State tree dockable

Overview Copied

The State Tree dockable displays the contents of all the Gateways known to Active Console in a hierarchical view.

It can be displayed either in Logical mode or Physical mode:

To switch to either logical or physical mode, click State Tree in the Toolbar.

The State Tree also displays the snooze status of data items and if a data item has an error. This includes not just whether the item itself is snoozed, but whether it has descendants or ancestors that are snoozed as well.

The icons and their meanings are:

To learn more about the icons that you can see in the State Tree, see Icons and Format Strings.

Snoozed item Description
snooze Data item itself is snoozed.
snooze-child Data item is not snoozed, but has one or more descendants that are snoozed.
snooze-parent Data item is not snoozed, but has one or more ancestors that are snoozed.
snooze-child-parent Data item is not snoozed, but has one or more descendants and ancestors that are snoozed.

Edit the viewpath and order of entities view Copied

The Viewpath is used when the State Tree is in logical mode. It uses the managed entity attributes to sort the tree into logical groups:

To customise the State Tree view, go to Workspace settings > General > Viewpath. For reference, see Workspace Settings.

For example, this is the default order of managed entities in the State Tree:

When you modify the Viewpath settings following the Country,Environment,Purpose,Role,Monitoring,Platform,Version order, this changes the order of managed entities in the State Tree to:

For example, if you have four managed entities (ME):

And the viewpath setting is “Country, City, OS”. Then, the state tree is organised in the following way:

In the given example, the items are sorted by the attributes defined in the Viewpath in order:

This process continues until all the view path attributes are applied.

Where a managed entity does not have a value for a given attribute (in the example above ME4 does not have a Country), it is classified under an instance of the attribute (for example, England). Instead, it is inserted at the same level in the State Tree as the unique values for the attribute.

The net result is that Gateways can have entirely independent viewpaths, and still be displayed successfully in logical view mode.


The definition of the attributes in the view path setting is case sensitive. By default, all items in the State Tree are ordered alphabetically.

You can force specified items to occur at the top of the items at any given level in the state tree by specifying them in the Order preference field.

  1. Go to ActiveConsole Settings > General > Order preference field.
  2. Type the order preference.
  3. Click Apply, and then click OK.


The definition of order preference is case sensitive; any item that occurs in the State Tree can be specified in this way. You can specify many items in the Order preference (separated by commas) with items at the beginning of list taking preference over items at the end of the list.

Limit the State Tree content Copied

To restrict the level of data items that appear in the State Tree:

  1. Go to Workspace settings > Advanced > General > State tree leaf type.
  2. Select the preferred option on the State tree leaf type menu.
  3. Click Apply, and then click OK.

These options are available on the State tree leaf type menu:


The primary reason for restricting the data items in the state tree is due to performance. Stopping at the Managed Entity level is more efficient than stopping at the Dataview level. Workspaces that connect to larger Gateways gets significant performance gains on startup if the state tree is restricted.
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