OP5 Monitor ["OP5 Monitor"]
["User Guide"]



You can upgrade your OP5 Monitor instance using the Red Hat Enterprise Linuxyum command for online servers.

This section walks you through the upgrade steps and requisite information you may need to know beforehand.

Note: If you are running OP5 Monitor in a distributed or load-balanced environment, you must ensure that servers are running the same version of the software. For more information, see Scale up your monitoring environment.

Before you begin

Note: Beginning 28 April 2021, ITRS OP5 Monitor appliance packages, namely ISO and OVA, are no longer available. For guidance on installing or updating OP5 Monitor offline, see the following:

Before you upgrade OP5 Monitor, we strongly advise you perform the following tasks:

  • Read What's new in OP5 Monitor.
  • Read the OP5 Monitor release notes for the version you are upgrading to, paying particular attention to the Known issues section.
  • Read the System requirements and read the OP5 Monitor 8.x Compatibility Matrix.
  • Deploy the upgrade in a development or UAT environment first, which is as similar to your production environment as possible. Perform tests in that environment and ensure there is no incompatibility with your current deployment.
  • Perform necessary backups and snapshots of your production system before deploying the upgrade, and establish a rollback plan in case the upgrade fails.

Upgrade with yum

Check which updates are available

You can check which updates are available at any time by running the following command:

# yum check-update

Upgrade from OP5 Monitor 7 to OP5 Monitor 8

To update to OP5 Monitor 8 from any previous version of OP5 Monitor 7, type these commands:

# yum clean all 
# yum update
# yum install op5-release-up-7-to-8					
# yum --enablerepo='*7-to-8*' update					

Upgrade from one minor version to another

  1. Log in to the console locally or remotely using SSH.

    Note: If you are logging in remotely with SSH, it is recommended to perform your update in a tmux or screen session so that the process is not interrupted if there is a network problem.

  2. Enter the following command:

    # yum clean all && yum update

If there are any updates, information about what is going to be updated is displayed on the screen and you need to confirm if you want to continue or not.

Offline upgrade

Beginning with OP5 Monitor 8.3.1, you can upgrade OP5 Monitor in an offline environment using the OP5 Monitor installer.

Upgrading OP5 Monitor in an offline environment does not update any OS package, as long as there is no locally mounted OS image or accessible OS repositories on premise with updated packages available.

Upgrade OP5 Monitor offline

  1. Download the OP5 Monitor package (op5-monitor-<version>-x64.tar.gz) from the ITRS downloads page:

  2. Upload the OP5 Monitor installer to the server.

  3. Log on to the server as root using SSH.

  4. Unpack the tar.gz in the /root directory:

    cd /root
    tar -zxvf op5-monitor-8.x.xx-x64.tar.gz
  5. Navigate to the directory that was extracted from the .tar.gz file:

    cd <extracted directory>
  6. Update the existing installation by executing the update script:


Additional steps for missing dependencies

In an offline environment, an upgrade can fail due to some missing OS dependencies. Such dependencies can be installed from an ISO image that contains the complete set of packages. For example, CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-<version>.iso for CentOS.

To upgrade OP5 Monitor with missing dependencies, do the following:

  1. Upload the OS image to the server.

  2. Mount the OS image on the server:

    mkdir /media/cdrom
    mount -o loop <OS-ISO-image.iso> /media/cdrom
  3. Run the update script with the --with-os option:

    ./update.sh --with-os

After upgrade

After the upgrade is complete, perform the following tasks:

  • Check the correct version is installed.
  • Run the same tests in your production environment as you ran in preparation for upgrade. For more information, see Before you begin.
  • If you encounter any critical problems, consider rolling back the upgrade.