Upgrade Notes
The steps for carrying out an in-place upgrade of Opsview Monitor are described in this section. Before you continue, you should review the prerequisites and known issues.
After an upgrade, it is recommended that you clear your browser cache. This ensures the new features and functionality are being used from the latest code rather than cached ones from before the upgrade, and helps avoid problems.
When ready, follow the instructions appropriate for your version of Opsview:
- For Opsview 6.5 or newer, and have completed the post-upgrade tasks including Database Migration for SQL Strict Mode, see Upgrade Opsview Monitor.
- For Opsview 6.5 or newer, and have not completed Database Migration for SQL Strict Mode, complete those steps first, then follow the instructions at Upgrade Opsview Monitor.
- For Opsview 6.4, see From 6.4.x to 6.7.x.
- For Opsview 6.3, upgrade to Opsview 6.4 first by following From 6.3 to 6.4.
- For Opsview 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2, see From 6.0, 6.1 or 6.2 to 6.3.
- For Opsview 5.4.2, see From 5.4.x to 6.3.
["Opsview On-Premises"]
["User Guide", "Technical Reference"]