Host Template: Cloud - GCP - Compute

Overview Copied

Monitor your GCP Compute Engine instances with a variety of checks including Availability, CPU, Disk, Memory, Network and Firewall statistics.

This Host Template includes the following Service Checks:

Service Check Name Description Default Thresholds (Metric: Warning, Critical) UOM
GCP - Compute - CPU Usage CPU usage of the Compute instance. cpu_usage: ​70,90 %
GCP - Compute - CPU Reserved Cores Number of CPU Reserved Cores. N/A N/A
GCP - Compute - CPU Usage Time CPU Usage Time. N/A s
GCP - Compute - Disk Bytes Bytes read and written from disk. N/A B
GCP - Compute - Throttled Disk Bytes Percentage of throttled bytes read and written from disk. N/A %
GCP - Compute - Disk Operations Read and write disk operations. N/A N/A
GCP - Compute - Throttled Disk Operations Percentage of throttled read and write disk operations. N/A %
GCP - Compute - Instance Availability Instance uptime percentage over the period checked. availability: ​100:,80: %
GCP - Compute - Network Bytes Received and sent network bytes for the instance. N/A B
GCP - Compute - Network Packets Received and sent network packets for the instance. N/A N/A
GCP - Compute - Firewall Dropped Bytes Bytes dropped by the firewall for the instance. N/A B
GCP - Compute - Firewall Dropped Packets Packets dropped by the firewall for the instance. N/A N/A


See details about Monitoring Plugin thresholds here.

Usage Instructions Copied

Please review the overall Cloud - GCP Opspack documentation for details on prerequisites, known issues, and other necessary configurations that apply to all Host Templates in the Opspack.

Add this Host Template Copied

Add the Cloud - GCP - Compute Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host. If the resource you’re monitoring has no hostname or public IP, then open the Advanced settings pane and change Host Check Command to Always assumed to be UP.


For more information, refer to the documentation on Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Add and configure Variables Copied

The Service Checks in this Host Template use the following variables, and they will be added to your Opsview Monitor instance alongside the Host Template:


For more information, refer to the documentation on Adding Variables to Hosts.

Apply Changes Copied

Apply Changes and the system will now be monitored:

View Output

Available Variables Copied


Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--project-id Arg1 Monitored Project ID ID of the project to monitor


Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--instance-name Arg1 Instance Name Name of the GCP Compute Engine Instance
--instance-zone Arg2 Instance Zone Zone where the GCP Compute Engine Instance is located


Opsview Cloud

For Opsview Cloud customers, please contact ITRS Support for assistance with these steps, as they require Orchestrator access.
This argument is optional, to be used if you have a credentials file in a custom location. We recommend not setting it, and relying on the default location as follows: Create your credentials.json file and run as opsview user /opt/opsview/orchestrator/bin/orchestratorimportscripts etc-plugins cloud-gcp /path/to/credentials.json followed by an Apply Changes to set it up with the correct permissions in the default location (/opt/opsview/monitoringscripts/etc/plugins/cloud-gcp/credentials.json) on all Opsview collectors.


For more information on the credentials file, refer to Create access credentials

Plugin Parameter Position in Variable Name Description
--credentials-file Arg1 Credentials File Path of the JSON file with GCP Service Account Credentials

Plugin help Copied

Plugin: check_gcp

For mode-specific help, run the plugin with the -h -m <mode> flags. This will list the required and optional Variable Arguments for that mode. The appropriate mode for each Service Check is listed here:

Service Check Name Mode
GCP - Compute - CPU Usage GCP.Compute.CPU.Usage
GCP - Compute - CPU Reserved Cores GCP.Compute.CPU.Cores
GCP - Compute - CPU Usage Time GCP.Compute.CPU.Time
GCP - Compute - Disk Bytes GCP.Compute.Disk.Bytes
GCP - Compute - Throttled Disk Bytes GCP.Compute.Disk.TBytes
GCP - Compute - Disk Operations GCP.Compute.Disk.Ops
GCP - Compute - Throttled Disk Operations GCP.Compute.Disk.TOps
GCP - Compute - Instance Availability GCP.Compute.Availability
GCP - Compute - Network Bytes GCP.Compute.Net.Bytes
GCP - Compute - Network Packets GCP.Compute.Net.Packets
GCP - Compute - Firewall Dropped Bytes GCP.Compute.FW.Bytes
GCP - Compute - Firewall Dropped Packets GCP.Compute.FW.Packets
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