
Single sign on (SSO) authentication Copied

Opsview Monitor can use LDAP and Active Directory for Single Sign On (SSO) functionality.

For more information about configuration, testing, and troubleshooting, see LDAP and Active Directory.

Theme and white labelling Copied

Changes to the theme can be applied to Opsview Monitor by updating a custom.css file. This file is retained across upgrades, so it will not be overwritten. However, if there are major changes to the Opsview web application, your settings may no longer work.

These are the following items that can be modified:

This is an example of a customized theme:

/* Login logo */
.login-entry .opsview-logo {
  background-image: url('../images/logo-login.png') !important;

/* Login button */
div.login-box button {
  background: #243a72;

/* Login background color */
body {
  background: #243a72 !important;

/* Navigation color */
div.Navigation, div.Navigation-subCategories, div.u-backgroundColor--brand, div.u-backgroundColor--primary-tint {
  background: #243a72 !important;

/* Search Field Color */
.Search--input {
  background: #243a72 !important;
  border: 1px solid #fff !important;

/* Bottom Bar */
.ov-panel-purple .x-panel-header {
  background: #243a72!important;

/* Active Navbar Item */ {
  background-color: rgba(91, 107, 149, 0.4) !important;

/* User Dropdown */
.Dropdown-item--link {
  background-color: #243a72 !important;

/* Active User Dropdown */
.Dropdown-item--link:hover {
  background-color: #1b2b56 !important;

/* Navigation Menu Logo */
.Logo {
  background-image: url('../images/logo-menu.png') !important;


You will need to be the root user to make changes to files or to add new images.

Update the file at /opt/opsview/webapp/docroot/static/stylesheets/custom.css using the preceding CSS.

Your Login image must be placed into /opt/opsview/webapp/docroot/static/images/ as logo-login.png. Use an image with a size of 256 x 120 pixels. Ensure the permissions are owner root, group opsview, and mode 644.

Your Navigation menu logo must be placed into /opt/opsview/webapp/docroot/static/images/ as logo-menu.png. Use an image with a size of 56 x 80 pixels. Ensure the permissions are owner root, group opsview, and mode 644.

You can double the dimensions of your Login image and Navigation menu logo for a higher resolution to be displayed.


These files will be overwritten on an upgrade and you will need to apply again.

Examples Copied

Using the modified images and the preceding CSS file, we can have a system that looks like the following:

Login page

Login page

Hashtags page

Hashtags page

Hosts List Page

Hosts List

Managing host icons Copied

Opsview Monitor ships with a number of host icons that can be used to help identity device types at a glance, which are configurable on the device on the Host edit page.

You can manage your own host icons by using the /opt/opsview/coreutils/bin/hosticon_admin script on the command line. The host icons must be in PNG format with a size of 40 x 40 pixels. This script contains its own documentation, which can be accessed using hosticon_admin -h.

Adding a host icon Copied

To add a host icon, use the following command:

hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - hosticon' /path/to/hosticon.png


You might encounter the following errors:

Ensure imagemagick (dpkg) or ImageMagick (yum) is installed:

Cannot find necessary binary - is "imagemagick" installed? at /opt/opsview/coreutils/bin/hosticon_admin line 208.

Ensure the command is run as the root user:

source doesnt exist - has it been converted? at /opt/opsview/coreutils/bin/hosticon_admin line 211.

Removing an icon Copied

Host icons are removed from the configuration, but they are not removed from the filesystem.

Obtain the exact name of the icon by running the following:

hosticon_admin list

Then run the following:

hosticon_admin remove 'LOGO - hosticon'

Specifying Opsview addresses Copied

Opsview protects itself from spurious HOST headers in the http requests that it redirects to https. If users access the Opsview Web UI with a host that is not its hostname, then the valid host addresses must be configured in user_vars.yml.

As the root user, update the /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml file and add or amend the following parameter:

opsview_webserver_external_address: ""


  - ""
  - ""

Then run:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/orchestrator-install.yml

This will make the necessary adjustments to opsview-webserver configuration and restart the service.

Re-homing Copied

It is possible to re-home the Opsview web application on the master so that Opsview is served at a different location, rather than served at the root level. For example, instead of, it can be


As the root user, update the /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml file and add or amend the following parameter:

opsview_webserver_base_prefix: '/myopsview'

Then run:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/orchestrator-install.yml

This will make the necessary adjustments to opsview-webserver and opsview-web-app.

Double proxying Copied

When re-homed, you can use Opsview Monitor behind another frontend proxy. With that, when a user accesses the proxy in a browser, the sequence to access Opsview Monitor might be:

  1. External request reaches (your proxy server).
  2. The proxies to or an IP address (your opsview-webserver).

The changes required are the following:

You can use the following example configurations for Apache2 or NGINX proxies, assuming the SSL is used between the proxy and the opsview server. The full installation of the proxy server is not described here since it is too specific to the infrastructure. The following configuration is required for Opsview to function through a proxy.

Apache 2 proxy Copied


To prevent connection problems, please use an Apache HTTPD version newer than 2.4.10. Older versions might cause issues.

Place the Location configuration in your frontend proxy to forward to your Opsview Monitor server:

<Location /myopsview>
  ProxyPass retry=5
<Location /myopsview/websocket>
  ProxyPass wss:// retry=5
  ProxyPassReverse wss://
<Location /myopsview/dataserver/websocket>
  ProxyPass wss:// retry=5
  ProxyPassReverse wss://
<Location /jasperserver>
  ProxyPass retry=5

NGINX proxy Copied

Place the Location configuration in your frontend proxy to forward to your Opsview Monitor server:

location /myopsview {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host:$server_port;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

location /jasperserver {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host:$server_port;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;

By default, authentication in Opsview Monitor confirms if the IP address encoded in the request is the same as the browser IP. You need to disable this check if you have forward proxies that mask the browser IP. A symptom of this problem is that you can login to the monitoring pages, but access to Reports and Netaudit will return the login page and show the error message:

Authentication to Opsview succeeds, but session is invalid for X

To ignore the IP checking, as the root user, add the following line into /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_vars.yml on the Opsview Monitor server:

opsview_session_ignore_ip: True

Then run:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/orchestrator-install.yml

Web authentication timeout Copied

By default, Opsview web sessions will expire after one hour of inactivity and the user will be automatically logged out. Sessions will be refreshed any time the web client makes a successful request to the server, for example, when the user navigates to a new page or a dashlet view refreshes.

You can configure the amount of time that a web session can be idle before it expires. This is controlled by adding the following section in user_vars.yml:

  session_id_ttl: 3600 # Idle timeout for the session in seconds, default 1 hour, recommended to be no less than 5 minutes

Then run as root:

/opt/opsview/deploy/bin/opsview-deploy /opt/opsview/deploy/lib/playbooks/session-manager-install.yml


Any automatic refreshes, such as in Navigator or in Dashboard, will extend the timeout.
["Opsview On-Premises"] ["User Guide"]

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