
Notifications are used to alert users when parts of the IT infrastructure that is being monitored is not in a healthy stable state.

Notifications can be sent for a range of items within Opsview, including:

As part of a standard Opsview Monitor installation, Users can be notified via a variety of methods such as email, RSS, Push for iOS or Android, PagerDuty and more. For more information, go to the Notification Methods page.

Service Checks can be grouped based on Hashtags or Host Groups also, allowing you to say:

Notification Profiles can be created at a per User level or at a Role level and allow to associate Objects to Notification Methods with a time in the day (for example: email notification about my website issues from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and if the issue is still happening after two hours, use PagerDuty’.

Within Notification Profiles, you can also specify other options including as of when an alert should be sent or stopped being sent or if notes should be included.

["Opsview On-Premises"] ["User Guide"]

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