Gateway Hub Connection

Overview Copied

This technical reference provides information about the configuration of the Gateway Hub top-level section, and the Publishing tab of a sampler in the GSE.


Beginning in Geneos 4.12, Gateway supports a more efficient communication protocol. This protocol is used when communicating with Gateway Hub 1.4 and later. This protocol reduces the bandwidth and storage required for metrics messages by up to 50% compared to Gateway 4.11 and earlier.

The latest versions of both components are available from the ITRS Downloads.

Anomaly detection and centralised configuration Copied

To use anomaly detection features you must start the Gateway in centrally configured mode. To do this, use the -gateway-hub <REST URL> command line option when starting the Gateway. The URL specified here will take precedence over any value specified in the Gateway Setup Editor.

For more information, see Anomaly Detection and Centralised Gateways User Guide.

Gateway Hub section in GSE Copied

Configuration Copied

The Gateway Hub section of the GSE provides a range of options:


Starting the Gateway with command line options overrides these settings. See Gateway command line options.
Setting Description Default

Enables/disables publishing to Gateway Hub.

Gateway Hub and Publish to Kafka and Nanomsg can be enabled at the same time. Errors generated by attempting to publish to Gateway Hub do not affect the operation of Publishing. Similarly, errors generated by attempting to publish using Publishing do not affect the operation of Gateway Hub.

Note: Gateway Hub publishing is not available from shared Gateways. Instead, you must enable publishing from the source Gateways.

Caution: After you have started publishing to Gateway Hub, be aware that temporarily disabling publishing may result in Gateway Hub containing references to obsolete or deleted items. For example, if a managed entity is deleted, the Gateway cannot buffer this information and the Gateway Hub is not notified of the deletion when publishing is resumed. It is recommend that once started you do not disable publishing from the Gateway to Gateway Hub.

Publishing Address

Specifies a comma-separated list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the connection to Gateway Hub. The adapter makes use of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping - this list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of brokers. Please refer to the description of bootstrap.servers in the Kafka documentation for more information.

Note: The technology used to publish from Gateway to Gateway Hub is internal and may change in the future.
Additional settings

These additional settings control how the adapter is loaded, or are settings interpreted by the adapter itself.

Each setting is entered on one line, and each line specifies one key-value pair. Each setting (key) starts with one of two prefixes:

  • adapter. — control the way the adapter is loaded.
  • kafka. — settings interpreted by the adapter.

Settings with the prefix adapter. are:

  • adapter.library.path — specifies the location of the shared library that implements the adapter. The default location is the lib64 sub-directory of the Gateway's working directory. An alternate location can be specified as a path relative to the Gateways's working directory, or as an absolute path (as in the example above).
  • — used with the topic prefix to construct a unique consumer group id for the gateway. The default group id is <topicprefix><gatewayname>, e.g. geneos-DevGateway. If necessary, you can override the gateway name part with this setting.

Settings with the prefix kafka. used for secure publishing are :

  • — protocol used to communicate with brokers. Value is always ssl when used with Gateway Hub.
  • — file or directory path to CA certificate for verifying the broker's key.
Secure Settings

This section allows settings that cannot be set in cleartext, such as passwords, to be encrypted in the Gateway setup file. This has two fields:

  • Name — name of the secure setting.
  • Value — value of the secure setting. This can either be:
    • stdAES — AES 256-bit encryption. The password is entered in the Set password box.
    • var— a reference to a variable that provides a password in Operating Environment. References to invalid variables, or variables that are not AES-encrypted, are treated as errors.
REST addresses

Specifies the https address that is the base URL for the REST endpoints used by Active Console. For more information about Gateway Hub connectivity, see Connectivity in Gateway Hub .

In v4.12 Gateways and higher, starting the Gateway with -gateway-hub <URL> on the command line overrides this setting.

Sampler Publishing tab Copied

Publishing tab configuration Copied

User-defined data schemas are visible in the Publishing tab of a sampler. For more information, see Sampler settings - Publishing tab.


Gateway Hub will reject metrics from Gateway samplers or dataviews that include the / character in their name.

Section Field Description
Schemas > Dataviews Dataview

Specifies the name of the dataview that the schema applies to. If omitted, the schema applies to the dataview that has the same name as the sampler (the default dataview).


This has two options:

  • data — allows the schema to be specified in the Publishing tab of the sampler.
  • sampler-schema — allows you to select from a list of schemas saved in Sampler-schemas section of Static variables.
Standardised formatting > Dataviews Names

Name of the variable.

Variables Variable definition specifying type and applicability of variable.

Schema configuration Copied

This screen is accessed through Data… in the Schema > Dataviews section in the Publishing tab of a sampler.

Here you indicate:

Section Field Description Mandatory Default
Headlines Name Name of the headline that appears in the dataview.

Data type of the headline that appears in the dataview.

The data types include: string; boolean; float32; float64; int32; int64; date; dateTime. 32-bit types should be specified unless the data is of a size or precision that requires 64-bit types.

Unit of measure

Specifies the units of measure of the data type that appears in the dataview.

Only certain data types have specified units of measure.

Columns Name

Name of the column that appears in the dataview.


Data type of the column that appears in the dataview.

The data types include: string; boolean; float32; float64; int32; int64; date; dateTime. 32-bit types should be specified unless the data is of a size or precision that requires 64-bit types.

Note: Columns declared as dateTime not in the form yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss require an entry in Standardised Formatting.

Unit of measure

Specifies the units of measure of the data type that appears in the dataview.

Only certain data types have specified units of measure.


This option should only be used for dataviews that display one value per row with values of a variety of types. For example, a Toolkit sampler with a summary dataview containing two columns - Name and Value, and three rows of varying data types - dateTime, int32, and float32, would be a good candidate for pivoting.

If enabled, the dataview is pivoted so row names become column headings and the heading of the single data column becomes the name of a single data row.

No False
Publish Turns publishing of the dataview on or off. No True

Restrictions on column names Copied

The Gateway Hub normalisation process uses some names that might generate an invalid internal schema for the corresponding metric series.

To avoid generating an invalid schema:

Instead you should change the configuration of the sampler, or disable publishing for the dataview.

Strategies Copied

Setting Description Default

Specifies a name to uniquely identify the strategy.

New Strategy
Targets One or more XPaths identifying the data items to which the strategy applies. These XPaths must point to one or more Netprobes, Managed Entities, samplers, or dataviews. XPaths that reference run-time values such as severity or connection state, or XPaths that point to individual cells are not supported.

Specifies what type of strategy to use. The following options are available:

  • include filter — publish only the data items specified by the targets, their ancestors, and their descendants. The metrics, severity messages, snooze messages, and user assignment messages of all data items not explicitly or implicitly targeted are not published. Severity is propagated through published data based only on included data items.
  • exclude filter — do not publish the data items specified by the targets or their descendants. Metrics, severity messages, snooze messages, and user assignment messages are not published for any targeted data items. Severity is propagated through published data based only on data items which are not excluded.

Note: If you specify both include filters and exclude filters, a data item is published if it is selected (directly or as an ancestor or descendant) by at least one include target and it is not selected (directly or as a descendant) by any exclude target.


Strategy Group Copied

Strategies may be grouped for organisational purposes. This has no effect on their application but is useful for grouping categories and making them easier to find in the navigation tree.

You must specify a name when creating a strategy group.

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Gateway"] ["Technical Reference"]

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