The Commands app enables additional command functions in the Entity Viewer app.
To install the Commands app:
- Create a chart config file, such as
with content similar to the following:
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
nginx.org/mergeable-ingress-type: "minion"
Your ingress controller may require custom annotations on the ingress (this example is for ingress-nginx).
For advanced configuration options, see Advanced configuration.
- Install the chart:
helm install -f app.yaml obcerv-app-commands itrs/obcerv-app-commands \
--version 1.0.0 -n <namespace> --wait
Uninstall Copied
helm uninstall obcerv-app-commands -n itrs
Upgrade Copied
To upgrade the app, first uninstall and then install it again using the new version.
Advanced Configuration Copied
All the following installation parameters are optional. In most instances the defaults are sufficient, so you should not need to change anything.
# The maximum amount of time to wait for RPCs to
# platform services to complete.
rpcTimeout: PT30S
# Maximum amount of time to wait for a service to
# interact with the application before failing the
# liveness check and all its commands being removed.
serviceLivenessTimeout: PT1H
# How long to cache entities fetched from the platform
# to evaluate command target filters against. This should
# be short enough such that changes to the entities are
# reflected in the app within a reasonable amount of time.
# It should be long enough for a user to interact with the
# UI and discover/search commands for an entity or metric.
entityCacheTtl: PT30S
# Maximum amount of time to wait for a triggered command
# to be claimed.
claimTimeout: PT5M
# The maximum amount of time to keep executed commands and
# their history.
retentionPeriod: P30D
# How often to perform housekeeping on the internal command
# cache. This can be a computationally expensive operation.
housekeepingInterval: PT1H
# Whether to persist command execution history across
# application restarts, re-installs and upgrades.
persistenceEnabled: true
# The path to store currently executing and previously executed
# commands and their history. Only required if persistence is enabled.
persistencePath: "/data/commands"
# The maximum allowable number of command execution entries.
# This is a soft limit and is enforced by internal housekeeping
# tasks.
maxEntries: 10000
# The maximum number of historical entries per command execution.
# This is a soft limit and is enforced by internal housekeeping
# tasks.
maxHistory: 100
# The time-to-live duration of an executing command. This also defines the maximum amount a user
# can extend the command's end of life timestamp by. This is a soft limit and is enforced by
# internal housekeeping tasks.
timeToLive: "PT1H"
# The average command execution entry size in bytes
averageEntrySizeBytes: 16384 # 16KiB
# The average historical command execution entry size in bytes
averageHistoricalEntrySizeBytes: 65536 # 64KiB
# The internal cache statistics poll interval. The operations involved in calculating the cache
# statistics are expensive and must not be done very often.
statsPollInterval: "PT5M"
# How often to perform housekeeping on the internal command
# registration module.
housekeepingInterval: PT5M
# Sets the duration of the tokens returned by the command
# registration endpoint.
tokenTtl: PT1M
# The persistent volume claim's storage class
#storageClass: ""
# The persistent volume claim's access mode
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
# The persistent volume's size
storageSize: 20Gi
# The maximum amount of container memory to allocate to the JVM.
maxContainerMemPercent: 75
["Obcerv > Commands"]
["Technical Reference"]