Service Check - Investigate

Investigate Copied

Clicking on Investigate will load a modal window with eight tabs (some tabs will be hidden based on the Service Check).

Investigate - Info tab Copied

The first of those tabs is the Info tab as below:

Info tab

The Info tab is a one-stop shop for all information relating to the Service. Each field means:

Removing an Acknowledgement Copied

When an Acknowledgement has been set on a Service Check it will be shown next to the Status Information as well as a “dialogue” icon displaying the comment for the Acknowledgement. You can also easily remove this Acknowledgement.

Start by clicking on the menu for the Service Check you wish to remove the acknowledgement from and then selecting Investigate:

Removing an Acknowledgement

Click on the underlined ‘Acknowledged’ text or the trash can and then confirm the deletion.

Investigate - Actions tab Copied

The second of the tabs within the ‘Investigate’ view is the ‘Actions’ tab as below:

Actions tab

The Actions tab allows you to change certain settings relating to the Service Check such as whether active checks are enabled, or whether flap detection is enabled.

There is a form below the ’toggle buttons’ panel, that allows for forcing the status of the Service Check, for example, to change the Service Check from an ‘OK’ to a ‘CRITICAL’ state with a user-defined ‘output’.

Clicking ‘Submit’ will then submit the new Status command to Opsview.

Investigate - Graph tab Copied

The graph tab will be available if this Service Check returns performance metric information.

When the graph tab is first opened, you will see a graph of all the metrics of this service check. Only the first 30 metrics will be shown.

The graph will draw all the performance values of each metric over time. The default range is 1 day. The y-axis will be automatically sized based on the highest and lowest values in the chart.

You can hover over the cursor over the graph to get balloons that highlight what the metric values were at particular points in time. The balloons can be quite busy, so you can toggle it off by going to the circular graph menu in the top right and clicking on “Toggle balloon”.

The graph legend panel will show the graph name, as well as the min, average and max values of all the visible plots.

Graph tab

When you hover over the graph, the values will change to the current value of the graphs under the cursor.

Hover over the graph

When you hover over a metric, all other metrics will be de-emphasised so you can concentrate of that particular line. If you click on a metric the graph line will be hidden - this is useful if you want to reduce the noise from that metric but still compare against multiple metrics.

You can adjust the height of the legend by dragging the bar at the top of the legend panel. You can close the panel by clicking on the close control in the middle of the bar.

You can change the date range of the graph by clicking on the range buttons in the top right. The ranges are:

The refresh button will update the data, when pressed.

You can choose specific dates in the start and end date fields. This will draw the graph from the beginning of the day of the start, to the end of the day of the end. The refresh button will be disabled as you cannot refresh historical data.

You can zoom into a graph by click and dragging within the graph.

When you let go, the graph will zoom immediately into that time range, updating the start/end time fields appropriately. A new call will be made to Opsview and the graph will be redrawn if there is more granular data retrieved.

From the circular graph menu, you can:

Investigate - Troubleshoot tab Copied

The fourth of the tabs within the Investigate view is the Troubleshoot tab as below:

Troubleshoot tab

The Troubleshoot tab allows you to test the Service Check, as it would be run by Opsview Monitor, via the user interface. Combined with the Macro Help and Plugin Help windows, you can modify arguments and click Submit to test if the Service Check will work.

Simply modify the arguments using the text entry box at the top as per the plugin help file and click ‘Submit’ to test various combinations that the plugin may allow.

This tab will only appear for Active Check types.


Running the Service Check in this manner will apply Exceptions set on that Host, but will not apply Timed Exceptions.

Investigate - Notifications tab Copied

The fifth of the tabs within the Investigate view is the Notifications tab as below:

Notifications tab

This tab will show all Notifications sent relating this Service Check.

Profiles section

The list of Notifications can be exported by clicking on the Export button, at which point you are prompted to choose one of three export formats: csv, json and xml. When the format is selected, the Notifications list will be generated in the given format and downloaded to the user’s desktop/device via the browser.

Investigate - Events tab Copied

The sixth of the tabs within the Investigate view is the Events tab as shown below:

Events tab

Essentially a different way of analyzing the history of a Service Check, the Events tab allows Users to choose a date using the date picker on the left hand side, which then re-populates the bar graph with the events (if any) for the chosen date. In the screen above, we have lots of events around 12:00, but no events between 13:00 till 05:00 the next day.

By default, the bar graph is displayed ‘full tab’, with the event checker minimized. The mouse can be hovered over the bars which will reveal the number of events in that given state, i.e. 1 ‘WARNING’ events in the above example. When one or more bars are clicked, the event checker will be populated with the events from the selected bars:

Events tab

In the above example we have clicked on the 1 WARNING events bar, which has loaded the event checker with the specified WARNING events. All other bars have a reduced opacity to show they are not selected. You can click additional bars to add to the checker.

To clear the event checker and minimize it we can simply re-click on the ‘1’ bar which will deselect it. When the event checker is empty it will automatically minimize.

Within the event bar, located in the top right, is a ‘downwards’ arrow. When moused-over, this arrow will reveal three contextual menu options"

Investigate - Notes tab Copied

The Notes tab is the second to last tab within the Investigate mode window:

Notes tab

The Notes tab for a Service Check is very similar to the one for Host Groups and Hosts, in that it allows you to enter text in a WYSIWYG editor which can be seen and edited by other users of Opsview Monitor (who have permission to view the relevant Host/Service Check). This is a great way to leave notes about what the Service Check is i.e. ‘Interface throughput monitor. This is Tim’s Tyres router, they are located in London, UK and have an internal subnet of with the router’s IP being’.

To see these notes within the database, they are kept within the opsview databases serviceinfo table.

Investigate - History tab Copied

The History tab is the last tab within the Investigate mode window:

History tab

The History tab will show the history of the Service Check within a tabular format. The Host UP and DOWN information will also be shown here to display why a service check state may have changed.

The ‘Status’ and ‘Type’ columns can be filtered via the columns contextual menu as below:

History of the Service Check

To filter on the date and time, you can use the filter toolbar at the top of the table. To apply the entered date and time parameters, you should click on the search icon. To clear the entered results and reset the values in the fields, click on the cross icon.

The history list can be exported by clicking on the Export button, at which point you are prompted to choose one of three export formats: csv, json and xml. When the format is selected, the Notifications list will be generated in the given format and downloaded to the User’s desktop/device via the browser.

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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