
Before upgrading Obcerv components, you must ensure you have the latest helm charts and docker images. If you have chosen to maintain your own docker repository you must first ensure it is up to date with the ITRS repository, to do this follow the steps in Docker images.

When a new version of Obcerv is released, a new version of the Operator typically comes with it. The Operator must be upgraded first before upgrading any Obcerv instances in the cluster.

Before upgrading Obcerv, carefully review the release notes for important information about changes, enhancements, bug fixes, and known issues that may impact the upgrade process or software functionality.


Upgrading to Obcerv Platform version 1.4.1 is supported from version 1.3.2 and later.


When upgrading from Obcerv 1.4.x, if you have changed the password of the iam-admin user, the iam-realm-admin-credentials secret needs to be updated before proceeding with the upgrade.
  1. Update the Helm repository to get the new charts:

    helm repo update itrs
  2. Upgrade the operator:

    helm upgrade obcerv-operator itrs/obcerv-operator -n <namespace> --version 2.1.0 --wait
  3. Upgrade an Obcerv instance using the same configuration file used during installation:

    helm upgrade -f config.yaml <instance> itrs/obcerv -n <namespace> --version 2.1.0

    The Operator will stop, upgrade, and restart the workloads in the correct order. To monitor the progress, run:

    kubectl describe obcerv <instance> -n <namespace>


If you have not upgraded to version 1.4.0 yet, please note the following during the upgrade process:

  • The helm chart will run a job prior to the upgrade, which will bring down the Final Entity Stream (FES).

  • If you encounter an Operator error (such as having an invalid config) and stop the process without successfully upgrading, you need to scale back the FES manually by running:

    kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment final-entity-stream --replicas=1 

While the upgrade is in progress, the Obcerv status shows as DEPLOYING. Once completed, the status is set to DEPLOYED.


You cannot downgrade an instance that has already been upgraded.
["Obcerv"] ["User Guide", "Technical Reference"]

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