Service Check actions menu

The following options available within the contextual menu of a Service Check:

Investigate Copied

As the Investigate Host functionality has a lot of options, this section will be covered in Service Checks - Investigate.

Schedule Downtime Copied

This option will only be available if you have access to set downtime for this Service Check.

The Schedule Downtime option within a Service Check’s contextual menu will load a modal window when clicked, which will look similar to the screen shown below:

Schedule Downtime option

The various fields mean:

Clicking the Schedule Downtime button will submit the action to Opsview Monitor, which will result in either the ‘pending downtime’ or ‘active downtime’ icon appearing against the Service Check (these icons were outlined in Overview of icons).

For more information about downtimes, see Downtime.

Rechecks Copied

This option is only available if you have access to re-check a Service Check.

The Recheck option within a Service Check’s contextual menu will load a modal window when clicked, which will look similar to the screen shown below:

Rechecks option

The window allows you to force a re-check of a selected Service Check. On Submit, Opsview Monitor will forcibly recheck the Service Check in question.

Acknowledge Copied

The Acknowledge option within a Service Check’s contextual menu will only be available if you have permissions to set acknowledgements and the service can be acknowledged.

This menu option will load a modal window when clicked, which will look similar to the screen shown below:

Acknowledge option

The window allows you to acknowledge the Service Check (and thus convert into a ‘Handled’ status).

Only Service Checks that are not ‘OK’ can be acknowledged.

You can also choose to send an acknowledgement Notification (‘Ack Notification’) from within the modal window, which if checked, will send a Notification to the appropriate Users (i.e. those who are set up to be notified about the given Host/Service Checks).

Finally, there is the option to set the acknowledgement as ‘Sticky’.

‘A sticky acknowledgement means that only when the Host or Service Check returns to an ‘UP’ or ‘OK’ state will the acknowledgement be cleared. This is great for when there is a Host flapping between a warning state (i.e. I’m too busy!) and a CRITICAL state (i.e. I’m REALLY too busy!).’

Set Service Status Copied

The Set Service Status option within a Service Check’s contextual menu will only be displayed if you have permission to set a new status.

When clicked, Opsview will load a modal window similar to the screen shown below:

Set Service Status option

The window allows you to change the status of the Service Check. i.e. change a ‘CRITICAL’ service check to an ‘OK’ state, as with the screen above.

Please note, if an OK Service Check is changed to a non-OK status, i.e. CRITICAL, WARNING or UNKNOWN, the check interval will change to that of the ‘Retry interval’. This means that the Service Checks you have changed from OK to CRITICAL, for example, will likely return to the OK state within one minute (or whatever the retry interval is configured as).

For more information, see Set Service Status.

Troubleshoot Copied

This option is only available if the Service Check if an Active Plugin type and you have permission to test a Service Check.

This is a shortcut to the Investigate screen into the Troubleshoot Tab.

Edit configuration for Host Copied

This option is only available if you have access to edit this Host. Clicking this option will take you into the Configuration > Host page.

Edit configuration for Service Check Copied

This option is only available if you have access to edit Service Checks. Clicking this option will take you into the Configuration > Service Check page.

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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