ITRS Opsview Cloud Documentation

Withdraw of the 6.9.2 Release

Unfortunately, due to critical issues identified with version 6.9.2, we have decided to remove it and ensure it's no longer available for download. These issues impacted the ability to install or upgrade but none were security-related. We are diligently working to resolve these issues and are planning to release an updated version 6.9.3 in early May.

What if you've already upgraded?

For customers who have already upgraded to 6.9.2, no immediate action is required, as none of these issues are security-related. Once it's available, you will still be able to upgrade to 6.9.3 as normal. We appreciate your patience and trust as we continue to enhance our software to better serve you. Thank you for your understanding.

Config endpoints examples

Updating multiple Service Checks Copied

The restapi can be used to update multiple servicechecks in one go:

  1. Obtain the list of check to be modified and store in a file, i.e. all service checks with ‘foo’ in the name.

    opsview_rest --username=USER --password=PASS --pretty --data-format=json GET 'config/servicecheck?json_filter={"name":{"-like":"%25foo%25"}}' > checks.json
  2. Edit the checks.json file as necessary.

  3. Import the contents of the file back into Opsview.

    opsview_rest --username=USER --password=PASS --pretty --data-format=json --content-file=checks.json --pretty PUT config/servicecheck


The ID’s within the checks.json file must be left unchanged else new checks will be created, not current checks updated. Amending service check names could lose historical (graphing) information.

Determining if a Host exists Copied

To see if the host foo already exists:

opsview_rest --username=admin --password=initial GET 'config/host/exists?name=foo'

This will return ”{’exists’ ⇒ ‘0’}” if the host does not exist, ”{’exists’ ⇒ ‘1’}” if it does.

Fetching information for a specific contact Copied

To fetch contact information without fetching the ID first

opsview_rest --username=admin --password=initial GET 'config/contact?'

Create a new user Copied

This shows creating a new user with the minimum fields specified while the changelog is enabled:

opsview_rest --username=admin --password=initial put 'config/contact' --data='{"name":"newname","fullname":"New Name","changelog":"New user"}'

Amend a users role Copied

opsview_rest --username=admin --password=initial put 'config/contact' --data='{"name":"newname","role": { "name":"Administrator"}}'
["Opsview On-premises"] ["API", "Technical Reference"]

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