AWS Plugin in AWS Marketplace

Overview Copied

You can easily deploy a Netprobe with AWS plugin by launching an EC2 instance based on the published ITRS’s pre-configured AMI. The running EC2 instance will have a running Netprobe with AWS plugin on port 7036, and optionally, you can run the Gateway on port 7039 that connects to the probe on the virtual machine.

Use this deployment option for the following reasons:

To view the versions of Geneos components that are included in the AMI, see Packaged binaries.

Launch ITRS Geneos EC2 instance Copied

Ensure that your AWS account has the necessary credentials in order to access the application. For more information, see AWS environment.

To launch the ITRS Geneos EC2 instance in AWS Marketplace:

  1. Navigate to AWS EC2 > Instances, and then click Launch instances.
  2. Search for ITRS Geneos under the AWS Marketplace category, and then click Select.
    • Provide all the required information in the selected AMI, such as the instance type, IAM role, storage, tags, and security group.


      You can configure the remaining required fields depending on your machine requirements. This configuration only requires you to follow the settings below when configuring your AMI.
  3. In the Configure Instance > IAM role, select the role that has the appropriate IAM role permissions. By default, the value of this field is set to None and if not changed, the plugin may not work as expected.
  4. In the Configure Instance > Advanced Details > User data, add the script below. This will run the Gateway in demo mode. For other deployment scenarios, you can refer to the Supported scenarios for deploying your AMI.
    - bash /opt/geneos/ --awsRegions us-east-1 --gatewayArgs "-demo"
    In this example, the AMI will run the Collection Agent, Netprobe, and Gateway because the --gatewayArgs "-demo" was used in the parameters script. The Gateway will run in demo mode that does not require licencing. This set up only requires minimal configuration.
  5. Once the configuration for the AMI is completed, review the information, and then click Launch.
    • AWS will validate all the requirements that you submitted to create your AMI. Once successful, a message similar to this will appear:
  6. View and launch your newly created instance. Wait until the Instance state changes from Pending to Running.
  7. Open Active Console Settings > Connections, and then add the hostname or the Public IPv4 address of your AMI instance.

This displays the monitored AWS services. To view more AWS services and their corresponding sample dataviews, see AWS CloudWatch Plugin services.

Supported Geneos deployment in ITRS Geneos AMI Copied

This section provides you the list of scenarios that you can choose from to deploy the ITRS Geneos EC2 instance through the AWS Marketplace.

The sample scripts in the scenarios described below require an environment variable, ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}. You need to export this environment variable before proceeding. To do so, run:

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<aws region>

Run with specific services Copied

In this mode, the EC2 instance will run the Collection Agent, Netprobe, and Gateway. The services that will be monitored are defined by the parameter --enabledServices.

Run this script in the ITRS Geneos EC2 instance:


bash /opt/geneos/ \
--awsRegions ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
--gatewayArgs "-demo" \
--enabledServices "AWS/EC2,AWS/EBS,AWS/Billing"

Run Gateway connecting to an existing Licence Daemon Copied

In this mode, the EC2 instance will run the Collection Agent, Netprobe, and Gateway. The Gateway must be connected to an existing LICD that requires normal licencing. Then, you can connect Active Console to the Gateway using the public IP address of your EC2 instance on port 7039.

Run this script in the ITRS Geneos EC2 instance:


bash /opt/geneos/ \
--awsRegions ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
--gatewayArgs "-licd-host <host> -licd-port <port>"

Run Geneos with TLS Copied

You can also run the Geneos stack over secure TLS communication in your ITRS Geneos EC2 instance.

  1. Upload your certificates to any file storage you prefer that will be accessible over the internet.
  2. Launch an EC2 instance based on the ITRS Geneos AMI.
  3. Run this script in the EC2 instance > User Data:

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"
# The following export lines can be removed if the AWS credentials are already available in the machine via AWS config or export file.
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="abcdefGH1i2j3klm4NopqrSttu567VwxYz8+zY90"

# Download gateway certificates (You may download from any file storage you prefer via curl, wget or any similar tools)
aws s3 cp s3://<S3 object path>/gateway.crt /opt/certs/gateway.crt
aws s3 cp s3://<S3 object path>/gateway.key /opt/certs/gateway.key
aws s3 cp s3://<S3 object path>/trust-gw.pem /opt/certs/trust-gw.pem

# Download netprobe certificates (You may download from any file storage you prefer via curl, wget or any similar tools)
aws s3 cp s3://<S3 object path>/netprobe.crt /opt/certs/netprobe.crt
aws s3 cp s3://<S3 object path>/netprobe.key /opt/certs/netprobe.key
aws s3 cp s3://<S3 object path>/trust-np.pem /opt/certs/trust-np.pem

bash /opt/geneos/ \
--awsRegions ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
--gatewayArgs "-demo -ssl-certificate /opt/certs/gateway.crt -ssl-certificate-key /opt/certs/gateway.key -ssl-certificate-chain /opt/certs/trust-gw.pem" \
--netprobeArgs "-secure -ssl-certificate /opt/certs/netprobe.crt -ssl-certificate-key /opt/certs/netprobe.key -ssl-certificate-chain /opt/certs/trust-np.pem"

# If SAN, include the following parameter to script.
# --san "gwSecure=true"

Run Self-announcing Netprobe connecting to an external Gateway Copied

In this mode, the EC2 instance will run the Collection Agent and Self-announcing Netprobe in normal mode. This requires you to configure the Gateway to connect to the Self-announcing Netprobe on port 7036. Your security group must be configured to allow access through this port.


The Self-announcing Netprobe requires a reverse connection. You must configure your external Gateway accordingly.

Run this script in the ITRS Geneos EC2 instance:


bash /opt/geneos/ \
--awsRegions ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
--san ";gwPort=7039"

Update ITRS Geneos EC2 instance using parameters Copied

You can follow any of the options below to manage your AWS monitoring stack (Gateway, Netprobe, and Collection Agent).

Here is the list of parameters that you can use for the configuration:

Option Description

Comma-separated list of AWS regions from which services will be monitored.

Mandatory: Yes


Interval (in milliseconds) between publications. This defaults to five minutes for aws and six hours for aws-billing.

Sample usage: --collectionInterval "aws=300000;aws-billing=21600000"


Comma-separated list of AWS services that will be monitored. By default, all services are monitored.

Sample usage: --enabledServices "AWS/EC2,AWS/EBS""


Starts the Gateway installed in the VM using the command line options provided.

Sample usage: --gatewayArgs "-licd-host localhost -licd-port 7041"


Starts the Netprobe installed in the VM using the command line options provided.

Sample usage: --netprobeArgs "-secure -ssl-certificate ./np.pem -ssl-certificate-chain ./rootCA.pem"


Sets the logger level of the plugin.

Possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error

Default value: info


Runs the Netprobe as a Self-announcing Netprobe. The options are defined by adding key-value pairs separated semicolon.

Sample usage: --san "gwHost=localhost;gwPort=7039;gwSecure=true"

  • probeName — name of the Self-announcing Netprobe. The default value is aws-monitoring-<hostname>.
  • healthPort — Collection Agent port that the Netprobe communicates with for health checks. The default value is 9136.
  • reporterPort — the port the Netprobe should listen on to communicate with the Collection Agent using the TcpReporter. The default value is 9137.
  • mappingType — mapping type used to generate Dynamic Entities for this Netprobe. The default value is CA Managed AWS Metrics.
  • caParams — Collection Agent parameters used to start the Collection Agent of this Netprobe. The default value is aws-collection-agent-params.
  • gwHost — Gateway hostname where this Netprobe will connect to.
  • gwPort — Gateway port where this Netprobe will connect to.
  • gwSecure — whether the Gateway where this Netprobe will connect to is secured. The allowable values are either true or false.
When no option is defined, the probe will run as a Self-announcing Netprobe using the current values defined.
-h \ --help Shows the help text.

IAM role permissions Copied

When launching the ITRS Geneos EC2 instance, ensure to set the IAM role to a role that has the following permissions:

Packaged configuration files Copied

The pre-configured AMI created by ITRS contains the following:

Packaged binaries Copied

The pre-configured AMI created by ITRS contains the latest versions of the following Geneos components:

Troubleshooting Copied

Check the Gateway and Netprobe service status Copied

You can run the following commands to check the state of the Gateway and Netprobe in your EC2 instance.

  1. Connect to your ITRS Geneos EC2 instance through SSH.
  2. Run these commands to check if the Gateway and the Netprobe are running.
    # Check the status of Netprobe
    systemctl status netprobe
    # Check the status of Gateway
    systemctl status gateway
  3. Run this command to restart the Gateway and Netprobe if they failed during the startup.
    # Restart the Netprobe
    systemctl restart netprobe
    # Restart the Gateway
    systemctl restart gateway

Get the diagnostic files Copied

  1. Navigate to Amazon S3 and create an S3 bucket to store the logs.
  2. Execute the following command in your EC2 instance. You can do this remotely through SSH.
/opt/geneos/ --awsRegions <AWS_DEFAULT_REGION> --awsS3Bucket <AWS_S3_BUCKET>
  1. Download files from S3: s3://<AWS_S3_BUCKET>/geneos-logs.<YYYYMMDD>-<HHmmss>.tar.gz.


The parameter --awsS3Bucket is optional. If you exclude --awsS3Bucket, the S3 upload is skipped but the logs will still be available in the instance path /opt/geneos/logs.
["Geneos"] ["User Guide"]

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