
In the IT industry, it is common to have “maintenance windows” or “maintenance periods” during which the engineers may configure additional pieces of infrastructure, upgrade, reconfigure of remove others.

In Opsview Monitor, this would naturally trigger host failures. Therefore, Opsview users can set up a ‘Downtime’ which is a defined period of time applied to a range of objects such as Service Checks or Hosts during which failures are not notified but rather automatically converted to a ‘handled’ state. Users who usually get alerted in case of errors for the given monitored environment do not get such notifications during this particular scheduled period of time as errors are actually expected.


The scheduled checks will still be executed for the host in downtime however no notifications will be sent out.

In order to have the ability to schedule downtime, your User within Opsview Monitor must be in a Role which has the DOWNTIMESOME access control option checked.

Downtime can be configured for:

["Opsview On-Premises"] ["User Guide"]

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