Required configuration Copied
Set up a new user-provided certificate Copied
On Linux systems, when setting up a new user-provided certificate, verify that the infra-agent
user has the required permissions to access the certificate file. This ensures the correct operation of the infrastructure-agent
chown infra-agent:infra-agent /path/to/server_key /path/to/ca_cert
chmod 440 /path/to/server_key /path/to/ca_cert
For more information about setting up a certificate, see Transport Layer Security.
Configure custom plugins Copied
On Linux systems, access for the infra-agent
user is also required when adding a custom plugin. Ensure that the newly added custom plugin has the correct permissions.
chown :infra-agent check_something
chmod g+rx check_something
Most configuration is provided by default in the agent.default.yml
file; however, the following required configuration options must be set in a custom configuration file prior to running the agent.
Value | Type | Default | Description | Example configuration |
string | Default plugins | Location of the plugin or executable to be run when command_name is requested via check_nrpe . If the plugin is to be executed with arguments, then one or more $ARGx$ argument substitution strings can be specified, where $ARG1$ is replaced at execution time with the first argument passed to the -a option, $ARG2$ with the second argument, and so on. Note that just $ARG1$ can be used if you use quotes around the argument to -a , for example: check_nrpe -a "-w 5 -c 10" . |
list of strings | N/A | List of addresses of the clients that are allowed to use the Agent. An empty list will allow any client to connect. If check_client_cert is enabled, then only hostnames will be validated (not IP addresses). |
string | N/A | Path to the CA certificate. |
string | N/A | Path to the CA directory. | See above. |
string | N/A | Path to the server certificate. | See above. |
boolean | false | Whether a client certificate is required, and if so, then it has to be specified in the allowed hosts. | See above. |
string | N/A | Path to the server key. | See above. |
boolean | true | Whether the Agent uses TLS for communications. If tls_enabled is set to false , the above TLS configurations are not required. Setting tls_enabled to false is not recommended as communications will not be secure. |
See above. |
Basic configuration Copied
The following basic configuration options can be overridden in a custom config file.
Value | Type | Default | Description | Example configuration |
boolean | false | Whether command uses the Cache Manager to save temporary state information. |
COMMAND_LINE_ARGS, STDIN_ARGS, LONGRUNNING_STDIN_ARGS | COMMAND_LINE_ARGS | Defines the execution style for the command’s plugin. COMMAND_LINE_ARGS The default execution style. Arguments are passed to the plugin as command-line arguments. Sensitive information should not be passed in this way, as it will be visible in the process list. STDIN_ARGS Arguments are passed to the plugin through LONGRUNNING_STDIN_ARGS Arguments are passed to the plugin through For more information about the execution style and instructions on writing secure plugins using |
$PATH$ $NAME$ custom-key | $PATH$ | To reduce resource spikes due to startup, a long-running process can be used to maintain the specified plugin as a long-running process that is communicated with via Values:
integer | 60 | Maximum time that a service check is allowed to run in seconds. If this time is reached, then the service check is terminated and an error response is sent to the client. |
string | local6 | Syslog storage location for accepting log messages. This applies to the Linux Agent only. |
DEBUG logging will produce verbose logs. |
string | N/A | Path to logging file. | See above. |
ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG | INFO | Logging level for the main Agent process. | See above. |
ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG | INFO | Logging level for cache manager. | See above. |
ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG | INFO | Logging level for the Agent launcher. | See above. |
ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG | INFO | Logging level for the nrpe server. | See above. |
string | | Address on which the NRPE server listens. |
integer | 5666 | Number of the port on which the agent listens for NRPE requests. | See above. |
string | N/A | Path to the plugin runtime. |
Windows and Linux plugins Copied
In order to understand the functionality of any plugins within the agent, pass -h
or help
to the specific check to print a description of different parameters you can use and learn what the check does.
check_nrpe -H '<host-IP>' -c <checkname> -a 'help'
check_nrpe -H '<host-IP>' -c <checkname> -a '-h'
Advanced configuration Copied
The following configuration options are for advanced users and can be overridden in a custom config file.
Value | Type | Default | Description | Example configuration |
string | | IP that the Cache Manager is listening on, which defaults to localhost. |
integer | 60 | Determines how often to purge cache manager items that have expired in seconds. | See above. |
string | 1GB | Total maximum size of the cache manager cache, for example 500KB, 1GB, and 2MB. | See above. |
integer | 0 | Largest size for any single item in the cache. 0 means there is no limit (subject to max_cache_size ). |
See above. |
integer | 8184 | Port number the cache manager listens on. | See above. |
integer | N/A | Timestamps are required to prevent replay attacks. It is recommended that you make allowances for some delays in the system, and the timestamp_error_margin is one factor is to account for that. |
N/A |
integer | N/A | List of commands that use the poller and the associated sampling interval in seconds. Use the plugin name to look up configured plugins to see if there are any default args that need applying. |
integer | 86400 | Time after which the long-running processes are automatically recycled (restarted), so as to avoid potential memory leaks. |
boolean | true | Whether the Agent should send multiple NRPEv2 packets back as a response when a check’s output exceed 1023 characters in length. This method of sending responses only works when used with an Opsview modified check_nrpe client. If an unmodified NRPE client is in use, then this flag should be disabled. |
integer | 300 | Determines how often to flush the cache of looked-up addresses (non-TLS). |
integer | 30 | Maximum number of connections that may be queued waiting to be accepted by the NRPE server. | |
integer | 15 | Maximum number of connections that may be handled concurrently by the NRPE server. This is effectively the number of commands that can be run in parallel. | See above. |
integer | 120 | Maximum time the NRPE server waits to acquire the lock that allows it to process a request. Up to max_connections may hold the lock at any one time. If the server reaches max_request_time while waiting for the lock, then it should start terminating requests that are in progress, as they have either overrun, or become stuck. However, this functionality has yet to be implemented. This should probably be set to something similar to execution.timeout but there is no advantage in having it set for much longer than that. |
See above. |
integer | 5 | Maximum time in seconds that the NRPE server will wait for data to arrive after the connection has been established. This is needed to mitigate a class of DoS attacks, where the client establishes a TLS connection and keeps it open but sends no data. | See above. |
integer | 3 | LS handshake timeout in seconds. | See above. |
string | Cipher used to secure a network connection. The default value is ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS | See above. | |
list of strings | NO_SSLv3 NO_TLSv1 NO_TLSv1_1 | Advanced TLS contextual options. | See above. |
Example configurations Copied
Linux Copied
# Example Linux configuration file
housekeeping_interval: 60
max_cache_size: 1GB
max_item_size: 0
port: 8184
timestamp_error_margin: 30
execution_style: COMMAND_LINE_ARGS
path: /opt/itrs/infrastructure-agent/plugins/check_cpu_stats $ARG1$
execution_style: COMMAND_LINE_ARGS
path: /opt/itrs/infrastructure-agent/plugins/check_memory $ARG1$
execution_timeout: 60
facility: local6
level: INFO
level: INFO
level: INFO
level: INFO
poller_schedule: {}
process_recycle_time: 86400
allowed_hosts: null
allow_multi_packet_response: true
housekeeping_interval: 300
max_active_connections: 15
max_queued_connections: 30
max_request_time: 120
port: 5666
receive_data_timeout: 5
ca_cert: /path/to/ca_cert
ca_path: /path/to/ca_directory
cert_file: /path/to/server_cert
check_client_cert: true
cipher_suite: ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS
- NO_SSLv3
- NO_TLSv1
- NO_TLSv1_1
key_file: path/to/server_key
tls_enabled: true
tls_handshake_timeout: 3
Windows Copied
# Example Windows configuration file
housekeeping_interval: 60
max_cache_size: 1GB
max_item_size: 0
port: 8184
timestamp_error_margin: 30
# used to reduce resource spikes during startup for builtin windows plugins
long_running_key: $PATH$
path: C:/Program\ Files/Infrastructure\ Agent/plugins/check_windows.exe check_cpu_load $ARG1$
# used to reduce resource spikes during startup for builtin windows plugins
long_running_key: $PATH$
path: C:/Program\ Files/Infrastructure\ Agent/plugins/check_windows.exe check_drivesize $ARG1$
execution_timeout: 60
filename: C:/Program\ Files/Infrastructure\ Agent/logs/agent.log
level: INFO
level: INFO
level: INFO
level: INFO
checkcpu: 10
process_recycle_time: 86400
allow_multi_packet_response: true
housekeeping_interval: 300
max_active_connections: 15
max_queued_connections: 30
max_request_time: 120
port: 5666
receive_data_timeout: 5
ca_cert: C:/path/to/ca_cert
ca_path: C:/path/to/ca_directory
cert_file: C:/path/to/server_cert
check_client_cert: true
cipher_suite: ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS
- NO_SSLv3
- NO_TLSv1
- NO_TLSv1_1
key_file: C:/path/to/server_key
tls_enabled: true
tls_handshake_timeout: 3