
By default, the Dashboard offers various types of Dashlets: Overview and Technical. If you have enabled the Flow Collectors functionality, some additional Flow Collector Dashlets are enabled.

Overview Dashlets Copied

These Dashlets are available in the second drawer called ‘Overview’ under the ‘Configuration’ area on the left-hand side. For details about the BSM dashlets, go to BSM Dashlets. The other dashlets are documented below:

Process Map Copied

This Dashlet allows you to upload an image to Opsview Monitor and overlay the monitored data onto the image. This data includes:

Example usage 1:

You could upload an image of a rack, for example, and create a ’live status’ map of the rack using the health of the monitored Hosts that are within the rack, as below:

Example usage 1

As you can see, on top of the picture, various metrics have been added to reflect the health and performance of the objects within the rack. This allows you to not only see datashelf1 is down but where that is within a given rack thus reducing the time-to-resolution, should it need physical intervention.

Example usage 2:

You can use a Hashtag per data center or office, and using a map of the country, you can then see the health of each location based on objects within the given Hashtags:

Example usage 2

Adding and configuring a Process Map Copied

To add a process map to your Dashboard, simply drag the dashlet onto the Dashboard.

The following Dashlet appears by default on the Dashboard:

Process Map

To configure this Dashlet, click on the ‘cog’ icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure dashlet

You first need to add an image and once this is done, you’ll be able to overlay metrics. To upload an image, you can use Upload Image: click the ‘Browse’ button to select a jpg or png image and click ‘Upload’. The ‘Image Preview’ panel will show the image for your confirmation:

Upload image for Process Map

URL Image: this allows you to enter the full path of a web-based URL. This image will then be downloaded on a regular defined ‘Polling Interval’, meaning that the Process Map image will be updated each time the image changes on the website. Once you have entered the URL, click on ‘Preview’ to see how the images will show within the Dashlet.

Once you are happy with the image, click Save. The Dashlet is now updated.


The image will be stretched to fill the entire space of the dashlet, so it is better to have images that roughly match the desired aspect ratio of the dashlet. The height of the dashlet is stored as a ratio, so if the column widths change (from a browser width change, or opening/closing of the dashlet drawer), the height of the dashlet will proportionally change as well.

You can now overlay metrics onto the image. Right-click on the image and select what data you wish to monitor on this Dashlet:

Overlay metrics

You can add as many Hashtags, Host Groups, Hosts and Services as necessary. As an example applicable to the other objects, adding a Hashtag will display the following configuration window where you can select a pre-existing Hashtag and the size of the image that will be shown on the Dashlet image:

Create hashtag

Click Save and move the image overlay where relevant on the Dashlet image:

Demo Hashtag

When you are adding Performance Metric, the following window is displayed. You can choose a specific Service Check on a specific Host, and determine a custom label along with other options including arrow direction, arrow size (“Image Size”).

Create Performance Metric

You can also configure Thresholds for the numbers specified, for example, if you are displaying network throughput with this Performance Metric, you can write “If traffic goes above X, change the arrow to yellow or WARNING, if it goes above Z, change the arrow to red or CRITICAL”.

Edit Performance Metric

Click Save and move the image overlay where relevant on the Dashlet image:

Dashlet image

Right-clicking on an overlay metric will give you additional options:

Overlay contextual menu

Hashtag Tree Map Copied

This Dashlet displays a visual representation of the health of the Service Checks within one or more Hashtags within the Opsview Monitor systems:

Hashtag Tree Map

The size of the cell is proportional to the number of Service Checks within the given Hashtag in a certain state.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header. You can then choose which Hashtags you wish to display in this particular Dashlet:

Configure Hashtag Tree Map


If no hashtags are specified, only the first 100 hashtags will be retrieved. If you configure a specific list of hashtags, there will be no limit.

Instead of selecting each hashtag one by one, you can use the Search box type in a string that will include every hashtag matching that string. This means that when you add a new hashtag that matches this Search string, the hashtag will be automatically included on this Dashlet.

On the Dashlet, you can:

Hashtag List Copied

This Dashlet provides a cut-down version of the summary view found within the Hashtags section of Monitoring:

Hashtag List

The Dashlet will display the name of the Hashtag and its status. This table can be sorted alphabetically or by Status severity, for example, CRITICAL, WARNING, UNKNOWN, or OK.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header. You can then choose which Hashtags you wish to display in this particular Dashlet:

Configure Hashtag List


If no hashtags are specified, only the first 100 hashtags will be retrieved. If you configure a specific list of hashtags, there will be no limit.

Instead of selecting each hashtag one by one, you can use the Search box type in a string that will include every hashtag matching that string. This means that when you add a new hashtag that matches this Search string, the hashtag will be automatically included on this Dashlet.

Hashtag Cells Copied

This Dashlet provides a cut-down version of the Grid View found within the Hashtags section of Monitoring:

Hashtag Cells

The Dashlet will display the description (if it exists) or else the name of each Hashtag in individual cells and the cell’s color will indicate the status of the Hashtag.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header. You can then choose which Hashtags you wish to display in this particular Dashlet:

Configure Hashtag Cells


If no hashtags are specified, only the first 100 hashtags will be retrieved. If you configure a specific list of hashtags, there will be no limit.

Instead of selecting each hashtag one by one, you can use the Search box type in a string that will include every hashtag matching that string. This means that when you add a new hashtag that matches this Search string, the hashtag will be automatically included on this Dashlet.

You can also define how the Dashlet should display by using the Sort by options.

Technical Dashlets Copied

These Dashlets are available in the second drawer called Technical under the Configuration area on the left-hand side.

Host Interfaces Copied

This dashlet displays the speed throughput, discards and errors information for each interface configured via the Host SNMP Tab. This contains the current information over the last polling interval, usually the last 5 minutes.

Host Interfaces view


Interfaces that have never returned any performance data will be excluded until at least one metric has been received. Additionally, interfaces with no detected speed will also be omitted.

If the user lacks permission to view the Interface: NAME Service Check for a specific interface, that interface will not be included in the list.

Furthermore, since this feature relies on the status and performance data of the most recent Service Check result, interfaces with a failed latest check will not be displayed.

Columns are:


For each interface, some columns will display N/A if the user lacks permission to view the following:

  • Discards: NAME Service Check:
    • Dsc In Ppm
    • Dsc Out Ppm
  • Errors: NAME Service Check:
    • Err In Ppm
    • Err Out Ppm

You can resize, sort, reorder, or hide any column.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header. You can filter which hosts are included via the host filter field (with support for a % wildcard), via the host group selection or via the hashtag selection.

Host Interfaces configuration options

You can also filter by the interface name (with support for a % wildcard) and limit the number of rows returned.

A tooltip containing all the information about that interface will appear when you hover over a row.

Performance Gauge Copied

This Dashlet is used to display one or more Service Checks in a gauge style, with the ability to show and threshold the WARNING and CRITICAL levels. Below is an example of a Performance Gauge used to measure available file system storage:

Performance Gauge

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header.

Configure Performance Gauge

In the Dashlet we only have one series, 'Opsview::Disk: /::root' (Host::Service Check::Metric), however, you can use more than one and click the Add button to cumulate them in the same Dashlet.

The available fields to set a series are:

Performance Graph Copied

This Dashlet allows Users to add a graph to their Dashlet, in a similar view and format to that within the Graph Center and within the Investigate Mode in Host Groups, Hosts, and Services:

Performance Graph

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header.

Configure Performance Graph

You can multi-select the Hosts, click Add and the combination will be added. A maximum of 30 series can be displayed on the graph at once.

The options section contains the following settings:

Performance Graph Options

Balloon Text Format Copied

You can customise the format of the balloon text when hovering over a graph line. Available macros are:

Balloon Text view

For security, the following characters will be automatically stripped from the balloon text: <>&.

The data on the Performance Graph can be viewed by clicking on the up arrow, located at the bottom of the Performance Graph Dashlet:

Performance Graph metrics

When this arrow is clicked, the drawer will load. This drawer contains the series data including hostname and Service Check:

Performance metrics

You can hover over the cursor over the graph to get balloons that highlight what the metric values were at particular points in time and the legend will change to show the current value of the graph under the cursor. The balloons can be quite busy, so you can toggle it off by going to the circular graph menu in the top right and clicking Toggle balloon.

Hover graph metrics

When you hover over a metric, all other metrics will be de-emphasised so you can concentrate of that particular line. If you click on a metric the graph line will be hidden. This is useful if you want to reduce the noise from that metric but still compare against multiple metrics.

You can adjust the height of the legend by dragging the bar at the top of the legend panel. You can close the panel by clicking on the close control in the middle of the bar.

You can zoom into a graph by click and dragging within the graph.

Zoom in graph metrics

You can zoom out using the tool that will appear in the Dashlet’s header.

Zoom out graph metrics

Additionally, you can use the Time Range Picker to select a historical time range.

From the circular graph menu, you can:

Network Map Copied

This Dashlet allows you to see the hierarchy of the Hosts within your environment by showing the dependencies between Hosts (as defined by the administrator), and draws a spider diagram outlining the relationship between Hosts, along with a status indicator for each Host:

Network Map

In the example above, we have focused the network map on the Host firewall1. This Host is connected to a router, Cisco2611, which subsequently connects to a switch3 which has four Hosts connected to it.

You can do the following:

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header.

The Filter by Host group section allows you to filter the list of Hosts available within the Filter from Host by a given Host Group, and also limits the network map Dashlet to only show Hosts that are within the specified Host Group.

Configure Network Map

The Filter from Host section allows you to select a Host of which you wish to see the expanded network map:

Filter from Host

The Advanced filtering section offers further display options:

Metric Pie Chart Copied

This Dashlet allows you to create a pie chart view of the performance data gathered within Opsview Monitor for Service Checks metrics. For example, you can compare which Hosts are using the most network bandwidth, and which Hosts are using the most disk space.

Metric Pie Chart

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure Metric Pie Chart

The pie chart segments can be hovered over, which will display a tooltip containing the Host, Service Check, metric and value fields, along with the percentage of the pie chart that slice has, and a small sparkline graph displaying historical performance over the last month:

Hover Metric Pie Chart

A legend icon in the top left-hand side allows you to view a legend for any slices too small to have individual labels on the pie chart. You can also enable/disable them by clicking on them via this list to focus on the larger segments.

The Current Data drop-down in the bottom left allows you to view older data in the pie chart (if available).

The data in the top right hand side will list the number of slices, and also the total data. If each slice is Number of connections, then the number will be total number of connections across all slices.

You can enter wildcards (%) in the Host, Service Check, and Metric fields to match multiple performance metrics.

Host Group List Copied

This Dashlet provides a cut-down version of the view available the Navigator page. It allows you to view the Downtime, Host Handled, Host Unhandled, Service Handled, Service Handled, Total Hosts, and Total Service Checks columns on a per Host Group basis.

Host Group List

By default, only three status columns are displayed: Downtime, Host Unhandled, and Service Unhandled, and all Host groups are shown.

To add or remove columns, hold the mouse cursor over the column header row, click on the contextual menu icon that appears and then select or deselect column names within the Edit Columns menu:

Host Group List status columns

The Host Group List can be sorted by clicking on the column name, or via the contextual menu icon for that column header.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header.

Filter by Host group

Filter by State

You must select at least one Host Check state and one Service Check state, as this dashlet uses the intersection of the filters. For example, selecting DOWN and OK will only show DOWN hosts and then only display the OK service checks on those hosts. If you specify a leaf host group, will show just that host group. Otherwise, will show all the host groups one level below the chosen host group.

Host Group Tree Map Copied

This Dashlet displays a visual representation of the health of the Service Checks within one or more Host Groups within Opsview Monitor:

Host Group Tree Map

The size of the cell is proportional to the number of Service Checks within the given Hashtag in a certain state. To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header. You can then choose which Host Groups you wish to display in this particular Dashlet:

Configure Host Group Tree Map

You can also choose to Filter by Status, which allows you to tell the Host Group Tree Map to only display Hosts or Service Checks that are in a certain state, for example, OK, CRITICAL, and UP.

Filter by Status

You can choose to Only show unhandled hosts and service checks, which will only display Hosts or Service Checks that are in an unhandled state, for example, CRITICAL, WARNING, and UNKNOWN, or DOWN and UNREACHABLE, and not acknowledged by an administrator.

Event Table Copied

This Dashlet allows you to view the status changes in a table smaller version than the table within the Events Viewer page:

Event Table

The most recent events are at the top. To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure Event Table

You can choose to filter the Events Table to show events that have occurred within specific:

These filters are applied using an AND logic, for example:

‘Only show events within ‘Host Group A’, on Hosts ‘B’ and ‘C’, only within the Host Template ‘Unix Base’, and only show CRITICAL events, that are in a HARD state’.

In Filter by Limit, you can choose to restrict the number of events shown in the table via the Filter by Limit drawer, which allows to display the 25, 50, 100, or 250 most recent events.

Event Graph Copied

This Dashlet allows you to view the status changes in a graph smaller version than the table within the Events Viewer page:

Event Graph

To see what the events are, click on a colored section. This displays the data in a table:

Event Graph table

You can display additional columns, and when you hover over a row, a tooltip containing all the information about that event will appear.

Unlike in the main Event Viewer section within Monitoring, only one bar can be selected at a time.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure Event Graph

You can choose to filter the Events Table to show events that have occurred within specific:

These filters are applied using an ‘AND’ logic, for example:

‘Only show events within ‘Host Group A’, on Hosts ‘B’ and ‘C’, only within the Host Template ‘Unix Base’, and only show CRITICAL events, that are in a HARD state’.

In Filter by Limit, you can choose to restrict the number of events shown in the table via the Filter by Limit drawer, which allows to display the 25, 50, 100, or 250 most recent events.

Top Service Issues Copied

This Dashlet allows you to choose a Service Check and view all of the Hosts that have that Service Check, in a problem state (WARNING or CRITICAL):

Top Service Issues

The columns are:

Data is sorted by shortest to longest duration.

Hover over a row to get more information about the Host.

You can click on a row to open a window to Navigator for this particular Host, to investigate further.

The row will change background color if the duration is greater than the configured duration.

Columns are re-orderable, re-sizeable and hideable.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure Top Service Issues

In the configuration window, you can choose which service check to look into, with support for wildcards (%) to match multiple Services.

You can determine a warning or critical duration threshold (in days), which will change the color of the row depending on how long that Service Check has been in a problem state.

You can also choose to define the quantity of issues to display, either top 10 or top 25.


If multiple Services are picked up for the same Host (via use of a wildcard) then the dashlet will summarize the number of critical Services (or warning Services, if no critical Services are present) in the ‘Status’ column, with either the current number up to 9, or “9+”. The ‘Duration’ column (used for sorting) and tooltip will then refer to the single Service with the most severe state and the longest duration in that state.

Note that the total number of Services summarized on a row may be less than the total number of problem state Services on the respective Host, if more than 25 problem state Services are detected by the dashlet overall. In these cases, these will still be the issues with the longest duration, on that Host.

There are also options to further filter the list, for example, only show Hosts that have a specific Service Check in a problem state, within a certain Host Group (Filter by Host group), or within a certain Hashtag (Filter by Hashtag), or if the Service Check is in a particular state type (Filter by State).

Filter by Status

Top Services by Metric Copied

The Top Services by Metric dashlet is different from the Top Service Issues dashlet where it allows you to choose not only a Service Check, but also a metric of the Service Check.

Top Services by Metric

The other difference is that it lists all Hosts who have the specified Service Check and metric, instead of only ones who have the given Service Check in a non-OK state.


If a metric has no value in it, it will be displayed as None in the Value column. The Value Bar is available to display values in a visual format.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the ‘cog’ icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure Top Services by Metric

You can select the Service Check name and Metric name, with support for wildcards (%) to match multiple services or performance metrics. Ticking Enable service grouping will collapse checks that are repeated per Variable, such as Disk Checks, into a single Service Check within this dashlet.

You can also choose to define the Quantity of issues to display, either Top 10, or Top 25. Select the Value section to see additional options.

Top Services by Metric Value

Set the minimum and maximum expected values for the Value Bar bars here, as well as the warning and critical thresholds to use for coloring the Value pills and Value Bar bars. The default minimum and maximum values used in the dashlet will be 0 and 100 respectively, if none are configured.

You can also filter by hashtags and host groups. All columns are resizeable, hideable, and reorderable.


This is not saved if you are using a shared dashboard.

Extra columns that can be revealed:

Note Pad Copied

This Dashlet allows you to add text via a WYSIWYG editor, allowing you to add text, notes, hyperlinks, contact phone numbers and more to a Dashboard.

Note Pad

To get to the WYSIWYG editor, click on the ‘cog’ icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure Note Pad

All Host Services Copied

This Dashlet allows seeing an overview of Service Checks, as if you had selected a host in the Navigator page, as well as Host Checks.

All Host Services


Host Check rows will not have a value inside the ‘Service Check’ column, and therefore will always be sorted before them alphabetically.

The columns are:

Data is sortable by most columns. Most columns can be resized, reordered, and hidden.

A tooltip containing all the information about that Host or Service Check will appear when you hover over a row.

To configure this Dashlet, click on the cog icon in the Dashlet’s header:

Configure All Host Services

You can choose to filter the table by:

The Filter by Limit section allows you to choose whether the Dashlet displays only Host Checks, Service Checks or both, and how many items to display. When sorting the table, this limit is applied after the sorting. Therefore, if there are 100 items and you display the Top 10 sorting in an ascending or descending order will show the first or last 10 items of the hundred, respectively.

Flow Collectors Dashlets Copied

If you have enabled the Flow Collectors functionality, some additional Flow Collector Dashlets are enabled.

Dashlet Time Range Picker Copied

Some dashlets feature a Time Range icon in the toolbar:

Time Range icon

If clicked, a modal will open allowing a time range to be selected. This will stop the dashlet refreshing and redraw the data to match the requested time range.

Supported dashlets:

Select Time Range

Dashlet Time Range Sync Copied

When you toggle on Time Range Sync in the Dashboard configuration:

Time Range Sync

Some dashlets will go into a sync mode. This allows you to make time range changes on one dashlet that will apply to all, to easily compare data over time.

Supported dashlets:

This mode is visually represented by the Time Range Icon in the dashlet toolbars being inverted.

Icon Description
Not synchronized Not synchronized
Synchronized Synchronized

While in this mode:

Take note of the following:

When you toggle sync mode off, any changes applied to dashlets will be applied individually as normal.

This mode is temporary, so if the Dashboard page is reloaded in the browser, the sync mode will be turned off.

Time sync enabled dashboard

["Opsview On-Premises"] ["User Guide"]

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