Perl Libraries

This page provides the list of Perl libraries used in Opsview Monitor. All libraries are assumed to be licensed under the same terms as Perl (Artistic 1.0 or GPL).

Module Name Version
ARGV-Struct 0.06
Algorithm-C3 0.11
Algorithm-ConsistentHash-Ketama 0.00012
Algorithm-Diff 1.201
Alien-Build 2.80
Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab 0.01
Alien-Libxml2 0.19
Any-Moose 0.27
AnyEvent 7.17
AnyEvent-CouchDB 1.31
AnyEvent-Debounce 0.01
AnyEvent-Fork 1.32
AnyEvent-Fork-Pool 1.3
AnyEvent-Fork-RPC 2.0
AnyEvent-HTTP 2.25
AnyEvent-RabbitMQ 1.22
AnyEvent-RabbitMQ-Simple 0.02
AnyEvent-SNMP 6.02
Apache-LogFormat-Compiler 0.36
App-livehttperf 0.03
AppConfig 1.71
Archive-Any-Lite 0.11
Archive-Tar 3.02
Archive-Zip 1.68
Array-Compare v3.0.8
Array-Diff 0.09
Array-Heap 3.22
Attribute-Handlers 0.99
Authen-SASL 2.16
AutoLoader 5.74
B-COW 0.007
B-Debug 1.26
B-Deobfuscate 0.20
B-Hooks-EndOfScope 0.26
B-Hooks-OP-Check 0.22
B-Keywords 1.24
B-Utils 0.27
BSD-Resource 1.2911
Best 0.15
Bit-Vector 7.4
Bytes-Random-Secure 0.29
CBOR-XS 1.86
CGI 4.57
CGI-Cookie-XS 0.18
CGI-Expand 2.05
CGI-Simple 1.280
CGI-Struct 1.21
CPAN 2.36
CPAN-DistnameInfo 0.12
CPAN-Meta 2.150010
CPAN-Meta-Check 0.017
CPAN-Meta-Requirements 2.142
CPAN-Meta-YAML 0.018
Cache-Cache 1.08
Cache-FastMmap 1.57
Cache-Mmap 0.11
Canary-Stability 2013
Capture-Tiny 0.48
Carp 1.50
Carp-Assert 0.22
Carp-Assert-More 2.3.0
Carp-Clan 6.08
Catalyst-Action-REST 1.21
Catalyst-Action-RenderView 0.16
Catalyst-Action-Serialize-Data-Serializer 1.08
Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL 0.07
Catalyst-ActionRole-ExpiresHeader 0.01
Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Fallback 1.001
Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP 1.018
Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Upstream-Headers 0.02
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class 0.1506
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP 1.017
Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext 0.001001
Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole 0.17
Catalyst-Devel 1.42
Catalyst-Engine-Apache 1.16
Catalyst-Log-Log4perl 1.06
Catalyst-Manual 5.9011
Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema 0.65
Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication 0.10023
Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC 0.11
Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL 0.16
Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles 0.09
Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart 0.96
Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap 0.9
Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader 0.35
Catalyst-Plugin-CustomErrorMessage 0.06
Catalyst-Plugin-I18N 0.10
Catalyst-Plugin-RunAfterRequest 0.04
Catalyst-Plugin-Session 0.43
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie 0.18
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI 0.16
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap 0.16
Catalyst-Plugin-Snippets 0.03
Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple 0.37
Catalyst-Runtime 5.90130
Catalyst-View-JSON 0.37
Catalyst-View-TT 0.46
CatalystX-Component-Traits 0.19
CatalystX-ExtJS-Direct 2.1.5
CatalystX-RoleApplicator 0.005
CatalystX-Script-Server-Starman 0.03
Class-Accessor 0.51
Class-Accessor-Chained 0.01
Class-Accessor-Grouped 0.10014
Class-Accessor-Lite 0.08
Class-Base 0.09
Class-C3 0.35
Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT 0.14
Class-C3-Componentised 1.001002
Class-C3-XS 0.15
Class-DBI v3.0.17
Class-DBI-Loader 0.34
Class-DBI-Plugin 0.03
Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch 0.08
Class-DBI-Sweet 0.11
Class-DBI-utf8 0.2
Class-Data-Accessor 0.04004
Class-Data-Inheritable 0.09
Class-Factory-Util 1.7
Class-ISA 0.36
Class-Inspector 1.36
Class-Load 0.25
Class-Load-XS 0.10
Class-MakeMethods 1.01
Class-Method-Modifiers 2.15
Class-MethodMaker 2.24
Class-Mix 0.006
Class-Singleton 1.6
Class-Throwable 0.13
Class-Tiny 1.008
Class-Trigger 0.15
Class-Unload 0.11
Class-XSAccessor 1.19
Clone 0.46
Clone-Choose 0.010
Clone-PP 1.08
Compress-Bzip2 2.28
Compress-Raw-Bzip2 2.204
Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.204
Config-AWS 0.12
Config-Any 0.33
Config-General 2.65
Config-INI 0.029
Config-IniFiles 3.000003
Config-Tiny 2.29
Const-Fast 0.014
Context-Preserve 0.03
Contextual-Return 0.004014
Convert-ASN1 0.33
Convert-Binary-C 0.84
Cookie-Baker 0.11
Cookie-XS 0.11
CouchDB-View 0.003
Cpanel-JSON-XS 4.36
Crypt-Blowfish 2.14
Crypt-CBC 3.04
Crypt-DES 2.07
Crypt-Eksblowfish 0.009
Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess 0.15
Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA 0.33
Crypt-OpenSSL-Random 0.15
Crypt-PBKDF2 0.161520
Crypt-PasswdMD5 1.42
Crypt-RC4 2.02
Crypt-Random-Seed 0.03
Crypt-Random-TESHA2 0.01
Crypt-Rijndael 1.16
Crypt-SSLeay 0.72
Crypt-X509 0.55
CryptX 0.078
Cwd-Guard 0.05
DBD-SQLite 1.72
DBD-mysql 4.050
DBI 1.643
DBI-Shell 11.97
DBICx-TestDatabase 0.05
DBIx-Class 0.082843
DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached 1.001004
DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch 0.10
DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault 0.04
DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP 0.02003
DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M 0.001002
DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader 0.07051
DBIx-Class-TimeStamp 0.14
DBIx-Class-Validation 0.02005
DBIx-ContextualFetch 1.03
DashProfiler 1.13
Data-Binary 0.01
Data-Compare 1.29
Data-Dump 1.25
Data-Dump-Streamer 2.42
Data-Dumper 2.183
Data-Dumper-Concise 2.023
Data-FormValidator 4.88
Data-OptList 0.114
Data-Page 2.03
Data-Password-zxcvbn 1.1.2
Data-Printer 1.001000
Data-Section 0.200008
Data-Serializer 0.65
Data-Stream-Bulk 0.11
Data-Structure-Util 0.16
Data-Taxi 0.96
Data-UUID 1.226
Data-Util 0.67
Data-Validator 1.07
Data-Visitor 0.32
DataStruct-Flat 0.01
Date-Calc 6.4
Date-Calc-XS 6.4
Date-Manip 6.91
Date-Simple 3.03
DateTime 1.59
DateTime-Event-ICal 0.13
DateTime-Event-Recurrence 0.19
DateTime-Format-Builder 0.83
DateTime-Format-DBI 0.041
DateTime-Format-DateManip 0.04
DateTime-Format-DateParse 0.05
DateTime-Format-Duration 1.04
DateTime-Format-Duration-DurationString 0.04
DateTime-Format-Flexible 0.34
DateTime-Format-HTTP 0.42
DateTime-Format-ICal 0.09
DateTime-Format-ISO8601 0.16
DateTime-Format-Mail 0.403
DateTime-Format-MySQL 0.0701
DateTime-Format-Natural 1.16
DateTime-Format-Pg 0.16014
DateTime-Format-SQLite 0.11
DateTime-Format-Strptime 1.79
DateTime-Format-W3CDTF 0.08
DateTime-HiRes 0.04
DateTime-Locale 1.39
DateTime-Set 0.3900
DateTime-TimeZone 2.60
DateTimeX-Easy 0.091
Debug-ShowStuff 1.16
Devel-Caller 2.07
Devel-CheckBin 0.04
Devel-CheckCompiler 0.07
Devel-CheckLib 1.16
Devel-CheckOS 1.96
Devel-Cover 1.40
Devel-Cycle 1.12
Devel-Declare 0.006022
Devel-Gladiator 0.08
Devel-GlobalDestruction 0.14
Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS 0.03
Devel-Hide 0.0015
Devel-Leak 0.03
Devel-NYTProf 6.12
Devel-OverloadInfo 0.007
Devel-PPPort 3.68
Devel-SimpleTrace 0.08
Devel-Size 0.83
Devel-StackTrace 2.04
Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML 0.15
Devel-Symdump 2.18
Devel-Trace 0.12
Devel-TraceUse 2.097
Device-Gsm 1.61
Device-Modem 1.59
Device-SerialPort 1.04
Digest 1.20
Digest-CRC 0.24
Digest-HMAC 1.04
Digest-JHash 0.10
Digest-MD5 2.58
Digest-MD5-File 0.08
Digest-Perl-MD5 1.9
Digest-SHA 6.04
Digest-SHA1 2.13
Digest-SHA3 1.05
Directory-Scratch 0.18
Dist-CheckConflicts 0.11
EV 4.33
Email-Address 1.913
Email-Address-XS 1.05
Email-Date-Format 1.008
Email-Valid 1.203
Email-Valid-Loose 0.05
Encode 3.19
Encode-Locale 1.05
Env 1.04
Env-Sanctify 1.12
Error 0.17029
Etcd 0.004
Eval-Closure 0.14
Excel-Writer-XLSX 1.11
Exception-Class 1.45
Expect 1.35
Exporter 5.77
Exporter-Lite 0.09
Exporter-Tidy 0.08
Exporter-Tiny 1.006002
ExtUtils-CBuilder 0.280236
ExtUtils-Config 0.008
ExtUtils-Constant 0.25
ExtUtils-Depends 0.8001
ExtUtils-Helpers 0.026
ExtUtils-Install 2.22
ExtUtils-InstallPaths 0.012
ExtUtils-MakeMaker 7.70
ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile 0.09
ExtUtils-Manifest 1.75
ExtUtils-ParseXS 3.44
ExtUtils-PkgConfig 1.16
FFI-CheckLib 0.31
Feersum 1.410
Fennec-Lite 0.004
File-ChangeNotify 0.31
File-Copy-Recursive 0.45
File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced 0.006
File-Find-Object 0.3.7
File-Find-Rule 0.34
File-Find-Rule-Perl 1.16
File-Finder 0.53
File-HomeDir 1.006
File-Listing 6.15
File-MMagic 1.30
File-Modified 0.10
File-NFSLock 1.29
File-Next 1.18
File-Path 2.18
File-Remove 1.61
File-ShareDir 1.118
File-ShareDir-Install 0.14
File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir 1.000009
File-Slurp 9999.32
File-Slurp-Tiny 0.004
File-Slurper 0.014
File-Temp 0.2311
File-Which 1.27
File-chdir 0.1011
Filesys-Notify-Simple 0.14
Filter 1.64
Filter-Crypto 2.09
Font-AFM 1.20
FormValidator-Simple 0.29
FreezeThaw 0.5001
Furl 3.14
Gazelle 0.49
Getopt-ArgvFile 1.11
Getopt-Long 2.54
Getopt-Long-Descriptive 0.111
Guard 1.023
HTML-Form 6.11
HTML-Formatter 2.16
HTML-FromANSI-Tiny 0.105
HTML-Parser 3.81
HTML-Strip 2.12
HTML-Tagset 3.20
HTML-Tree 5.07
HTTP-Body 1.22
HTTP-CookieJar 0.014
HTTP-Cookies 6.10
HTTP-Daemon 6.16
HTTP-Date 6.05
HTTP-Entity-Parser 0.25
HTTP-HeaderParser-XS 0.20
HTTP-Headers-Fast 0.22
HTTP-Message 6.44
HTTP-MultiPartParser 0.02
HTTP-Negotiate 6.01
HTTP-Parser-XS 0.17
HTTP-Request-AsCGI 1.2
HTTP-Response-Encoding 0.06
HTTP-Server-Simple 0.52
HTTP-Tiny 0.082
Hash-FieldHash 0.15
Hash-Flatten 1.19
Hash-Merge 0.302
Hash-Merge-Simple 0.051
Hash-MoreUtils 0.06
Hash-MultiValue 0.16
Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat 0.11
Hook-LexWrap 0.26
IO 1.51
IO-AIO 4.8
IO-All 0.87
IO-Capture 0.05
IO-CaptureOutput 1.1105
IO-Compress 2.204
IO-FDPass 1.3
IO-HTML 1.004
IO-Interactive 1.023
IO-Prompt 0.997004
IO-Prompter 0.004015
IO-SessionData 1.03
IO-Socket-INET6 2.73
IO-Socket-IP 0.41
IO-Socket-SSL 2.083
IO-String 1.08
IO-Stringy 2.113
IO-Tee 0.66
IO-Tty 1.17
IO-Zlib 1.14
IPC-Cmd 1.04
IPC-Run 20220807.0
IPC-Run-SafeHandles 0.04
IPC-Run3 0.048
IPC-Shareable 1.13
IPC-Signal 1.00
IPC-System-Simple 1.30
Ima-DBI 0.35
Image-Info 1.43
Image-Scale 0.14
Image-Size 3.300
Import-Into 1.002005
Importer 0.026
InfluxDB 1.005
JIRA-Client 0.45
JSON 4.10
JSON-Any 1.39
JSON-MaybeXS 1.004005
JSON-PP 4.16
JSON-WebToken 0.10
JSON-XS 4.03
LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests 0.33
LWP-MediaTypes 6.04
LWP-Protocol-http-SocketUnixAlt 0.0204
LWP-Protocol-https 6.10
LWP-UserAgent-Determined 1.07
LWPx-TimedHTTP 1.8
Lazy-Lockfile 1.23
Lexical-SealRequireHints 0.012
Lingua-EN-FindNumber 1.32
Lingua-EN-Inflect 1.905
Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number 1.12
Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase 0.20
Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal 0.05
Lingua-EN-Tagger 0.31
Lingua-EN-Words2Nums 0.18
Lingua-PT-Stemmer 0.02
Lingua-Stem 2.31
Lingua-Stem-Fr 0.02
Lingua-Stem-It 0.02
Lingua-Stem-Ru 0.04
Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da 1.01
Linux-Inotify2 2.3
List-AllUtils 0.19
List-Compare 0.55
List-MoreUtils 0.430
List-MoreUtils-XS 0.430
List-SomeUtils 0.59
List-SomeUtils-XS 0.58
List-UtilsBy 0.12
Locale-Maketext 1.32
Locale-Maketext-Lexicon 1.00
Locale-Maketext-Simple 0.21
LockFile-Simple 0.208
Log-Any 1.715
Log-Any-Adapter-TAP 0.003003
Log-Dispatch 2.71
Log-Dispatch-FileRotate 1.38
Log-Log4perl 1.57
Log-Trace 1.070
MIME-Lite 3.033
MIME-Types 2.24
MRO-Compat 0.15
MailTools 2.21
Math-Base36 0.14
Math-BigInt 1.999838
Math-BigInt-FastCalc 0.5014
Math-BigRat 0.2624
Math-Calc-Units 1.07
Math-Combinatorics 0.09
Math-Int64 0.54
Math-Random 0.72
Math-Random-ISAAC 1.004
Math-Random-ISAAC-XS 1.004
Math-Round 0.07
MemHandle 0.07
Memcached-Client 2.01
Memoize 1.16
Memoize-ExpireLRU 0.56
Meta-Builder 0.004
Mixin-Linewise 0.111
Mock-Config 0.03
Mock-Sub 1.09
Module-Build 0.4234
Module-Build-Deprecated 0.4210
Module-Build-Tiny 0.046
Module-Build-XSUtil 0.19
Module-CPANTS-Analyse 1.01
Module-CPANfile 1.1004
Module-CoreList 5.20230423
Module-ExtractUse 0.345
Module-Find 0.16
Module-Implementation 0.09
Module-Info 0.37
Module-Install 1.21
Module-Install-AuthorRequires 0.02
Module-Install-AuthorTests 0.002
Module-Load 0.36
Module-Load-Conditional 0.74
Module-Metadata 1.000038
Module-Pluggable 5.2
Module-Runtime 0.016
Module-Runtime-Conflicts 0.003
Module-ScanDeps 1.31
Module-Signature 0.88
Module-Starter 1.77
Module-Util 1.09
Monit-HTTP 0.06
Monitoring-Plugin 0.40
Moo 2.005005
MooX-Singleton 1.20
MooX-Types-MooseLike 0.29
MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric 1.03
Moose 2.2203
Moose-Autobox 0.16
MooseX-Aliases 0.11
MooseX-AttributeHelpers 0.25
MooseX-AttributeShortcuts 0.037
MooseX-ClassAttribute 0.29
MooseX-CoverableModifiers 0.30
MooseX-Daemonize 0.22
MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast 0.009032
MooseX-FileAttribute 0.03
MooseX-Getopt 0.75
MooseX-MarkAsMethods 0.15
MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish 0.001
MooseX-MethodAttributes 0.32
MooseX-NonMoose 0.26
MooseX-Params-Validate 0.21
MooseX-RelatedClassRoles 0.004
MooseX-Role-Parameterized 1.11
MooseX-Role-WithOverloading 0.17
MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor 0.10
MooseX-Storage 0.53
MooseX-StrictConstructor 0.21
MooseX-TraitFor-Meta-Class-BetterAnonClassNames 0.002003
MooseX-Traits-Pluggable 0.12
MooseX-Types 0.50
MooseX-Types-Common 0.001014
MooseX-Types-DateTime 0.13
MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained 0.16
MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions 0.15
MooseX-Types-DateTimeX 0.10
MooseX-Types-JSON 1.01
MooseX-Types-LoadableClass 0.015
MooseX-Types-Path-Class 0.09
MooseX-Util 0.006
Mouse v2.5.10
Mozilla-CA 20221114
Nagios-Object 0.21.20
Nagios-Plugin 0.36
Nagios-Plugin-SNMP 1.2
Nagios-Plugin-WWW-Mechanize 0.13
Net-AMQP 0.06
Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ 2.40010
Net-Amazon-EC2 0.36
Net-Amazon-S3 0.991
Net-Amazon-Signature-V3 0.003
Net-Amazon-Signature-V4 0.21
Net-CIDR 0.21
Net-DNS 1.39
Net-Dev-MIBLoadOrder 1.1.0
Net-HTTP 6.22
Net-INET6Glue 0.604
Net-IP 1.26
Net-LDAP-SID 0.001
Net-LDAP-Server 0.43
Net-LDAP-Server-Test 0.22
Net-Ping 2.75
Net-RackSpace-CloudServers 0.15
Net-SNMP v6.0.1
Net-SNPP 1.17
Net-SSLeay 1.92
Net-Server 2.014
NetAddr-IP 4.079
Number-Bytes-Human 0.11
Number-Compare 0.03
Number-Format 1.76
Number-Misc 1.2
OLE-Storage_Lite 0.22
Object-Signature 1.08
Olson-Abbreviations 0.04
PAR 1.018
PAR-Dist 0.52
PAR-Filter-Squish 0.03
PAR-Packer 1.057
PHP-Serialization 0.34
POSIX-strftime-Compiler 0.44
PPI 1.276
Package-Constants 0.06
Package-DeprecationManager 0.18
Package-Stash 0.40
Package-Stash-XS 0.30
Package-Variant 1.003002
PadWalker 2.5
Parallel-ForkManager 2.02
Parallel-Forker 1.260
Parallel-Prefork 0.18
Params-Check 0.38
Params-Classify 0.015
Params-Util 1.102
Params-Validate 1.31
Params-ValidationCompiler 0.31
Parse-ANSIColor-Tiny 0.700
Parse-Distname 0.05
Parse-RecDescent 1.967015
Path-Class 0.37
Path-FindDev v0.5.3
Path-IsDev 1.001003
Path-Tiny 0.144
PathTools 3.75
Paws 0.44
Perl-Destruct-Level 0.02
Perl-OSType 1.010
Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite 0.9917
Perl-Squish 1.06
Perl-Tidy 20230309
Perl-Version 1.013
Perl6-Junction 1.60000
PerlIO-utf8_strict 0.010
Plack 1.0050
Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect 0.12
Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride 0.20
Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody 0.09
Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy 0.16
Plack-Test-ExternalServer 0.02
Pod-Coverage 0.23
Pod-Coverage-TrustPod 0.100006
Pod-Escapes 1.07
Pod-Eventual 0.094003
Pod-Parser 1.66
Pod-Perldoc 3.28
Pod-Simple 3.45
Pod-Spell 1.26
Pod-Strip 1.100
Pod-Usage 2.03
Probe-Perl 0.03
Proc-FastSpawn 1.2
Proc-Fork 0.808
Proc-ProcessTable 0.635
Proc-Simple 1.32
Proc-Wait3 0.05
REST-Client 281
RRD-Simple 1.44
RT-Client-REST 0.72
Readonly 2.05
Readonly-XS 1.05
Ref-Util 0.204
Ref-Util-XS 0.117
Regexp-Common 2017060201
Regexp-Parser 0.23
Regexp-Trie 0.02
Role-Tiny 2.002004
SMS-AQL 1.02
SNMP-Trapinfo 1.06
SNMP_Session 1.15
SOAP-Lite 1.27
SQL-Abstract 2.000001
SQL-Abstract-Classic 1.91
SQL-Abstract-Limit 0.143
SQL-Translator 1.63
SUPER 1.20190531
SVN-Notify 2.87
Safe-Isa 1.000010
Scalar-List-Utils 1.63
Schedule-RateLimiter 0.01
Scope-Guard 0.21
Server-Starter 0.35
Set-Infinite 0.65
Set-Object 1.42
Set-Scalar 1.29
Signal-Mask 0.008
Snowball-Norwegian 1.2
Snowball-Swedish 1.2
Socket 2.036
Socket6 0.29
Software-License 0.104004
Software-License-CCpack 1.11
Sort-Naturally 1.03
Specio 0.48
Spiffy 0.46
Spreadsheet-ParseExcel 0.66
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel 2.40
Starman 0.4016
Statistics-Descriptive 3.0800
Statistics-Lite 3.62
Storable 3.25
Stream-Buffered 0.03
String-Bash 1.110960
String-CRC32 2.100
String-CamelCase 0.04
String-Escape 2010.002
String-Format 1.18
String-HexConvert 0.02
String-RewritePrefix 0.009
String-ToIdentifier-EN 0.12
String-Util 1.34
Sub-Exporter 0.989
Sub-Exporter-ForMethods 0.100055
Sub-Exporter-Progressive 0.001013
Sub-Identify 0.14
Sub-Info 0.002
Sub-Install 0.929
Sub-Name 0.27
Sub-Override 0.09
Sub-Quote 2.006008
Sub-Uplevel 0.2800
Syntax-Keyword-Junction 0.003008
Sys-Statistics-Linux 0.66
Sys-Syslog 0.36
TAP-Formatter-JUnit 0.16
TAP-SimpleOutput 0.009
Task-Weaken 1.06
Template-Plugin-DataPrinter 0.017
Template-Plugin-Stash 1.006
Template-Timer 1.00
Template-Toolkit 3.101
Term-ANSIColor 5.01
Term-Encoding 0.03
Term-ProgressBar 2.23
Term-ProgressBar-Quiet 0.31
Term-ProgressBar-Simple 0.03
Term-ReadLine 1.14
Term-ReadLine-Perl 1.0303
Term-Size-Any 0.002
Term-Size-Perl 0.031
Term-Table 0.016
TermReadKey 2.38
Test-Assertions 1.054
Test-Base 0.89
Test-CheckDeps 0.010
Test-Class 0.52
Test-ClassAPI 1.07
Test-CleanNamespaces 0.24
Test-Command 0.11
Test-DatabaseRow 2.04
Test-Deep 1.204
Test-Deep-JSON 0.05
Test-Deep-Type 0.008
Test-Differences 0.69
Test-Distribution 2.00
Test-EOL 2.02
Test-Exception 0.43
Test-Exception-LessClever 0.009
Test-FailWarnings 0.008
Test-Fatal 0.017
Test-File 1.993
Test-File-ShareDir 1.001002
Test-Fixme 0.16
Test-Harness 3.44
Test-Harness-Straps 0.30
Test-Inter 1.10
Test-JSON 0.11
Test-Kwalitee 1.28
Test-LWP-UserAgent 0.036
Test-LeakTrace 0.17
Test-LoadAllModules 0.022
Test-LongString 0.17
Test-Manifest 2.023
Test-Memory-Cycle 1.06
Test-Mock-Guard 0.10
Test-Mock-LWP 0.08
Test-MockModule v0.177.0
Test-MockObject 1.20200122
Test-MockTime 0.17
Test-Moose-More 0.050
Test-More-UTF8 0.05
Test-Most 0.38
Test-Name-FromLine 0.13
Test-Needs 0.002010
Test-NiceDump 1.0.1
Test-NoPlan v0.0.6
Test-NoTabs 2.02
Test-NoWarnings 1.06
Test-Object 0.08
Test-Output 1.033
Test-PerlTidy 20230226
Test-Pod 1.52
Test-Pod-Coverage 1.10
Test-Requires 0.11
Test-RequiresInternet 0.05
Test-Script 1.29
Test-SharedFork 0.35
Test-Simple 1.302195
Test-Spelling 0.25
Test-SubCalls 1.10
Test-TCP 2.22
Test-TempDir 0.11
Test-Time 0.092
Test-Timer 2.12
Test-Toolbox 0.4
Test-Trap v0.3.5
Test-UseAllModules 0.17
Test-Version 2.09
Test-WWW-Mechanize 1.60
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst 0.62
Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI 0.39
Test-WWW-Selenium 1.36
Test-Warn 0.37
Test-Warnings 0.031
Test-Without-Module 0.21
Test-XPath 0.20
Test-YAML 1.07
Test-YAML-Valid 0.04
Test-utf8 1.02
Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings 0.09
Test2-Suite 0.000155
Test2-Tools-Explain 0.02
Text-Balanced 2.06
Text-CSV 2.02
Text-CSV-Simple 1.00
Text-CSV_XS 1.50
Text-Diff 1.45
Text-German 0.06
Text-Glob 0.11
Text-Markdown 1.000031
Text-ParseWords 3.31
Text-Reform 1.20
Text-SimpleTable 2.07
Text-Soundex 3.05
Text-TabularDisplay 1.38
Text-Template 1.61
Text-Unidecode 1.30
Text-WikiFormat 0.81
Throwable 1.001
Tie-IxHash 1.23
Tie-RefHash 1.40
Tie-RefHash-Weak 0.09
Tie-RegexpHash 0.17
Tie-ToObject 0.03
Time-Clock 1.03
Time-Duration 1.21
Time-Duration-Parse 0.16
Time-Elapsed 0.33
Time-HiRes 1.9764
Time-Interval 1.234
Time-Local 1.35
Time-ParseDate 2015.103
Time-Piece 1.3401
Time-Piece-MySQL 0.06
Time-Progress 2.14
Time-Stamp 1.300
Time-Warp 0.55
TimeDate 2.33
Tree-DAG_Node 1.32
Tree-Simple 1.34
Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory 0.16
Try-Tiny 0.31
Twiggy 0.1026
Type-Tiny 2.004000
Types-Serialiser 1.01
UNIVERSAL-can 1.20140328
UNIVERSAL-isa 1.20171012
UNIVERSAL-moniker 0.08
UNIVERSAL-require 0.19
URI 5.19
URI-Encode-XS 0.11
URI-Escape-XS 0.14
URI-Find 20160806
URI-Template 0.24
URI-cpan 1.008
URI-ws 0.03
URL-Encode 0.03
URL-Encode-XS 0.03
UUID 0.28
UUID-Random 0.04
Variable-Magic 0.63
Version-Requirements 0.101023
WWW-Form-UrlEncoded 0.26
WWW-Mechanize 2.17
WWW-Mechanize-Timed 0.44
WWW-RobotRules 6.02
Want 0.29
XML-Atom-SimpleFeed 0.905
XML-Bare 0.53
XML-DOM 1.46
XML-Fast 0.17
XML-Generator 1.13
XML-LibXML 2.0208
XML-NamespaceSupport 1.12
XML-Parser 2.46
XML-Parser-Lite 0.722
XML-RSS 1.62
XML-RegExp 0.04
XML-SAX 1.02
XML-SAX-Base 1.09
XML-SAX-Expat 0.51
XML-Simple 2.25
XML-Writer 0.900
XML-Writer-String 0.1
XML-XPath 1.48
XSLoader 0.24
XString 0.005
YAML 1.30
YAML-Syck 1.34
YAML-Tiny 1.74
ack v3.7.0
aliased 0.34
autobox v3.0.1
autobox-Core 1.33
autodie 2.36
bareword-filehandles 0.007
base 2.23
boolean 0.46
common-sense 3.75
constant 1.33
cpanm 1.7044
curry 2.000001
indirect 0.39
libwww-perl 6.70
libxml-perl 0.08
local-lib 2.000029
modules 0.04
multidimensional 0.014
namespace-autoclean 0.29
namespace-clean 0.27
parent 0.241
perl-ldap 0.68
podlators 5.01
strictures 2.000006
syntax 0.004
threads 2.21
threads-shared 1.59
version 0.9929

See Source Packages for more information on how to download and review modified source.

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