Host Template: OS - VMware vSphere vCenter

Overview Copied

Monitor VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) environments with a variety of checks, including CPU, Memory, Disk, Uptime and Backup. Also includes information on Health Issues, Clusters, Hosts, Datastores and Network.

This Host Template includes the following Service Checks:

Service Check Name Description Default Thresholds (Metric: Warning, Critical) UOM
vSphere - vCenter - Backup Status

The status of backup jobs in VCSA. By default, displays the five most recent backup jobs, but this can be overridden by specifying the VC_BACKUP_DISP_LIMIT variable. If not run with verbose mode, results will be truncated and summarised for an OK result.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators or Global.VCServer group**

vSphere - vCenter - Cluster Status The status of clusters in VCSA. Support for multiple Cluster Name variables. If run across all clusters, and not run with verbose mode, results will be truncated and summarised for an OK result. N/A N/A
vSphere - vCenter - VCHA Cluster Status

The status of vCenter High Availability (VCHA) clusters in VCSA.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in Global.VCServer group.

vSphere - vCenter - Host Status The status of ESXi Hosts in VCSA (discounting all Hosts in Standby mode). Support for multiple Host Name variables. If run across all hosts, and not run with verbose mode, results will be truncated and summarised for an OK result. N/A N/A
vSphere - vCenter - Virtual Machine Status The status of ESXi Virtual Machines in VCSA. Support for multiple Virtual Machine Name variables. If run across all virtual machines, and not run with verbose mode, results will be truncated and summarised for an OK result. N/A B
vSphere - vCenter - Datastore Status The status of ESXi Datastores in VCSA. Support for multiple Datastore Name variables. If run across all datastores, and not run with verbose mode, results will be truncated and summarised for an OK result. datastore_usage: ​70,90 %
vSphere - vCenter - Filesystem Status

The status of Filesystems in VCSA. Support for multiple Filesystem Name variables. If run across all filesystems, and not run with verbose mode, results will be truncated and summarised for an OK result.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

filesystem_usage: ​70,90 %
vSphere - vCenter - Service Status

The status of services in VCSA.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vSphere - vCenter - NIC Status

The status of NICs in VCSA.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.ReadOnly group.

vSphere - vCenter - CPU Usage

The CPU utilization as a percentage (can also report the system load on vCenter v6.7).

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

cpu_usage: ​70,90 %
vSphere - vCenter - Memory Usage

The memory utilization as a percentage (can also report the amount of memory used on vCenter v6.7).

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

memory_usage: ​70,90 %
vSphere - vCenter - Swap Usage

The memory swap utilization as a percentage and the amount of swap memory used.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

swap_usage: ​70,90 %
vSphere - vCenter - DNS Status

The status of DNS servers in VCSA.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vSphere - vCenter - NTP Status

The status of NTP servers in VCSA.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vSphere - vCenter - Proxy Servers Status

The status of Proxy servers in VCSA.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.ReadOnly group.

vSphere - vCenter - Health Status

The health status of VCSA.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.ReadOnly group.

vSphere - vCenter - Time Synchronization

Check the time synchronization mode.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.ReadOnly group.

vSphere - vCenter - Uptime

The uptime of VCSA.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.ReadOnly group.

N/A s
vSphere - vCenter - Updates

Check if new updates are available.

vCenter v6.7, 7.0, 8.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vSphere - vCenter - Version

The version and build information of VCSA.

vCenter v6.7: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.Administrators group.

vCenter v7.0: Requires user in SystemConfiguration.ReadOnly group.



See details about Monitoring Plugin thresholds here.

Usage Instructions Copied

Please review the overall OS - VMware vSphere Opspack documentation for details on prerequisites, known issues, and other necessary configurations that apply to all Host Templates in the Opspack.

Add this Host Template Copied

Add the OS - VMware vSphere vCenter Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host. If the resource you’re monitoring has no hostname or public IP, then open the Advanced settings pane and change Host Check Command to Always assumed to be UP.


For more information, refer to the documentation on Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Add and configure Variables Copied

The Service Checks in this Host Template use the following variables, and they will be added to your Opsview Monitor instance alongside the Host Template:


For more information, refer to the documentation on Adding Variables to Hosts.

Apply Changes Copied

Apply Changes and the system will now be monitored:

View Output

Additional Information Copied

NOTE: Some Service Checks within this Host Template require elevated user permissions. This will be listed in the documented descriptions in the Service Checks overview.

Upgrading vCenter Copied

If you are already monitoring a vCenter server, and then upgrade that server to a newer supported version of vCenter that implements changes to the REST API, you may encounter temporary monitoring failures. These should resolve automatically within 6 hours. Alternatively, you can stop all the opsview-cachemanager components via Opsview Watchdog on each Collector within the Monitoring Cluster monitoring your vCenter server, then start them all, to avoid delay (although this could have a temporary performance impact on monitoring).

Available Variables Copied


Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--vcenter-username Arg1 vCenter Username Username for vCenter instance
--vcenter-password Arg2 vCenter Password Password for vCenter instance
--vcenter-server Arg3 vCenter Instance Name Name of the vCenter instance


Giving this variable a value of ‘0’ will display all backup jobs.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--vc-backup-disp-limit Value vCenter Backup Display Limit The maximum number of backup jobs to display


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each cluster individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all Clusters.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter Cluster Display Name Display Name for vCenter Cluster Service Checks
--vc-cluster-name Arg1 vCenter Cluster Name Name of the vCenter Cluster
--vc-ignored-clusters Arg2 vCenter Ignored Clusters Comma separated names of vCenter Clusters to ignore, only used if running the check across all clusters


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each host individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all Hosts.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter Host Display Name Display Name for vCenter Host Service Checks
--vc-host-name Arg1 vCenter Host Name Name of the vCenter Host
--vc-ignored-hosts Arg2 vCenter Ignored Hosts Comma separated names of vCenter Hosts to ignore, only used if running the check across all hosts. Supports wildcard asterisk.


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each virtual machine individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all Virtual Machines.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter Virtual Machine Display Name Display Name for vCenter Virtual Machine Service Checks
--vc-vm-name Arg1 vCenter Virtual Machine Name Name of the vCenter Virtual Machine
--vc-ignored-vms Arg2 vCenter Ignored Virtual Machines Comma separated names of vCenter Virtual Machines to ignore, only used if running the check across all virtual machines. Supports wildcard asterisk.


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each datastore individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all Datastores.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter Datastore Display Name Display Name for vCenter Datastore Service Checks
--vc-datastore-name Arg1 vCenter Datastore Name Name of the vCenter Datastore
--vc-ignored-datastores Arg2 vCenter Ignored Datastores Comma separated names of vCenter Datastores to ignore, only used if running the check across all datastores. Supports wildcard asterisk.


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each filesystem individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all Filesystems.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter Filesystem Display Name Display Name for vCenter Filesystem Service Checks
--vc-filesystem-name Arg1 vCenter Filesystem Name Name of the vCenter Filesystem
--vc-ignored-filesystems Arg2 vCenter Ignored Filesystems Comma separated names of vCenter Filesystems to ignore, only used if running the check across all filesystems. Supports wildcard asterisk.


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each service individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all Services.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter Service Display Name Display Name for vCenter Service Service Checks
--vc-service-name Arg1 vCenter Service Name Name of the vCenter Service
--vc-ignored-services Arg2 vCenter Ignored Services Comma separated names of vCenter Services to ignore, only used if running the check across all services. Supports wildcard asterisk.


This variable can be added multiple times to monitor each NIC individually. Additionally, giving this argument a value of ‘.’ (period character, no quotes) will run the check across all NICs.

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
N/A (Opsview UI Only) Value vCenter NIC Display Name Display Name for vCenter NIC Service Checks
--vc-nic-name Arg1 vCenter NIC Name Name of the vCenter NIC
--vc-ignored-nics Arg2 vCenter Ignored NICs Comma separated names of vCenter NICs to ignore, only used if running the check across all NICs. Supports wildcard asterisk.


Opsview Cloud

For Opsview Cloud customers, please contact ITRS Support for assistance with setting up certificate files, as they require Orchestrator access.

Additionally, you can use the VSPHERE_CERTIFICATES variable to pass in your SSL certificates for use when connecting to the service provider to gather metrics:

Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--ca-path Arg1 CA Certificate Path Path to the CA Certificate
--client-cert Arg2 Client Certificate Path Path to the Client Certificate
--client-key Arg3 Client Key Path Path to the Client Key

Plugin help Copied

Plugin: check_vsphere

Secure Args

This plugin uses the Secure Args feature for argument passing.

For mode-specific help, run the plugin with the -h -m <mode> flags. This will list the required and optional Variable Arguments for that mode. The appropriate mode for each Service Check is listed here:

Service Check Name Mode
vSphere - vCenter - Backup Status vCenter.Backup.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Cluster Status vCenter.Cluster.Status
vSphere - vCenter - VCHA Cluster Status vCenter.VCHA.Cluster.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Host Status vCenter.Host.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Virtual Machine Status vCenter.VM.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Datastore Status vCenter.Datastore.Usage
vSphere - vCenter - Filesystem Status vCenter.FS.Usage
vSphere - vCenter - Service Status vCenter.Service.Status
vSphere - vCenter - NIC Status vCenter.NIC.Status
vSphere - vCenter - CPU Usage vCenter.CPU.Usage
vSphere - vCenter - Memory Usage vCenter.Memory.Usage
vSphere - vCenter - Swap Usage vCenter.Memory.Swap.Usage
vSphere - vCenter - DNS Status vCenter.DNS.Status
vSphere - vCenter - NTP Status vCenter.NTP.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Proxy Servers Status vCenter.Proxy.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Health Status vCenter.Health.Status
vSphere - vCenter - Time Synchronization vCenter.TimeSync
vSphere - vCenter - Uptime vCenter.Uptime
vSphere - vCenter - Updates vCenter.Updates
vSphere - vCenter - Version vCenter.Version
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