Timeseries Enqueuer

Opsview Timeseries Enqueuer (opsview-timeseries-enqueuer) provides a Web Service that queues the incoming performance metrics to ensure that data is sent in time order (as required by RRD). Since the similar queueing is already a part of the Results-Performance, the data is sent to RRD (or InfluxDB) Updaters as soon as it is received. The data received is sent simultaneously to known Updater’s Workers to maximize the throughput using CBOR format. The Enqueuer Worker process will recycle the memory as soon as the data is sent to the Updater; the manager process then spawns a new process to handle the incoming requests.

Dependencies Copied

Opsview Timeseries Enqueuer can be installed on any supported platform. To reduce network traffic it is recommended to install it on the same host as the Opsview Timeseries RRD component.

Installation Copied

Refer to Advanced Automated Installation.

Configuration Copied

If opsview-timeseries-rrd was installed on a network interface other than localhost, you need to update the /opt/opsview/timeseriesenqueuer/etc/timeseriesenqueuer.yaml file to update the new location, for example:

        # IP to listen on, use to listen on all interfaces
        # port to listen on
        port: 1620
        # username and password for HTTP Basic authorization
        user: opsview
        password: opsview
    # max time in seconds to queue metrics, before sending them to Updaters
    queue_ttl: 30
    # how many requests queue - increasing this value delays the time by which metric data is updated
    max_queued_requests: 1
    # Updater that receives the metrics data
        # url to the host
        url: ''
        # username and password for HTTP Basic authorization
        user: opsview
        password: opsview
        # ports used by the Updater
            - 1640
            - 1641
            - 1642
            - 1643
                # syslog compatible log level, at INFO level HTTP requests are logged
                level: NOTICE

The above example also shows the increased number of RRD Updater workers.

All configurable options are listed in the /opt/opsview/timeseriesenqueuer/etc/timeseriesenqueuer.defaults.yaml and /opt/opsview/timeseriesenqueuer/etc/timeseriesenqueuer.yaml.example.

Management Copied

Configuration Copied

DPKGs Copied

Watchdog service files are now managed by the package manager, removing the package would leave the watchdog service file behind with a .save extension. Purging the package will remove it. The package manager managed config files are as follows:

RPMs Copied

Watchdog service files are now managed by the package manager. When removing the package, if the files listed have been modified by the user before; they will be left behind after rpmsave extension has been added to them. When upgrading the package, if the files listed have been modified by the user before; the modified file on the disk will remain and the new config file from the upgrading package will be written to the disk with the rpmnew extension. Users will have to:

  1. Manually restore the file with the rpmsave extension.
  2. Rename the rpmnew to the config file name if they want to use the new config for the package.

Service administration Copied

As root, start, stop and restart the service using:

/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit <start|stop|restart> opsview-timeseriesenqueuer
["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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