Host - Investigate Mode

The Investigate mode is available within the contextual menu of Hosts and Service Checks that provides you with the ability to investigate every aspect of a Host or Service Check within a dedicated modal window.

To load up the investigate window, click the ‘Investigate’ option from within a Host’s contextual menu.

In the investigate mode for a Host, the following tabs are available:

Info tab Copied

The ‘Info’ tab is displayed when the Investigate mode window first opens:

Info tab

The Info tab is a one-stop shop for all information relating to the Host. For an explanation of what each field means, see below:

The data on this tab is refreshed each time you open the Investigate mode or when you go to another tab and come back to the Info tab.

Acknowledgements Copied

When an Acknowledgement has been set on a Host, it will be shown next to the Host Status as well as a “dialogue” icon displaying the comment for the Acknowledgement:

Acknowledgements option

You can remove the Acknowledgement by clicking on the underlined text where you will be prompted to confirm removal. After confirming, you will see a drop-down notification in the top right-hand corner of the screen to indicate the Acknowledgement has been removed.

Actions tab Copied

The ‘Actions’ tab allows you to make changes related to this host:

Actions tab

The Actions tab provides you with the ability to toggle certain settings relating to the Host such as whether Active Checks are enabled for the Host, or whether Flap Detection is enabled.

All the toggle switches are actioned immediately, meaning if ‘Event handler’ is toggled from ‘Enabled’ to ‘Disabled’, the Host no longer executes Event Handlers immediately, without the need for a ‘Commit’ button to be pressed.

The second half of the tab allows for the submission of a Passive Check result for the Host Check Command, i.e. change the Host from an ‘UP’ to a ‘DOWN’ state with a user defined ‘output’.

Clicking the ‘Reset’ button will clear all values entered into the ‘Submit Passive Check’ boxes. Clicking ‘Submit’ will submit the passive check result.

Notes tab Copied

The ‘Notes’ tab allows you to add any information regarding this host:

Notes tab

The Notes section for a Host is very similar to the one for Host Groups, in that it allows you to enter text in a WYSIWYG editor which can be seen by other Users of Opsview Monitor (who have permission to view the relevant Host). This is a great way to leave notes about what the Host is i.e. This is Tims Tyres router, they are located in London, UK and have an internal subnet of with the router's IP being 1.254....

To have edit permissions, you must have change abilities for this host.

The Open Note URL button is enabled if you have configured the Host Info URL in Configuration > My System > Options Tab.

To see these notes within the database, they are kept within the opsview databases hostinfo table.

Notifications tab Copied

The Notifications tab allows you to see all the notifications sent for this host:

Notifications tab

This tab will show all Notifications sent relating to either the Host or one of the Hosts Service Checks.

The number in the Number of Users column is clickable, at which point a new modal window will appear displaying the username, profile name and Notification Methods used to notify the Users. These notification methods are displayed as icons, which have a description in the tooltip when the mouse is hovered over the icon:

Profiles information

The list of Notifications can be exported by clicking on the ‘Export’ button, at which point you are prompted to choose one of three export formats: csv, json and xml. When the format is selected, the Notifications list will be generated in the given format and downloaded to your desktop/device via the browser.

History tab Copied

The History tab allows you to see historical events that occurred for this host:

History tab

The default view is to show the last day’s worth of events.

To filter on the date and time, you can use the filter toolbar at the top of the table. Enter the date and times for From and To and click on the ‘search’ icon. To clear the entered results and reset the values in the fields you should click on the ‘cross’ icon.

This tab will show the history of the Host and all of its Service Checks within a tabular format. The ‘State’ and ‘Type’ columns can be filtered via the columns contextual menu as below:

history of the Host

For State Change events, the first SOFT state change (eg: check attempt 1 of a max attempts 4) will be recorded, and then when it goes into a HARD state (eg: check attempt 4 of max attempts 4). All the intermediate states (eg: 2 of 4, and 3 of 4) are not recorded.

Downtime Start events will be recorded when the object goes into downtime for the first time. If there is a second downtime assigned to the object (eg: an overlapping downtime), the start will not be recorded.

Downtime End events will be recorded when the object comes out of downtime for the last time. If there is a downtime that finishes but another downtime is in progress, the end will not be recorded.

Acknowledgement events will be recorded at the time of the acknowledgement, with the acknowledgement comment.

The history list can be exported by clicking on the ‘Export’ button, at which point you are prompted to choose one of three export formats: csv, json and xml. When the format is selected, the History list will be generated in the given format and downloaded to your desktop/device via the browser.

Host Interfaces tab Copied

This tab is only listed if there are interfaces associated with the host. The ‘Host Interfaces’ tab allows you to see which SNMP interfaces are configured for monitoring (see Configuring a Host: ‘SNMP’ tab for configuration information).

Host Interfaces tab

Host Interfaces provided a single overview of the performance and status of each monitored interface on the specific Host, including the speed, graph (sparkline graph of the throughput, errors and discards), admin status, link status and the monitored state.

Events tab Copied

The Events tab allows you to see the historical events for this host, in a bar chart format:

Events tab

Essentially a different way of analyzing the History of a Host and its Service Checks, the Events tab allows Users to choose a date using the date picker on the left-hand side, which then re-populates the bar graph with the events (if any) for that chosen date. In the screen above, we have 32 ‘OK’ events around 11:00.

By default, the bar graph is displayed ‘full tab’, with the Event Checker minimized. The mouse can be hovered over the bars which will reveal the number of events in that given state, i.e. 33 ‘CRITICAL’ events in the example below. When one or more bars are clicked, the Event Checker will be populated with the events from the selected bars.

To clear the Event Checker and minimize it we can re-click on the ‘CRITICAL’ bar, it will be deselected. When no bars are selected, the Event Checker will automatically minimize.

Within the event chart, located in the top right, is a ‘downwards’ arrow. When hovered-over, this arrow will reveal contextual menu options:

contextual menu options

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