Generating a Report

To generate a report within Opsview Monitor, go to the Monitoring > Reports menu.

If the Reports module is not installed, you will be redirected to a page that explains the step that you need to take.

Once loaded, you will see a page similar to the screen shown below:

Reports menu

This default screen is the ‘Reports’ folder, and lists the available reports on the Opsview Monitor system. The list is initially sorted alphabetically, meaning ‘Yearly’ and ‘Weekly’ reports are located at the bottom of the screen.

To run a report, simply click on the text within the ‘Name:’ column. In the example below, we are going to run a ‘Daily Service Level Report’.

First, we have clicked on the ‘Daily Service Level Report’ text, which loads a configuration window as shown below:

Reports Input Controls

In the above example, we are running a report on the Hashtag ‘business-systems’, with the Service Level Target of 99.995, including scheduled outages (i.e. scheduled downtime), on the 3rd September 2015. Note, if you enter a % symbol in the percentage field you will see the error above; “Specify a valid value for type Double”.


Hashtags should be entered without the # symbol.

After clicking the ‘OK’ button, the report will be generated as shown below.

Reports example Copied

Daily Service Level Report

Page 1

Daily Service Level Report 1

Page 2

Daily Service Level Report 2

Page 3

Daily Service Level Report 3

The report above is a simple three-page report, displaying all Service Checks tagged with the Hashtag ‘business-systems’, and the availability in terms of status (OK, CRITICAL, WARNING, UNKNOWN) over the chosen time period. Any Service Check that was not OK for 99.995% of the day will be displayed red in the table, and with a red bar in the section on page two.

There are a range of reports available to you, which can be run against any Hashtag you have on the system.

Please note, even though the Service Checks may have been in your Opsview Monitor system for weeks or months they can only be reported on for the duration in which they have been tagged. For example, you may create a new Hashtag and tag 1000 service checks with, e.g. #mytag; however if you immediately try to run a report on #mytag it will fail as no NEW results have been tagged with #mytag. You will need to wait 24 hours to run a daily report on objects tagged with #mytag, wait one week in order to run a weekly report, etc.

Exporting Copied

Reports can be exported to a range of formats, such as .pdf, .xlsx, etc. by clicking on the ‘Export’ button and then selecting a format, as shown below:

Export reports

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