Opspack integrations
Overview Copied
An Opspack is a configuration bundle consisting of one or more Host Templates with associated Service Checks, Plugins and Host Attributes that can be used to monitor a specific service or device with minimal extra configuration.
To get more details on the Opspacks included within Opsview Monitor, have a look at the Find an Opspack page. Each Opspack documentation page will explain how to set up and use included Host Templates.
Opspacks are no longer available to download from the opsview.com website. This is because newer Opspacks often rely on the most recent release of Opsview Monitor and are not backwards-compatible with earlier releases.
All Opspacks are automatically included in every release made, so in many cases you can upgrade to the latest available version of Opsview Monitor to get the update you are looking for.
In certain circumstances, if the Opspack you are looking for is not present and you are using the latest version, then it is likely that this will be available in the next release - if you wish to check this, please raise a support incident to verify with us through the ITRS Support website.
You can also write your own plugins, see Active Checks for more information.
Exporting and importing Opspacks Copied
You may wish to easily exchange a Host Template with another Opsview Monitor instance. For more information, see Host Templates - Exporting/Importing Opspacks.