Obcerv Platform 2.x Release Notes

Overview Copied

Obcerv Platform release notes contain the list of new features and known issues in the Obcerv Platform.

For the latest highlights, see What’s New in Obcerv.

Before you install Obcerv, make sure to review the Obcerv Compatibility Matrix. For details on installation, administration, and usage, you may refer to Obcerv Documentation.

To learn more about Obcerv, visit the Obcerv product page.

Obcerv Platform 2.7.0 Copied

Released: 23 October 2024


Before upgrading to Obcerv Platform 2.7.0, make sure that you are running version 2.6.1. If you are on an earlier version, you need to upgrade to version 2.6.1 first.

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-1974 Added last severity to each aggregated group.
HP-1983 Added the clear condition for the DPD task that watches for large timescale chunks.
HP-2028 Added the MapReduceMetrics endpoint to the Metric Query Service.
HP-2186 While requesting a seasonal model, daylight saving needs to be taken into consideration. The time change(s) will result in different offset in how much time to go back.
HP-2304 Auto-tuned chunk sizes for non-dynamic hypertables.
HP-2338 Added additional signal context for DPD-generated log signals.
HP-2398 EQUALS and NOT_EQUALS comparison predicates can now have empty values in compiled expressions.
HP-2399 EQUALS and NOT_EQUALS comparison predicates can now have empty values in entity and metric queries.
HP-2409 Tracked last update and last received timestamps for status metrics.
HP-2418 Added option to return only root operations in TraceQueryService GetOperations.
HP-2446 Added support for entity filtering per column for metrics and status metrics in pipeline grouped aggregation tasks.
HP-2463 New percentile fields that accept values between 0 and 100 are added to the following Metric Query Service endpoints to replace the current percentile fields:
  • GetMetrics
  • GetBulkMetrics
  • GetMetricAggregations
  • GetSeasonalModel

The current percentile fields are deprecated, but are retained for backwards compatibility.

HP-2469 Real-time dataview pipeline.
HP-2475 Implemented ordering and limiting options for GetTraces request.
HP-2482 Improved GetTraceDetails query performance.
HP-2493 Free text filter against grouping key values in the GroupedAggregationView output.
HP-2512 Improved GetNames performance.
HP-2513 Added support for optional map functions for GetMetricAggregations.
HP-2515 Upgraded Kafka to version 3.7.1.
HP-2516 Upgraded Keycloak to version 25.0.6.
HP-2522 Added the GetMergedHistogramSeries endpoint to the Metric Query Service.
HP-2530 Removed the use of FencedLock in the DPD bootstrapping process.
HP-2536 Updated Azure Plugin containment rules.
HP-2547 Added timestamp to ColumnResultValue.
HP-2548 Take column type into account in dataview column uniqueness checks.
HP-2555 Defined a single-entity view for DPD DataViewSubscription.
HP-2586 Increased self-metrics collection interval.
HP-2589 Improved GetValues performance.
HP-2592 Added additional output filtering capabilities in DPD DataView.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2376 Postgres no longer crashes when recompressing a large hypertable chunk.
HP-2504 Upgrading to the new Timescale version no longer causes the “out of shared memory” error.
HP-2508 Resolved an issue where failed ALTER EXTENSION does not cause the schema install script to abort.
HP-2532 Resolved an issue where signals received at the same time a signal subscription begins could be overlooked and not returned to that subscriber.
HP-2539 Resolved an exception in the PG metrics collector.
HP-2572 Fixed an issue where metric aggregation pipeline tasks with grouped aggregation of metrics using bucketed data could result in a TYPE_NOT_SET exception with no clear cause.
HP-2590 Upgraded protobuf-java to version 3.25.5 due to CVE-2024-7254.
HP-2591 Resolved an issue where rows without a value present for the order-by column are excluded from the output in DPD DataView.

Obcerv Platform 2.6.1 Copied

Released: 7 September 2024


Due to breaking changes, if you have set identified parameters in your config prior to Obcerv Platform version 2.6.1, you must remove them or rename them to the new parameter names. See Breaking changes for version 2.6.1 release.

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2558 Upgraded the Ubuntu base image and Postgres to version 14.13 for Timescale.
HP-2553 Disabled transparent huge pages for stream workloads.
HP-2554 Fixed the high inode usage by Loki.
HP-2531 Finetuned JMX exporter configuration.
HP-2519 Refactored Kafka consumer properties configuration.
HP-2507 Supported upgrade process from Zookeeper to KRaft for existing installations.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2560 The Kafka topic job no longer fails to retryable describe topic errors.

Obcerv Platform 2.5.0 Copied

Released: 24 June 2024

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-843 Phased in calendar configuration.
HP-1415 All Obcerv Platform Docker images are now based on Red Hat UBI version 9.
HP-1915 Added support for status metric summary aggregation.
HP-2092 Added the following options to the type_filter field in EntityService.getNames() for filtering based on attributes of a specific type of value:

The type_filter field is also changed to a repeated field; multiple type filters can be used in combination.

HP-2129 Ingestion, storage, and retrieval of OpenTelemetry traces are now supported.
HP-2187 Added a new endpoint in Entity Service, GetEntitySeverity, which returns the max severity for entities matching the given filter.
HP-2209 Platform workloads now produce distributed traces.
HP-2374 Updated metric forecasting libraries.
HP-2379 Included span datapoints in platform-statusd statistics and tracking.
HP-2396 Made the number of etcd replicas an immutable parameter in the Obcerv Operator.
HP-2410 Added a metric type for the GetLatestMetrics response.
HP-2413 Supported Obcerv installation in OpenShift OKD.
HP-2449 Updated the unit of the jvm_runtime_start_time metric to EPOCH_MILLISECONDS.
HP-2451 Improved query performance when using the MatchOn field.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2426 Resolved an issue where CA DaemonSet pods in a second Obcerv instance did not start when watching all namespaces.
HP-2444 Provided a workaround for when etcd-defrag job fails when Linkerd is enabled. See etcd-defrag job error.
HP-2445 On DPD Signal Generators, source events with NONE as a unit are no longer allowed to be evaluated against defined thresholds in DPD tasks.

Obcerv Platform 2.4.0 Copied

Released: 14 May 2024

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-1936 Constrain Collection Agent pods to nodes with Obcerv workloads.
HP-1995 Included entity count per aggregation group in data pipeline aggregation views.
HP-2090 The API now supports matching for specific types of values when using existence, comparison, or set predicates in entity filter expressions. The predicates can match specifically for DIMENSIONS, ATTRIBUTES, or STATUS METRICS using the new MatchOn field. The default value is ANY, which tries to match for any of the value types.
HP-2136 Added support for different window durations per column.
HP-2169 Updated base Java images to the latest version, Java 17.
HP-2198 Adjusted Postgres checkpoint tuning for different deployment sizes.
HP-2265 Matching for a specific type of value (such as DIMENSION, ATTRIBUTE, or STATUS_METRIC) is now supported in existence, comparison, and set predicates. This improves the performance of queries with entity filter expressions using these predicates.
HP-2344 Upgraded gRPC to version 1.62.
HP-2348 Optimized GetBulkMetrics performance.
HP-2365 Updated containment rules to reflect changes in FKM dimensions.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2203 Resolved a possible deadlock when upserting entities from sinkd.
HP-2347 Fixed an issue where the GrpcManagedChannel builder failed to clean up resources after a build exception.
HP-2372 The GetValues value filter on hierarchy is no longer case-sensitive.

Obcerv Platform 2.3.0 Copied

Released: 22 April 2024

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2102 The Configuration Service is now run as a standalone workload.
HP-2139 Introduced a new OK signal severity type to distinguish between the absence of signals for an entity or metrics (NONE) and situations where signals are present but indicate a positive state (OK). For Geneos namespaced datapoints lacking a defined signal severity or set to None, the severity defaults to None if the signal context indicates Undefined or Inactive. Otherwise, it defaults to OK.
HP-2141 Made the time window optional for GetLatestMetrics, GetLatestStatusMetrics, and GetLatestMetricsCount.
HP-2249 Metrics returned by the metrics query service’s GetMetrics and GetBulkMetrics endpoints now include a new type field that denotes the metric type.

Obcerv Platform 2.2.0 Copied

Released: 27 March 2024

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-1463 Added support for seeding tasks with historic metric data from Timescale.
HP-1896 Added support for seasonal model pipeline and view.
HP-1954 Added DPD task namespace and name to the Signals context map.
HP-1962 Grouping by entity attributes now available in MetricQueryService.
HP-1972 Added GetMetricAggregations in the metric query service that supports Map/Reduce aggregations for metric datapoints.
HP-1976 Added support for histograms in data pipeline aggregation tasks.
HP-2087 Added support for aggregation of numeric attributes.
HP-2164 The YAML in config maps is now readable when viewed through kubectl get -o yaml.
HP-2166 Added support for Map/Reduce semantics in DPD pipeline tasks and view subscriptions.
HP-2197 Added stddev and variance functions to GetMetrics and GetBulkMetrics.
HP-2247 Optimized autovacuum settings for non-hypertables to improve performance, focusing on specific configurations for autovacuum_analyze, autovacuum_vacuum, and fillfactor. Notably, autovacuum_naptime has been reduced to 30 seconds, decreasing dead tuple accumulation and ensuring that tables remain efficient. These adjustments were designed to enhance vacuuming efficiency and table responsiveness.
HP-2248 Added a pre-install validation check to ensure that the last installed version matches the version being installed.
HP-2250 Updated containment rules for the Azure plugin.
HP-2252 Updated containment rules for the GCP plugin.
HP-2259 Updated RocksDB configuration for DownsampledMetrics stream memory usage.
HP-2266 Updated containment rules for the AWS plugin.
HP-2267 Added containment rules for FKM data that originates from Kubenetes and forms FKM data including the new originalSeverity data.
HP-2268 Added containment rules for the MongoDB plugin.
HP-2277 Updated the Kube hierarchy to move a node up.
HP-2282 Added new endpoints in Metric Query Service for getting merged histograms over a time period:
  • GetMergedHistogram: returns a merged histogram of all matching histogram time series.
  • GetMergedHistograms: returns merged histograms per matching entity or group of entities defined by one or more dimensions and/or attributes.
HP-2314 Parameterized durations used in default eviction rules.
HP-2326 Made the sinkd evid cache size configurable and updated the minimum and maximum cache constraints.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-1595 The entity stream now enforces a limit (500 by default) to the number of distinct signals that can be attached to a single entity. Once the limit is exceeded, signals continue being processed but the entity’s severity is no longer updated and the entity is marked with an events-partially-applied attribute. The attribute gets cleared and the entity’s severity updates again once the number of open signals for the entity drops back under the clearing limit (300 by default).
HP-2253 Fixed an issue where GetMetricMetadata did not correctly match the none unit.
HP-2260 Fixed an issue causing some signals created in short sequence via the API to be discarded by the entities subsystem, which led to an inconsistency between entity severities and signals timelines.
HP-2264 Upgrade Keycloak to version 23.0.4 to resolve CVE-2023-6134.
HP-2270 The configuration installer now handles conflict with custom entity containment rules during upgrades.
HP-2275 Styles are now correctly loaded on the Keycloak login page.
HP-2276 Metric requests using the Bucket Function Percentile now require the percentile value to be specified within the exclusive range (0,1).
HP-2278 Fixed unit normalization in DPD.
HP-2294 Deployment no longer fails to complete when using downsampledMetricsStream.storeRetention with minimum config.
HP-2310 Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, some entities would remain active forever, preventing them from being evicted.
HP-2322 Fixed an error that caused a deadlock due to entity updates.

Obcerv Platform 2.1.0 Copied

Released: 23 January 2024

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-1786 The Obcerv Operator now prevents Obcerv Platform upgrades that skip a required incremental upgrade.
HP-2017 Upgraded slf4j and logback to the latest versions.
HP-2089 All matching time series are now fetched from GetMetrics/GetDownsampledMetrics/GetHistograms.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2227 Fixed an issue where Timescale pod termination can take too long when backups are enabled.
HP-2231 An SQL exception no longer occurs in GetMetrics/GetDsMetrics/GetHistograms when applying an entity filter with a hierarchy.
HP-2251 Collection Agent startup now skips malformed entry in the workflow store.

Obcerv Platform 2.0.1 Copied

Released: 21 December 2023

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-2229 The pre-upgrade drain job no longer runs when updating the Obcerv Platform and the version remains the same or does not require draining.
HP-2234 Fixed an issue that caused upgrades to fail when entities have status metrics and attributes with identical namespaces and names.
HP-2243 Fixed an issue where a missing entity_attributes relation caused the timescale-schema job to fail during an Obcerv Platform upgrade.

Obcerv Platform 2.0.0 Copied

Released: 4 December 2023


Obcerv Platform version 2.0.0 requires you to uninstall and reinstall all your Obcerv apps to their latest versions. See Obcerv Compatibility Matrix.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-19 Metric query result limits.
HP-1367 Audit entity matching performance with RBAC and possibly refactor.
HP-1568 Added an API call to retrieve the current obcerv version.
HP-1577 Added the rate function to BucketFunction options.
HP-1590 Added the Obcerv Platform configuration service.
HP-1615 API and data model for Pivot tables.
HP-1652 New Final Entity Stream implementation bringing better performance and horizontal scalability.
HP-1666 Refactored the SQL query used by licensed to collect entity counts.
HP-1669 Completed the migration to paginated APIs.
HP-1672 Implemented the paginated version of EntityService’s query API called getEntities.
HP-1678 Upgraded Kafka to version 3.4.1.
HP-1691 Upgraded to Keycloak 22.0.1 to address security vulnerabilities.
HP-1712 Signal timeline support for bucketed and non-bucketed timelines.
HP-1751 Upgraded Timescale to version 2.11.x and Postgres to version 14.9.
HP-1787 Resolved duplicate Kubernetes labels collected by the Prom and Kubernetes plugins.
HP-1794 Implemented ingress normalization.
HP-1809 Patroni usage and configuration audit.
HP-1833 Deprecated severity in snooze events.
HP-1880 Added support for EntityFilter in signal service query APIs.
HP-1882 The Obcerv Collection Agent image now has privileged filesystem access and can be run as a non-root user.
HP-1883 Decreased excessive LinkerD resource allocation requests and limits.
HP-1899 The DPD now utilizes downsampled streams.
HP-1919 Rounded off datapoint nanosecond timestamps to nearest microsecond at ingestion time.
HP-1920 Added the Obcerv Platform status service.
HP-1945 Eviction configuration can now be changed at runtime.
HP-1989 Included the cluster name dimension in data points from Kubernetes, statsd, and prometheus plugins.
HP-1990 Upgraded PL/Java library to version 1.6.5 and added the jdk.unsupported JRE module.
HP-1994 Allowed for new global configuration defaults to override previous defaults.
HP-2004 Removed OP5 ingestion support.
HP-2010 Expression evaluator: added expression introspection to determine whether the expression uses attributes.
HP-2018 Improved grouping of containment rules.
HP-2043 The Obcerv Operator now generates strong passwords for default users during installation.
HP-2076 GetAttributeHistory paging uses token instead of offset.
HP-2082 MetricQueryService’s grouping by dimension is now case-sensitive.
HP-2088 Improved handling of and defense against repeated ingestion authentication failures.
HP-2130 Refactored ingestion validation.
HP-2193 Disabled PG synchronous commits for metrics insertion.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Release description
HP-1562 Fixed an issue where GetNames calls with time filters were slow.
HP-1637 Out of order metrics cause DS metrics stream performance degradation.
HP-1691 Upgraded Keycloak to version 22.0.1 to address security vulnerabilities.
HP-1720 Fixed an issue where metric queries without an entity filter could return metrics for entities that are marked for deletion.
HP-1738 Fixed an issue where the upgrade did not finish if the license was expired.
HP-1817 Fixed validation of data point dimensions, namespaces, and names in the entity service.
HP-1831 Snooze events no longer have a severity.
HP-1875 The Signal service now validates timestamps of published signals.
HP-2020 Fixed validation of data point dimensions, namespaces, and names in the signals service.
HP-2021 Fixed an issue where the iam-grafana-setup job failed when reinstalling grafana.
HP-2058 Fixed an issue where the Expression Evaluator rendered incorrect output for expressions/comparison with EQUALS.
HP-2059 Fixed an issue where the DS Stream used incorrect start/end timestamps when processing old buckets.
HP-2064 Fixed an issue where IES should publish inactive platform entities without an update-timestamp-ns property.
HP-2091 Fixed an issue where signal stream filters were able to support a signal or reference filter term with only namespace or name, but not both.
HP-2106 Fixed an issue where there was a missing button in the Keycloak login theme that should allow login with OIDC when user federation is enabled.


The information contained in this document is for general information and guidance on our products, services, and other matters. It is only for information purposes and is not intended as advice which should be relied upon. We try to ensure that the content of this document is accurate and up-to-date, but this cannot be guaranteed. Changes may be made to our products, services, and other matters which are not noted or recorded herein. All liability for loss and damage arising from reliance on this document is excluded (except where death or personal injury arises from our negligence or loss or damage arises from any fraud on our part).
["Obcerv"] ["Release Notes"]

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