Add Collectors

Using a Cloud Collector Copied

You can add more collectors to your Opsview environment, either self-managed remote collectors or Opsview-managed collectors on your premises.

In either case, please read the SNMP Privacy Protocol Support and Operating System Support below.

Using Remotely Managed Collectors Copied


The following is the recommended procedure for adding collectors.

We recommend that you follow the instructions at Remote Collector Management.

If you are using Remote Collector, please see the following list for the required ports.

Using Opsview managed Collectors Copied

We can provide you with additional Collectors for your dedicated environment, but this will incur extra cost on your plan.

You can use your own Opsview Cloud Collectors hosted within your own networks that communicate with your Opsview Cloud system for monitoring hosts locally. These Collectors can be set up individually or in a group that work together and share load (a Collector Cluster).

The installation of the required packages and setup is completed by the Customer Success team.

Requirements Copied

You need to fulfil these requirements to allow Customer Success to install the required packages and configuration files on each Collector you want to set up:

Reverse SSH Tunnel Copied

The Reverse SSH Tunnel connection is initiated and maintained by the Opsview Cloud Orchestrator to your new Collector on port 22/TCP (or other defined ported). After verifying the connection details (and user access SUDO rights), Customer Success will be able to add in the required configuration onto the Orchestrator, install the additional packages and configuration on the new Collector and then bring into use. At this point you will be able to assign Hosts to be monitored to the Collector (or Collector Cluster) by setting the ‘Monitored By’ to your new cluster in the Advanced section on the Host Edit page.

Forward SSH Tunnel Copied

The Forward SSH Tunnel connection is initiated and maintained by each of your new Collectors to the Opsview Cloud Orchestrator on port 22/tcp.

The process is:

  1. Create a new user (in this example, opsiewsupport) on the server, using a command similar to:

    useradd -m -s /bin/bash opsviewsupport
  2. Ensure the user has full sudo access by running visudo and adding the following line into the file:

    opsviewsupport ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
  3. Switch to the new user and make a new ssh key using the following command:

    su - opsviewsupport
    ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 -N '' -C "Created on $(date) for Opsview Support access"
  4. As this user, download your unique public key from your cloud server and set the right permissions on it:

    curl -o $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys https://$
    chmod 0600 $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
  5. Provide Opsview Support with your generated public key, the username of the account you have created (‘opsviewsupport’ in this instance) and IP address information for the Collector:

    ip a
    cat $HOME/.ssh/

After Customer Success has added your public key onto your cloud server, you should be able to open an SSH tunnel using the following command:

# Use a different `$ORCHESTRATOR_PORT` for each of your collectors from within the range 9020 to 9900

Customer Success will then configure the Collector in your cloud system system and start the setup process. After the setup is complete, you will be able to assign Hosts to be monitored to the Collector (or Collector Cluster) by setting the ‘Monitored By’ in the Advanced section on the Host Edit page to your new Cluster.

SNMP Privacy Protocol Support Copied

The aes256 and aes256c SNMPv3 privacy protocol options only support custom SNMP Polling Checks and SNMP Traps when run or received on RHEL8/RHEL9, OEL8/OEL9, and Ubuntu 22 systems. This means that any Opsview Hosts using these pieces of functionality must be monitored by Monitoring Clusters made up entirely of RHEL8/RHEL9, OEL8/OEL9, and Ubuntu 22 Collectors.


This assumes the default installation of Net-SNMP for each listed operating system. If this has been changed, support may vary.

The Network Topology feature does not currently support these privacy protocols. For all supported protocols, see Supported SNMPv3 Protocols.

If you need help with SNMP requirements, please contact the Opsview Support team.

Supported operating systems Copied

Distribution Release Architecture
Debian 10.x (Buster) 64-bit
RHEL 8.x 64-bit
RHEL 9.x 64-bit
OL (Formally known as OEL) 8.x 64-bit
OL (Formally known as OEL) 9.x 64-bit
Ubuntu (LTS) 20.04 (Focal Fossa) 64-bit
Ubuntu (LTS) 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) 64-bit
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