Results Dispatcher

Receives messages (for example, PassiveResultMessages) and:

Dependencies Copied

The Results-Dispatcher requires access to the MessageQueue, Registry, DataStore and Core Utils. Please make sure these packages are installed, configured and running before attempting to run opsview-resultsdispatcher.

You will also need to ensure the mysql client binary is installed.

Installation Copied

Refer to Advanced Automated Installation.

Configuration Copied

The user configuration options should be set in /opt/opsview/resultsdispatcher/etc/resultsdispatcher.yaml. Default values are shown in /opt/opsview/resultsdispatcher/etc/resultsdispatcher.defaults.yaml, but changes should not be made here since the file will get overwritten on package update.

The following options can be set:

Management Copied

Configuration Copied

DPKGs Copied

Watchdog service files are now managed by the package, doing a remove would leave the watchdog service file behind with a .save extension. Purging the package will remove it. The package managed config files are as follows


RPMs Copied

Watchdog service files are now managed by the package. Any modifications will be saved at upgrade and remove processes with the .rpmnew and .rpmsave extensions correspondingly.


Service administration Copied

As root, start, stop and restart the service using:

/opt/opsview/watchdog/bin/opsview-monit <start|stop|restart> opsview-resultsdispatcher
["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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