ITRS Opsview Cloud Documentation

Withdraw of the 6.9.2 Release

Unfortunately, due to critical issues identified with version 6.9.2, we have decided to remove it and ensure it's no longer available for download. These issues impacted the ability to install or upgrade but none were security-related. We are diligently working to resolve these issues and are planning to release an updated version 6.9.3 in early May.

What if you've already upgraded?

For customers who have already upgraded to 6.9.2, no immediate action is required, as none of these issues are security-related. Once it's available, you will still be able to upgrade to 6.9.3 as normal. We appreciate your patience and trust as we continue to enhance our software to better serve you. Thank you for your understanding.

Runtime and ODW database partitioning

The Runtime and ODW database are installed with partitioning enabled by default. This allows more efficient use of the database to store the long term availability and performance metrics of all Opsview’s service checks. Anyone upgrading from previous versions of Opsview will have to manually enable partitioning.

We recommend all users enable partitioning. Take note of the following considerations:

The amount of space needed to complete the partitioning will be the same as the largest database table you have from the lists given below.

To see the size of the tables within your database, you may run the below command as the root user in your database. Please note this command is running against your Runtime database - you would need to change the table_schema to check for odw tables

mysql> SELECT TABLE_NAME, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024),2) Size_in_MB FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'runtime' order by Size_in_MB desc;

Runtime Copied

The following tables will be partitioned by Opsview:

When upgrading Opsview Monitor a notice such as the following will be displayed if any of the tables are not currently partitioned:

If you want to speed up housekeeping, run the following:

After the upgrade is complete you may then run the script. Opsview does not need to be shut down while this script runs.

Take note of the following considerations:

ODW Copied

The following tables will be partitioned by Opsview:

When upgrading Opsview Monitor a notice such as the following will be displayed if any of the tables are not currently partitioned:

If you want to speed up housekeeping, run the following:

After the upgrade is complete you may then run the script. Opsview does not need to be shut down while this script runs.

Take note of the following considerations:

["Opsview On-premises"] ["User Guide"]

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