
Overview Copied

This page allows you to see, on a single screen all the problems that Opsview Monitor has detected.

Go to the Configuration > Problems menu:

Problems section

Once loaded, the page will display all Service Checks and Host Checks that are currently in a non-OK state (CRITICAL, WARNING, or UNKNOWN, and DOWN or UNREACHABLE):

These are the columns within the table:

There is also an Expand All Rows option in the grid header menu:

Expand All Rows

If this is checked, then all the rows will be expanded. This option will persist when a refresh of data occurs and also when saving or sharing a link.

Similar functionality is available on all grids that display this status information: Checker, Event Graph Dashlet, Top Service Issues Dashlet, Event Viewer, Hashtag Detail, All Notifications, Mass Action windows.

Additional columns that can be enabled from the columns option in the grid header menus are:

You can click on the contextual menu next to a Host or Service Check and undertake a range of actions, as you would if you were clicking on the contextual menu of the Service Check within the Hashtags/Navigator pages.

Filtering Copied

By default, the Problems page will show all Hosts and all Service Checks, but you can filter to show only one type by changing the menu:

Problems Filtering

You can also filter by different object types or states by using the Filter button.

For instance, you can do complex filtering such as:


Filter criteria is only applied ‘after’ clicking the Apply Filter button.

Exporting Copied

The Problems data can be exported using the Export button, into one of three formats:

To export the data, simply click on the Export button and then choose the desired format.

This will take the data within the Problems section and export it to the chosen format, which will be downloaded via your browser.

Sharing Copied

The Problems page can also be shared with other users of Opsview Monitor. This allows you to filter the Problems section using the aforementioned filters and then send your team members a link which, when clicked, will take them to the exact same page.

To share your specific, customized view, simply click on the ‘Share’ arrow, located within the navigation bar.

When clicked, this button will display a modal window which contains a hyperlink:

Share View

This hyperlink can be shared with other Users of Opsview Monitor, who when navigating to this link, will see the exact same view including filters, time period and more.

Example filters you may want to create include:

These filters can then be displayed on display boards throughout the office, meaning if any new problem happens then it will be displayed prominently within the filtered Problems section.

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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