Install Apps
This information refers to the previous helm install method. For the streamlined Kubernetes Off-the-Shelf (KOTS) method, you can select the apps you want to install during Platform installation.
All ITRS Analytics apps, including the Web Console, are installed via helm.
If you have already completed Preparing the Kubernetes Cluster then Helm should already be configured.
Install an app Copied
To add or update the ITRS helm repository:
helm repo add itrs https://helm.itrsgroup.com
helm repo update
To install an app, run:
helm install <app-name> itrs/<app-name>
Caution: Many apps use the Web Console to provide a user interface. You should always install the Web Console first following the directions here.
Set chart parameters Copied
You can create a chart config file, such as app.yaml
, with the parameters you require.
In most cases you can use something similar to the following:
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
nginx.org/mergeable-ingress-type: "minion"
["Obcerv > Web Console"]
["User Guide"]