Public URLs

You can generate valid public URLs that you can link to the Entity Viewer app. By creating these links, you can integrate access from other apps (such as Active Console and Dashboards) to streamline workflows and create a more cohesive experience. These public URLs can either:

By URL-encoding all query string parameters, the Entity Viewer app can correctly interpret URLs and support context selection, entity filtering, and command execution.

Function URL structure Description
App base URL {host}/app/entity-viewer Redirects to the first of the user’s contexts, if any.
View group of entities {host}/app/entity-viewer/context/{contextName}?{Context Query Params}&{Entity Query Params}&{Commands Query Params} Displays the entities for the user context with name = contextName. If not found, it will preview a context based on any provided Context query parameters. If Entity query parameters are provided, then the entity matching the parameters will be displayed.
View single entity {host}/app/entity-viewer/entity?{Entity Query Params}&{Commands Query Params} Displays a single entity based on the provided dimensions.

Context query parameters (optional) Copied

All query parameters should be URL-encoded before being passed to the Entity Viewer app.

Query parameters Type Default Example (before encoding) Description
filter string "" “geneos_kind = managedEntity” Filters the entities.
groupBy string[] [] [“source_gateway”,“HostName”,“managedEntity”] Groups the entities.
groupByDisabled string[] [] [“source_gateway”] Disables groupings provided in the groupBy. Each entry must also exist in the groupBy. At most 3 entries is allowed to be enabled at a time.
stateTrees { name: string; logicalTrees: string}[] [] [{“name”:“State Tree”,“logicalTree”:[“source_gateway”,“HostName”,“managedEntity”]}] Provides trees which allows you to filter your entities through use of facets.
activeTree string first “State Tree” Sets the currently active state tree.

Entity query parameters (optional) Copied

All query parameters should be URL-encoded before being passed to the Entity Viewer app.

Query parameters Type Default Example (before encoding) Description
dimensions { key: string; value: string}[] none [{"key":"probe","value":"netprobe-node-aks-agentpool-41083637-vmss000005"}, {"key":"managedEntity","value":"prometheus-kube-state-metrics-57f6b6b4fd-f96qb-aks-agentpool-41083637-vmss000005-prometheus"}] Shows the entity of the provided entity dimension.
tab one of “metrics”, “logs”, “activity”, “attributes”, “related entities” “metrics” “metrics” Selects the tab that opens in entity view.
datapointDimensions { key: string; value: string}[] none [{"key":"probe","value":"aws-demo-np-01"}, {"key":"managedEntity","value":"Gateway+Load+Monitoring"}, {"key":"type","value":"Gateway+Environment"}, {"key":"sampler","value":"gwProcesses"}, {"key":"dataview","value":"gwProcesses"}, {"key":"row","value":"gateway"}] Shows visualization of the metric of the provided metric dimension.

Commands query parameters (optional) Copied

Use these query parameters to control whether the Commands history panel should be displayed when opening the Entity Viewer app.

All query parameters should be URL-encoded before being passed to the Entity Viewer app.

Query parameters Type Default Example (before encoding) Description
commands boolean none “true” Shows command execution history if set.
execution string (id) none “2” Shows the command execution of the provided execution id.
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