual collector and then run the ssh-tunnels against the orchestrator

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy -l de_collector_01  /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/setup-everything.yml
/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy -l <orchestrator_hostname>  /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/ssh-tunnels-install.yml

If you are adding the collector into a cluster, please look at the steps on Managing Collectors and Clusters page.

Forward tunnels Copied

Forward tunnels are made from a Collector to the Orchestrator. You may want to use a Collector with a forward tunnel if your Collector is behind a restrictive firewall and your Orchestrator is in a different location.

How to set up a Collector with a forward tunnel Copied


These instructions explain how to set up SSH Tunnels for standard Collectors. For details on SSH Tunnels for Remotely Managed Collectors, instead refer to Remote Collector Management.

These instructions describe the process for setting up a new Collector, fr_collector_01 which communicates with an existing Orchestrator, orchestrator through an SSH tunnel originating from fr_collector_01.

You will need to open two terminal windows: one with access to your Orchestrator and the other with access to the Collector.

When using the example commands, you should replace the variables to suit your environment. Below are two tables showing the details of our example hosts (fr_collector_01 and orchestrator) that you need to substitute.

Orchestrator Copied

Variable Value
Hostname orchestrator
Local IP
Public IP
Local user orchestrator_user
SUDO access N/A

Collector Copied

Variable Value
Hostname fr_collector_01
Local IP
Public IP
Local user collector_user


The local users for your Orchestrator and Collector must have full root access. You may use the default root user as this local user.

Making an SSH connection Copied

  1. Generate an SSH key on the Collector as collector_user; ensure the user password is set to a known value (it can be removed later) and that the user has full sudo access with NOPASSWD set:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  2. Copy the public key you generated to orchestrator_user on the Orchestrator:

  3. Identify an unused port on the orchestrator to test the SSH connection. In this example, port 9022 is used.

  4. Open an SSH tunnel from your Collector to your Orchestrator forwarding port 9022:

    ssh -R 9022:localhost:22

    You should be able to log in without any password prompts or errors. Once opened, do not close this session yet.

  5. In the other terminal session, generate an SSH key on the Orchestrator as root:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

    Check in the ~/.ssh/ directory of the root user and if an SSH key pair already exists, you may use it and then skip to the next step.

  6. Copy the public key you recently generated to collector_user on the Collector, making use of the SSH tunnel steps above:

    ssh-copy-id -p 9022 collector_user@
  7. Check the SSH connection to the Collector functions without a password:

    ssh -p 9022 collector_user@

    If you get prompted for a password, revisit the SSH key steps above.

Preparing the Orchestrator Copied

The following steps must be performed on your Orchestrator while the test tunnel from the Collector is open.

  1. Edit /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/opsview_deploy.yml to include a new section within collector_clusters like the below example:

    # New section for reverse tunnel collector
      my-forward-cluster:               # Cluster name that will appear in the UI
  # FQDN of collector
            ip:             # Public IP of collector
            ssh_user: collector_user    # Username of local root user on collector
            ssh_port: 9022              # Previously identified unused port
                - name:     # Public IP of orchestrator
                  local_ports: '{{ opsview_ssh_tunnels_collector_ports }}'
                    - '' # Replace '9022' with the value of ssh_port defined above


For opsview_deploy.yml, more information on correct formatting and syntax for this file can be found in Managing Clusters and Collectors.
  1. Edit the SSH config file (/home/root/.ssh/config) for root to include an entry similar to the example below:

    Host collector  # Replace these with the local IP, FQDN, and hostname of your Collector
      Port 9022                                               # Replace with the open port you are using
      User collector_user                                     # Replace with the username of the local user on the collector
  2. Edit /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml and add the below:

    # For SSH tunnels initiated from the Opsview Collectors.
      - fr_collector_01 # Replace with the hostname (not FQDN) of your Collector

Deploy the Collector Copied

  1. Run the setup-everything playbook on your Orchestrator:

    /opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/setup-everything.yml
  2. Close the test SSH tunnel from your Collector to your Orchestrator.

  3. Restart all Opsview components on the Collector.

    /opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit restart all
  4. Wait for all the Opsview components to restart:

    /opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit summary -B
  5. Run the setup-monitoring playbook on your Orchestrator.

    /opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/setup-monitoring.yml

Your new collector should now be registered in the UI as described in Managing Clusters and Collectors.

Additional steps for NATed IP addresses Copied

Forward tunnels Copied

  1. Edit the SSH config file (/home/orchestrator_user/.ssh/config) for orchestrator_user on orchestrator to include an entry like the below:

    Host collector   # Replace these with the local IP, FQDN, and hostname of your Collector
      Hostname                                    # Replace with public IP of the collector
      User collector_user                                     # Replace with the username of the local user on the collector
  2. Edit the newly added section in /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/opsview_deploy.yml to mirror the below example:

    # New section for forward tunnel collector
      my-cluster:               # Cluster name that will appear in the UI
   # FQDN of collector
            ip:            # Local IP of collector
            ssh_user: collector_user     # Username of local root user on collector
              ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /home/orchestator_user/.ssh/id_rsa # Path to identityfile used for making the SSH connection
              opsview_host_alt_address: de_collector_01: # Replace with hostname and public IP of the collector IF your orchestrator is nated
              if orchestrator has nated ip, collectors need config
              if collecter has nated, orchestrator needs config

Troubleshooting Copied

SSH tunnels keep starting but never staying open Copied

Check the permissions of /opt/opsview/. They should be 755 root:root.

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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